Times are hard for a hell of a lot of people and I’m very grateful to everyone who’s given this year.

We have raised approximately $9,350 out of a goal of $13,000.

Along the way we’ve unlocked six book reviews.

  1. “India Is Broken”
  2. “The Invention of Capitalism”
  3. “One Disease, One Cure” by Whip Randolph
  4. “The Sociology of Philisophies”
  5. “MITI and the Japanese Mircale”
  6. “Wealth and Democracy” by Kevin Phillips.

At $10,000 I’ll write an article on one of the fundamental processes which keeps societies together and breaks them up.

I’m going to add another book review at $11,000 and $12,000. If we reach $11,000 I’ll review “A Paradise Built In Hell”, which is about how during and after catastrophes people pull together, help each other and made the community wonderful.

If we reach $12,000 I’ll review “Why Read Marx Today?” by Wolff.

At $13,000 (should we make it) I’ll write an article on the weaknesses of North American style police, and how a determined and ruthless opponent could take advantage of those weaknesses to rip them a new one.

If anyone still intends to make to a large donation, please consider doing it as a matching donation: those do usually work.

Again, I appreciate everyone who’s given, and all my readers. These years of writing for you have been very worthwhile.