Times are hard for a hell of a lot of people and I’m very grateful to everyone who’s given this year.
We have raised approximately $9,350 out of a goal of $13,000.
Along the way we’ve unlocked six book reviews.
- “India Is Broken”
- “The Invention of Capitalism”
- “One Disease, One Cure” by Whip Randolph
- “The Sociology of Philisophies”
- “MITI and the Japanese Mircale”
- “Wealth and Democracy” by Kevin Phillips.
At $10,000 I’ll write an article on one of the fundamental processes which keeps societies together and breaks them up.
I’m going to add another book review at $11,000 and $12,000. If we reach $11,000 I’ll review “A Paradise Built In Hell”, which is about how during and after catastrophes people pull together, help each other and made the community wonderful.
If we reach $12,000 I’ll review “Why Read Marx Today?” by Wolff.
At $13,000 (should we make it) I’ll write an article on the weaknesses of North American style police, and how a determined and ruthless opponent could take advantage of those weaknesses to rip them a new one.
If anyone still intends to make to a large donation, please consider doing it as a matching donation: those do usually work.
Again, I appreciate everyone who’s given, and all my readers. These years of writing for you have been very worthwhile.