The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Merry Christmas

hopefully Santa has been kind to you, and Christmas has been and is a happy time for you.


Oh Wait, the Freddie/Fannie Scam is Now Unlimited


Worth Reading


  1. Marsha

    Same to you! Thank you for helping to keep us sane.

  2. LorenzoStDuBois

    Thanks Ian. Maybe one Christmas soon I’ll be able to ask for an Ian Welsh book in my stocking?

  3. Ian Welsh

    Maybe 🙂

  4. Got here a little late in the day, but hope that all of you who are celebrating Christmas had a good one.

  5. Jeff W

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Ian, and all your readers!

    Your blog is always great to read!

  6. gan1

    Merry Christmas Ian. I really enjoy your blog and appreciate your insights

  7. Tina

    Merry Merry Ian

  8. Scott R.

    Many thanks for the well wishes Ian…, and the same back at you…, and all here !!!!!

  9. Eric Gen

    A belated Merry Christmas to you Ian. Thanks for all of your writings and insights. They provide me with a much needed sanity check of the world around me.

    May you have a Happy New Year, too!!!

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