As of today, we’re at $7,035 (taking subscriptions as triple.) That puts us at:

A collection of 14 older posts with commentary, an introduction, and a conclusion.

$8,000 would get us to 16, and 9000 would add a long piece on how to create a stable government, with 10k (looking unlikely) adding an article on how to evaluate personal risks for the geopolitical events we can forsee.

In general, how much I raise also tells me how much my work is valued and how much I should do (I understand that many people value it and can’t afford to give, nonetheless, I must pay rent, etc…).

Last year’s fundraiser raised about 9K.

I’m going to bring this fundraiser to an end next week. If you like my writing, and can afford to give without hardship, please do. Don’t give, please, if food, rent, or medicine are an issue for you.

And thank you, very much, to all who have already given.


Note: bitcoin, litecoin, and ethereum wallets are listed at the bottom of the donation page.

Update: A generous donor has offered to match all donations of $100 or more, up to $1,000 total. I’ll give this its own post on Monday, but the offer is valid now.