The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

The Senders stumble into the Terror Dome

Soundtrack for this post.

William S. Burroughs postulated four political parties in his fiction Naked Lunch: Liquefactionists, Senders, Divisionists, and Factualists.

Per Wiki:

The city is contested by four rival political parties: Liquefactionists, who want to merge everyone into one protoplasmic entity; Senders, who want to control everyone else through telepathy; Divisionists, who subdivide into replicas of themselves; and Factualists, who oppose the other three.

The Senders are a metaphor for mass media propaganda as practiced by Edward Bernays, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Goebbels, and American political consultants.

The Democrats and their allied Never Trumper Republicans are the heirs to this legacy.

The rise of first the Internet, then the World Wide Web, and finally social media threw them for a loop initially, and played a role in Trump taking over the G.O.P.

Their reaction was to impose a surveillance and censorship regime using the tech monopolies as bottlenecks.

Matt Taibbi chronicled how my old boss Senator Mark Warner personally arm-twisted Twitter to censor “Russian disinformation.”

The Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed just before the 2020 election per Twitter and Meta execs.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the Biden administration imposed a covid censorship policy on the company.

Essentially the Biden administration’s communications policy has been to relentlessly and flagrantly spin, distort, lie

Unfortunately combining slick media campaigns using the power of celebrity to encourage supporters to form parasocial bonds with politicians with surveillance and censorship is way too much power for anyone to handle.

There’s no way not to get high on your own supply.

As YouTuber History Legends said of the Ukrainian war effort:

The propaganda was too strong and too effective.

We have an entire army of NAFO trolls (on) Reddit and Twitter. People that believed 100% everything that was being said by Ukraine.

The Ukrainians will only show their successes to their population as if the Ukrainians are constantly winning.

At the same time we have a million Ukrainian men abroad. We have countless Ukrainian soldiers and enlisted personnel that are not at the front.

We have people in Kiev partying as if there’s no war happening.

The problem for Ukraine is that they haven’t managed to create (a) national feeling of it’s now or never. They always try to portray the war as ‘oh we’re winning. It’s fine.’

So everybody kind of kept their life going because everything is going well at the front but it’s not true and now it’s too late.

The disorientation goes to the top as US Sec. of State Anthony Blinken’s new piece for Foriegn Policy illustrates.

The Biden administration’s strategy has put the United States in a much stronger geopolitical position today than it was four years ago. But our work is unfinished. The United States must sustain its fortitude across administrations to shake the revisionists’ assumptions. It must be prepared for the revisionist states to deepen cooperation with one another to try to make up the difference. It must maintain its commitments to and the trust of its friends. And it must continue to earn the American people’s confidence in the power, purpose, and value of disciplined American leadership in the world.

Meanwhile air alerts over Israel:

All of Israel is covered by air alerts

Eyeless in Gaza, indeed.

Ryan Grim tweets:

This is either a complete and total failure to contain the conflict by the Biden administration -- or this is what the White House wanted and it's the most egregious lie told to the public since WMD. 

Either incompetence or duplicity--no 3rd option. 
Malevolent in either case.


Bikes, Cars, Pedestrians and Local Business


Iran Hammers Tel Aviv & Israel


  1. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the Biden administration imposed a covid censorship policy
    The Covid censorship apparatus (as well as mass censorship on other topics) started before Biden became president. Biden definitely continued and expanded it, but they didn’t conceive or start it. The Biden administration is just the section of the ruling class that is sent under the bus for this. Though take note none will be punished for it. They will in fact circle the halls of power in a similar fashion as the Iraq war criminals have.
    This is one way controlled opposition functions. Real opposition is kept at bay by facilitating between blaming one section of the ruling class for various slights over and over while each part keeps advancing the dystopia.

    So everybody kind of kept their life going because everything is going well at the front

    20% of the Ukrainian population has either fled the country, been killed or injured in the war.
    Yet even people who haven’t bought the propaganda consider this “everybody kind of kept their life going”. That is how effective the modern propaganda network is.

  2. Soredemos

    With the videos I’m seeing, and there are already dozens of them, I don’t want to ever again see or hear any Hasbara adjacent gaslighting about how Iron Dome rules and Iranian ballistic missilery is deficient.

    Lots and lots of clear hits. The last big attack months ago was a self-gimped telegraphed warning and demonstration of ability to hit things accurately. This time seems much more serious.

  3. Glau

    It’s kinda weird how much more effective the suppression of the JD Vance internal oppo research leak has been than the Hunter laptop leak.

    It’s also been very revealing as to free speech types- the difference between the ones who care about both stories vs the ones who don’t care when it helps Republicans.

  4. Nate Wilcox

    Glau: Good point on the JD Vance thing. What Google and Musk have done is terrifying.

    Personally, I can only get so scared of the out of power party when the in power party is fucking up so monstrously. I fear that one of the biggest stains on Biden’s record will be ushering Trump back into power.

    And don’t even get me started on how badly the Dems botched 1/6. That shit should have resulted in Trump being arrested on 1/7 and put on trial the following week. Instead Biden hands it to Merrick Garland to demonstrate impotence with for four years and they crucify a bunch of local yokels who wandered into the Capitol while letting Trump, Bannon, Cruz, Hawley, Taylor Green, Boebert, etc all walk.

  5. Geoff Dewan

    Who is Nate Wilcox and why is he saying all these terrible things?

    This whole little “article” seems as disconnected and incomprehensible as everything else coming at us.

    What? They got Zuckerberg to get up in front of the nutcase GOP House Committee and say how sorry he was (because that was back when Trump was going to be running against Biden and everybody knew that Trump would be riding back into the White House with barely a scratch on him and they’d better curry as much favor as they could before the deluge)? Where’s the story here?

    What’s thie big ass secrets about Covid that Biden was getting themto “censor”? What emails were getting suppressed that (even the Liberal NYFT) admitted might actually be real? What? Dick Pix?
    Oh no, Hunter writing how he was trying to set up a meeting with his Dad of which there’s no record of evr having happened?
    WTF gives here?

    This is so far below your typically sterling and piercing well thought out essays I just don’t know what the point is of putting this here.

    Please just go back to giving us just straight Ian and tell Nate Wilcox to go back to whatever it was he was doing before he penned this incoherent and meaningles drivel.

    If you don’t feel like writing that’s fine- just take the week off.
    We’ll all be the better for it.

  6. Nate Wilcox

    Thanks for the feedback.

    This piece is definitely rough and impressionistic. I’m blogging, not writing.

    What I’m trying to process is the disorienting flood of infotainment we’re constantly being bombarded with.

    Forgive me for leaving this one more chunky than processed.

    I’m not going to bother replying to your partisan complaints. They were less coherent than the post.

  7. Soredemos

    @Geoff Dewan

    Regarding covid, that it’s airborne. That the vaccines don’t stop infection or spread.

    Biden is a massmurdering psychopath, not just of foreigners, but of Americans too.

  8. Geoff Dewan

    Nate Wilcox,

    Thanks for the reply. Made me feel slightly less crazy. As for the “partisan” stuff, maybe when we meet we can have a beer and discuss. Until then, all good.

    See ya.

  9. different clue

    . . . ” Biden is a massmurdering psychopath, not just of foreigners, but of Americans too. ”

    That’s true, but he had a lot of help. Beginning with his thinking-brain dogs. And also other people acting on their own. Fauci, perhaps? Others?

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