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Scratch A CEO, Find A Fascist


Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – July 21 2024


  1. Dan Kelly

    Over at Naked Capitalism many of the commenters are making JD Vance out to be a combination of Huey Long and Joe Bageant.

    Meanwhile, Oren Cass is being branded to the masses as a ‘non-traditional’ conservative voice who has Vance’s ear, and this evidently is a good thing. Not sure how Cass is ‘non-traditional’ when he’s a creature of Bain Capital and Mitt Romney:

    “In 2018, Cass published The Once and Future Worker, a broad re-evaluation of American society, economics, and public policy that earned widespread coverage and praise across the political spectrum.

    Let’s take a look at that:

    “Which is more important? Pristine air quality, or well-paying jobs that support families? Unfettered access to the cheapest labor in the world, or renewed investment in the employment of Americans? Smoothing the path through college for the best students, or ensuring that every student acquires the skills to succeed in the modern economy? Cutting taxes, expanding the safety net, or adding money to low-wage paychecks?

    The renewal of work in America demands new answers to these questions. If we reinforce their vital role, workers supporting strong families and communities can provide the foundation for a thriving, self-sufficient society that offers opportunity to all.”

    Preventing ‘unfettered access to the cheapest labor in the world’ is a worthy goal, but of course Cass, Vance et al are all surrounded by cheap labor lovers. And the system itself depends on cheap labor, and that can only change if major structural changes are made to the political economy. And there is absolutely no talk of that. It’s just more laissez-faire nonsense.

    So the ‘cheap labor’ will continue, and a bunch of half-assed wall building and security theater will continue, further enriching the class that funds these guys.

    ‘Smoothing the path through college for the best students’ is an appropriate dig at the smug ‘liberal’ (neoliberal) class,.

    ‘Cutting taxes, expanding the safety net, or adding money to low-wage paychecks?’ This is left intentionally vague and misleading. They obviously want to cut taxes on the already wealthy and don’t want to expand the social safety net. We all agree adding money to low-wage paychecks is vital. But they want middle class voters to think the tax cuts are aimed at them. More trickle-down nonsense.

    ‘Pristine air quality, or well-paying jobs that support families?’ The word ‘pristine’ is doing a lot of work here, eh?

    “The renewal of work in America!” Uh oh:

  2. “Any man who can drive safely while kissing, is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” –Albert Einstein

    “private capitalists inevitably control the main sources of information. It is thus extremely difficult for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions” –Albert Einstein

    “You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are a vulture. You show me a capitalist, I’ll show you a bloodsucker.” –Malcolm X

    You can use sci-hub in order to get past the paywalls

    “We have made the first ever measurements of aluminium in brain tissue from 12 donors diagnosed with familial Alzheimer’s disease.
    “The concentrations of aluminium were extremely high”

    “study confirming significantly high brain accumulation in familial Alzheimer’s”
    “demonstrate an unequivocal association between the location of aluminum and amyloid-beta in the disease.”

    “A total of 44 studies”
    “The mercury level in whole blood… and brain was significantly higher in ASD (autism) patients”

    “The aluminium content of brain tissue in autism was consistently high, some of the highest values for aluminium in human brain tissue yet recorded”

    “We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!” –Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”― Albert Einstein

    “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” ― Albert Einstein

    Under freedom of information act requests “the CDC failed to produce a single study” used to claim vaccines given to babies do not cause autism.
    ICAN then sued in a federal court upon which the CDC revealed they didn’t have a single study supporting the claim that giving vaccines to young babies doesn’t cause autism.
    The CDC did however have a study that showed the DTap vaccine was associated with autism.

    “Much like mercury, Al has no biological role and is unquestionably a neurotoxin”
    Page 4-6 cites several dozen studies showing negative effects of aluminum such as:
    “Significantly decreases cognitive and psychomotor performance”
    “Impairs visuo-motor coordination, long-term memory,
    “impairs acetylcholinesterase activity”
    “Inhibits utilization of glucose”

    “At their 3rd regularly scheduled vaccination appointment (year 2010), babies receive 45 to
    50 times more Al than what is considered safe by the FDA (Table 6).”

    Let’s repeat that.

    “At their 3rd regularly scheduled vaccination appointment (year 2010), babies receive 45 to
    50 times more Al than what is considered safe by the FDA (Table 6).”

    “FDA document states that Al accumulation at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity may occur at even lower rates of exposure [112]”

    “Al from vaccines is absorbed at nearly 100% efficiency [117…”
    “the sizes of most antigen-Al complexes are to high to be removed by the kidneys”

    “Monkeys were exposed to vaccines containing thimerosal (mercury) via intramuscular injection”
    “Hg was readily measurable in the brain of the thimerosal-exposed monkeys”
    “accumulation of Hg in the brain of (human) infants will occur.”

    “Comparison of pre- and post-vaccination mercury levels showed a significant increase in both preterm and term infants after vaccination.”

    “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” ― Albert Einstein

    “If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity.” ― Albert Einstein

    “How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.” ― Dune

  3. Willy

    Maybe I’ve been getting certain commenters here wrong. I’d been assuming that they were either reactionary trolls looking to flood this little leftist zone with gaslighting aimed at FUD-ing us into oblivion, or just seriously confused basement dwelling political philosophy majors with nothing to lose. Maybe I was wrong in that.

    From now on, I’ll be assuming them to be full blown far-left revolutionaries.

    No more of the usual nitpickety about the practicalities of living with current reality. No more of the usual pathetic whining about the human condition or “lesser evil is actually greater evil” bullshit. No more assuming them to be unwilling to risk everything they’ve ever worked for, for the cause.

    I’ll be assuming they have all the answers already. I’ll be assuming that they either know exactly how far-leftists should proceed going forward, or are at least willing to discuss tactics and strategies for achieving their utopia.

    Nihilists I will of course, continue to ignore.

  4. Chuck Mire

    Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech and More: Day 4 of the Republican National Convention:

    The New York Times, July 19, 2024

  5. bruce wilder

    I don’t know what topics have NOT been touched upon recently; political seismic activity has been elevated, as they say.

    I do continue to watch the Ukraine War and the evolution of related narratives.

    In the outer range of “related”, Kaspersky was banned in the U.S. (further updates to their software were banned) on June 20. Crowdstrike . . . well, the news media is blaming Microsoft. Crowdstrike helpfully legitimated Hillary’s RussiaGate gambit back in the day.

    In Russia, WSJ reporter, Evan, got 13 years for espionage. Not, presumably, for his contributions to shameless pro-Ukraine propaganda.

    In the EU, a rabid Estonian was elevated to replace Borrell as the equivalent of a foreign minister. Borrell was good on Gaza. We will see.

    On the actual battlefields, the Russians continue an agonizingly slow grind forward, along a long front, striking always at a dozen or more points in any given few days. Russian fatalities exceed 50,000 according to mediazona (original method). No hard numbers on Ukrainian casualties or assessments of what might be left of Ukrainian manhood. The demographic deficit in both countries in the male population in their late teens and early 20’s is substantial and severe enough in Ukraine that those under 25 were not subject to the draft! (I am a little unclear on how the latest mobilization legislation changes that.)

    The Russian Black Sea fleet has retreated to the eastern shore, leaving Crimean and Azov berths, according the Kagan’s ISW, a development interpreted as indicating a major Ukrainian victory. The F-16s will be coming real soon now and be a game-changer. /sarc

    My own view is that Russia can not in any conventional and medium-term sense be defeated and if U.S. and Europe were led by rational curators of state self-interest, that would matter to more powerful actors than it does. The arguments that Russia is nuke-rattling to intimidate or that Putin is bluffing when he talks of what he would have to if backed into a corner, the continued existence of Russia at stake, are scary concerning what they say about the recklessness of the TPTB who push these stories forward.

    A long-shot gamble from the West remains likely on the basis that Russia also has no path along which it can impose peace on Ukraine on any terms Ukrainians or their U.S. patrons are likely to accept.

    If the AFU collapse with regard to their ability to hold Russian forces back, then what? I do not imagine Russia has the forces necessary to occupy the whole. Do the Russians try to conjure a Quisling to take over from Zelensky? Do they just hope for someone to emerge post-Z to sign an Armistice? Can the Russians really force the Europeans to negotiate beside their Ukrainian protege? Do they accept incursions from Poland, Hungary, Romania?

  6. mago

    The long term world wide weather forecast calls for continued massacres in barred cells along with extreme emotional turbulence. Wars and more wars.
    But here in the northern hemisphere, it’s the sweet spot of summer with softening light. (Full moon tonight.)
    Hatchlings just flew the nest perched on my porch light sconce.
    Peaches, nectarines and sweet corn a coming along with turnips and their greens, summer squash and their blossoms.
    Pollinators buzzing in the Russian Sage, bird calls circling all around.
    Ordinary magic rising with the moon.
    (Hey diddle diddle/the cat and the fiddle/the cow jumped over the moon.)
    Just expressing appreciation for the time of season and the circumstances and blessings around my world.
    As an antidote, a touch in and a reminder.
    There is suffering (on a vast scale) said the Buddha. He spoke a lot of truth.
    Here, I just want to celebrate another day of living and express gratitude to everyone who’s helped along the way in this setting sun world.
    Happy July summertime for those who have it.

  7. For Russia NATO is a hostile force.
    Ukraine joining NATO is a security threat because of it’s geographic location.
    NATO is not agreement capable because they will break any agreement made (Examples: NATO expansion, Syrian “Peacekeeping mission” Libyan “peacekeeping” mission, MINSK 1 treaty, MINSK 2 treaty, Iran Nuclear Treaty, START treaty, INF Arms control treaty etc.).

    NATO has sent Ukraine 2 times more aid then Russia has spent on the war. Since the war Russia’s economy has done better than Europe’s and has even overtaken Germany and Japan. When it comes to political “collapse” Europe is the entity closer approaching that outcome than Russia.
    Whereas Ukraine/NATO view controlling land as the marker of winning to the point that they slaughtered their forces for a few miles, Russia views security as the end goal.
    It’s arguable that Russia does not view a prolonged war in Ukraine as necessary a negative, because it means NATO wasting 2-3 times more resources, NATO harming their economy with sanctions, and Ukraine’s fighting population entering the meat grinder.

  8. Eric Anderson

    Leftists you say, Willy?

  9. mago

    I’m so far to the left that I’m almost right.

  10. Mary Bennet

    I looked up Oren Cass, of whose existence I had been hitherto blissfully ignorant. He is apparently a (very well) paid mouthpiece who says whatever he is told to say.

    Senator Vance looks to me like another Macron, even with exotic wife, a “talent” recruited and promoted to be a loyal servant of oligarchy, or one faction thereof.

    Odd how this faction whose leading figures are forever proclaiming their manhood have few or one might almost say no men or women among their visible leadership who say what they mean and mean what they say.

  11. Mark Level

    My comments on the comments above–

    Yes, I agree with Mary & others, JD Vance as a “Populist” or “friend to the working class” is obviously complete bullshit, he is a synthetic sham figure being finger-puppeted by the likes of Peter Thiel (anagram of “The Reptile”), Goldman Sachs, etc. I was pleasantly shocked to hear his use of the term Ruling Class at least 2x in the Convention speech, but he will shut up and do what he’s told when (not if at this point, unless Trump is killed first) he assumes the VP spot. It was a shock to hear that word though at a major duopoly convention. The fake “Squad” & “Dem Socialist” Bernie would NEVER dare use such a loaded (Marxist) word even in their wildest dreams. 20 years ago I wouldn’t have anticipated a bizarro world where the R’s use such terms at their Convention Advertisement.

    I do suspect he is somewhat sincere about stopping funding the pointless & doomed Ukraine War, however– Having watched both his & Trump’s Convention speech clips on the Due Dissidence Podcast (which I support alongside Ian and several others) however, I suspect big Daddy Demagogue DJT has signed on to the “America is Strength & We Can Defeat Everyone” as “the Greatest Empire & Nation in All of Human History” bullshit that the 1% Simps & Looters that run the federal government all stupidly believe, so beyond ramping up (if that’s even logistically possible?) Genocide Joe’s extermination in Gaza & the West Bank, were I to bet I would do so on the Deep State winning & Drumpf continuing to double down on the Ukraine/ Nazi regime rather than stepping back.

    Germany’s already said they won’t put troops on the ground in Ukraine however, & the newly elected anti-Macron faction in France the same, so displacing the conflict onto “Europe” since keeping the ME is more important means when the “last Ukranian” is dead (certainly coming before 2024’s end, if not before the Election) would mean, what? Bringing in the Baltic Chihuahuas and imagining Latvian, Estonian, Finnish & Lithuanian Super-soldiers (alongside maybe some hardline Poles?) could extend things further. Stupidity beyond stupidity.

    There was a brief time I thought the R “leadership” might eventually abandon the Ukraine Shithole (fight to the Last Ukranian as Ms. Lindsey repeats ad infinitum) Cargo Cult, but I’d put odds at 90% against that currently.

    I’m with mago & Eric A on Willy’s defensive trolling and demonizing others as “Leftists” & “trolls” (No mirrors in your dwelling Willy?) I kind of wonder– is Willy on here ‘coz he thinks I.W. is not a “Leftist” but actually a ShitLib like all the Dem Dead Enders, & thus Center Right in his orientation? Where are Ian’s columns praising the might “most consequential President since LBJ/ FDR” posts? Guess I missed those?I kind of think there is a reading comprehension issue given the extent of Ian’s writings, but maybe that’s just me?

    The Empire’s dying in fits, it is fun to watch & energizes me. Obviously I feel horrible for the human victims (especially the Palestinians), the carnage is so massive it boggles the mind. IF future history of the USA is written, I certainly wonder what appellation will be given to the NeoCon nutcases. Also about the body count #s, which I expect if we start c. 2000 with Bush Jr. will be in the hundreds of millions at least. I don’t think the Stephen Pinker/ Tom Friedman “the most peaceful & prosperous period ever in human history” is going to age too well– & that’s assuming again that there are future societies or historians in the next 2 centuries. But yes, NATO exists to bring Peace & prosperity, right Willy?

  12. Chuck Mire

    54-Year-Old Facebook User Wins Nobel Prize For Own Extensive Internet Research Into Dangers Of Covid Vaccine:

  13. different clue

    Sometimes a troll is just a troll. And as Sigmund Freud once said, ” Oh, to be Jung again.” And who dares to say otherwise, right?

    I have noticed the troll accusation is thrown around freely at times. Sometimes people throw the insult ” troll” at a comment to which they have no answer.

  14. Dan Kelly

    I was pleasantly shocked to hear his use of the term Ruling Class at least 2x in the Convention speech, but he will shut up and do what he’s told when (not if at this point, unless Trump is killed first) he assumes the VP spot. It was a shock to hear that word though at a major duopoly convention. The fake “Squad” & “Dem Socialist” Bernie would NEVER dare use such a loaded (Marxist) word even in their wildest dreams.

    The US has a ruling class – and Americans must stand up to it

    By: Bernie Sanders, The Guardian

    “Let’s be clear. The most important economic and political issues facing this country are the extraordinary levels of income and wealth inequality, the rapidly growing concentration of ownership, the long-term decline of the American middle class and the evolution of this country into oligarchy.

    We know how important these issues are because our ruling class works overtime to prevent them from being seriously discussed. They are barely mentioned in the halls of Congress, where most members are dependent on the campaign contributions of the wealthy and their Super Pacs. They are not much discussed in the corporate media, in which a handful of conglomerates determine what we see, hear and discuss.

    So what’s going on?”

    That took all of thirty seconds. Sanders has used the term ‘ruling class’ countless times. I don’t know if “AOC” has ever used the term (nor do I care).

    I am no longer a Bernard Sanders supporter, having seen his shenanigans up close while working for his election in 2020.

    But let’s attempt to get facts straight. Effective rhetoric easily morphs into unproductive bombast. Maybe that’s the point?

    Here’s a New Yorker article with more ‘ruling class’ and ‘elite’ verbiage history, including wealthy Swanson Foods empire heir, CIA wannabe (he failed the testing to get in) and ‘conservative’ media darling Tucker Carlson’s use of the term:

    “I was pleasantly shocked to hear his use of the term Ruling Class ”

    Really Mark Level?

    i mean, nothing’s shocking anymore. Certainly not this.

  15. Curt Kastens

    Trump is the war with China and North Korea canidate. Harris is the war with Russia and Iran canidate. But Trump annoys me more than even a Televanglist annoys me. Therefore here is my bottom to top preferences for the Opal Office.
    7. Donald Trump
    6. Kamilla Harris
    $. Chase Oliver
    4. Jill Stein
    3. RFK Jr.
    2. Cornell West
    1. A well known ruthless authoritarian leader, who is capable of earning a living as a stand up comedian, whoes last name does not begin with either a Z or an S or an E.
    Who happens to have training in political economy, psycology, sociology, military effars, philosophy, religous studies, world stories (history), and logistics. And who has a first name with an R in it. As in Doomer or Dummer. Depending upon how the angel of light is applied to it.

  16. Curt Kastens

    I saw a youtube video of this ex CIA and ex FBI agent discussing the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. They both said that attempting to kill a candidate for President of the United States is a disgraceful act because the US is a Constitutional Democracy.
    I myself find it disgracefull that there are still huge numbers of people in the US that do not understand that the US is not really a constitutional democracy. It is a society that is only badly pretending to be a constitutional democracy. Yet most people never figure out that the consitutional democracy show is an illusion.

  17. Curt Kastens

    I guess an implication of that would be, that nothing can be read in to the timing of events because it is all an illusion.

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