The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Month: February 2018

“Privilege” Mostly Isn’t, It Is What Everyone Should Have

This is hilarious:

Rather than increasing the pay of female staff the BBC has decided to slash the salaries of the top male earners, in a belated attempt to tackle the broadcaster’s gender pay gap crisis…

…It is understood that under new plans being rolled out to fight off the gender pay row the that has recently dogged the broadcaster, the BBC’s male stars will see their six-figure salaries slashed by up to 30 percent.

There are a few problems with the use of the word “privilege.” The main one is that much of what is called “privilege” isn’t actually “privilege,” it’s actually what everyone should have.

Let’s make a comparison: In the US, it is often noted that a black or brown person is far more likely to be killed than a white; the police go far out of their way not to kill whites in comparison.

But that doesn’t mean that the police should treat everyone like they do African-Americans, say, it means they should treat everyone like they do whites.

As for the pay gap, the idea is that everyone should earn what white males do for the same work, not that white males should earn less. (Well, I don’t actually care how much rich, white, male presenters make, but…in the general sense.)

Most of what white males have is what everyone should have because white males are generally treated better, even well, and that’s how we should treat everyone.

It isn’t a privilege to not be shot out-of-hand by cops, or to earn the same (good) pay for the same work, it’s decent and fair.

The results of the work I do, like this article, are free, but food isn’t, so if you value my work, please DONATE or SUBSCRIBE.

Another Mile to the End of Privacy—and Freedom

Privacy and freedom aren’t quite synonyms, but they are closely related.

he Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has officially gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database, according to a contract finalized earlier this month. The system gives the agency access to billions of license plate records and new powers of real-time location tracking, raising significant concerns from civil libertarians.

Those who want to know everything about you want to control you. Whether that is to get you to buy things, or to make you work harder, or to form  your opinions, or to be able to arrest you whenever they want (and have the data available to always have something on you), doesn’t matter much.

We had freedom, such as it was, because we couldn’t be tracked easily. More and more we don’t, and this is qualitatively different from most older surveillance societies, which did not have minute by minute records going back years and years.

You will never be free in this new state. Don’t do anything that could be used against you, even 50 years later when mores and laws have changed.

The results of the work I do, like this article, are free, but food isn’t, so if you value my work, please DONATE or SUBSCRIBE.


Slavery, Amazon Version

Because Hell (a.k.a. working at an Amazon warehouse (and plenty other places)) is about to get worse. Amazon has patented wristbands which track where your hand is at all times AND can nudge you.

Amazon already tracks warehouse workers by the second, with supervisors watching their location.

This is hell. Absolute hell. It extends assembly line horror to a vast range of other jobs, allows a smaller number of supervisors (and soon AI) to watch them, and control them like flesh-robots.

Revolution is the only sane response to the extension of such technologies. And quite probably, revolution French-style.

The results of the work I do, like this article, are free, but food isn’t, so if you value my work, please DONATE or SUBSCRIBE.

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