I keep hearing people saying that Hispanics are angry with Democrats because comprehensive immigration reform hasn’t been pushed.
That’s part of it, but in suggesting that Democrats sins are passive, it is effectively a lie. Under Obama deportations have actually increased, and this is entirely an administrative matter, which he could change himself without Congress’s approval.
I would add that the same is true of womens ability to get an abortion. Objectively worse than under Bush. For two major Democratic constituencies, Obama has not just failed to make things better, he has made them worse.
Meanwhile police refuse to pursue criminal charges against banks breaking into housing to change locks when they don’t have clear title to the property. Many people have lost their houses based on fraudulent paperwork submitted by law firms and banks, where the banks committed perjury about their title to property.
Virtually all of this is interstate commerce and falls under RICO statutes if you want it to. The DOJ could go after it tomorrow if Obama wanted to. He doesn’t.
One can only assume, since he has the power to put the fear of God into banksters and refuses to do so, that Obama approves of what they’re doing.
Obama is not a liberal. He is objectively making things worse for many Americans, including the most vulnerable and core constituencies of the Democratic party.