One of the largest reasons that Bibi’s Butler and Putin will have a lot of problems trying to reach an agreement on Ukraine, maybe even more so than whether or not Russia takes over precious Odessa, is that Putin needs to have all the deeds of Western ownership of Ukraine’s resources made null and void so that he can offer ownership of Ukraine’s resources to be placed back in Ukrainians’ hands as a salve to heal the war wounds between Ukraine and Russia and also as a way to point the finger at who their truest enemies always were: the West, which pushed Ukraine and Russia into this very damaging war and then wants to walk off with ownership of Ukraine’s resources at the end of it despite of all the costs that the Ukrainian people have bore. This will not only create a more fertile ground for peace between the two neighboring countries, it will also reduce Western influence in Ukraine and help Russia more effectively combat the chicanery and terrorism that the West and the Banderites will undoubtedly team up to do against them and a new Ukrainian government after the conclusion of the war.
Larry Fink and Stanley Fisher (former head of Israel’s central bank and then former second to his homie Yellen back when she headed the Fed) won’t be amiable to this though since Larry’s and Stanley’s Asset Inflation Factory BlackRock , during the Weekend at Biden’s administration, bought up so much of Ukraine’s resources. They and their homies will put up a massive fight against losing ownership over those resources. That would mean that they and their homies lost and Putin won and they will have a extremely difficult time accepting that. That could be a massive ‘L’ for the US dollar too, something that wouldn’t set well with Bibi’s Butler even if Larry’s, Stanley’s, and Yellen’s homie Miriam Adelson wasn’t bitching non-stop about it while Donald T attentively attended to her toe cuticles.
So, the most direct path for Putin to attain what he needs is Ukraine’s military capitulation and a pro-Russian Ukrainian government being installed in Ukraine.
I would expect that as negotiations between Bibi’s Butler and Putin ensue that Russia will make public that this is a major point of contention between the two countries in order to sway the Ukrainian public opinion towards Russia’s proposed resolution. “Why is this war continuing?“, they will ask. What are you fighting and dying for? To let the West own your country’s most valuable resources? Is that what you’re spilling your blood for?
“Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space.” –Fight Club
“The map had been the first form of misdirection, for what is a map but a way of emphasizing some things and making other things invisible?”― Jeff VanderMeer
The child population had been followed with 3-monthly nutritional weighing sessions since 1978.
From June 1981 DTP and OPV were offered
the children were allocated by birthday in a ‘natural experiment’ to receive vaccinations early or late
Among 3-5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children.
All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines
Data were used from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey on infants aged 2 months through adolescents
Logistic regression modeling was performed to estimate the effects of DTP or tetanus vaccination on each allergy.
The odds of having a history of asthma was twice as great among vaccinated subjects than among unvaccinated subjects
The odds of having had any allergy-related respiratory symptom in the past 12 months was 63% greater among vaccinated subjects than unvaccinated subjects
a nationwide, multicentre, prospective birth cohort study that included 103,099 pregnant women and their children.
There was a dose dependent relationship. The more vaccines someone had the higher likelyhood they would develop asthma, wheezing and eczema.
Those receiving 3 vaccines had a 1.4 times higher chance verse those receiving 1 vaccine
This increased to a 1.5 increase chance for those receiving 4 vaccines.
If I so “something” my chances of getting heart disease are one in a million. If I do “something else” my chances of getting heart disease are two in a million, which my chances of getting heart disease increased One Hundred Per Cent by doing “something else”.
But did my chances of getting heart disease really go up very much? Twice of “almost nothing” is still “very little”. But if that “something else” reduced my chance of getting a “different thing” from three-in-a-hundred to two-in-a-hundred ( a fifty per cent reduction if I am doing the numbers right in my head), then that “something else” made a real difference in my chances of getting that “different thing”.
Vaccines have saved about 154 million lives globally since 1974… that’s just in the last 50 years.
Vaccines have been around for more than 200 years.
Vaccines might have potentially, maybe, perhaps caused as many as 12.5 million cases of asthma in the United States (funny how that’s not the case anywhere else, apparently).
So, 154 million lives saved against maybe, possibly, perhaps 12.5 million cases of asthma?
That’s a AAA+++ win any day of the week.
Anyone who would get rid of vaccines is a goddamned psychopath.
Word on the street is there’s some accelerating mean spiritedness hitting the public sphere from the highways and byways to the internet, the galactic stratosphere and beyond.
Tell me it ain’t so. Don’t get around much anymore so I don’t know. But Credence Clearwater was right about that bad moon on the rise, or was it a bathroom on the right?
Anyway, prominent alt blogger, the madam of NC has cut comments, and her commentariat were a major feature, no matter one’s own opinion of other peoples’ opinions.
Kinda doesn’t matter one way or the other. People come and go.
As a regular visitor to Ms Smith’s site I could be dubbed a fan, though I don’t think so.
Anyway, reading her recent reactions to comments, I have difficulty following her vituperative, not that I know what that word means.
What’s the beef? Getting the hasbra troll treatment perhaps.
I don’t know. What I think is it’s good to calibrate the quantity and quality of whatever your drug intake may be.
Just my opinion.
>To let the West own your country’s most valuable resources?
It is unwise to underestimate stupidity of the average Ukrainian (or Russian or American, etc), but even average Ukrainians are aware that their countries resources were long ago stolen by local oligarchs, most of whom have second citizenship and residences outside Ukraine, and thus average Ukrainians will be unaffected by this transfer of resource ownership from one set of oligarchs to another set. Average Ukrainians will still be earning their usual miserable salaries driving the machinery to exploit the resources. What would hurt average Ukrainians is importing Africans and south Asians to replace Ukrainian workers and drive the machinery for even lower salaries. But population replacement is an EU/globalist idea, not a Trump idea.
Yeah, immigration is going to be a huge issue and one that Putin will probably tie to ownership of the resources, that however the ownership of the resources is structured that the money from the resources will stay in Ukraine and they will only hire Ukrainians. Dictating immigration policies and ownership of the resources will require that a pro-Russian government is installed and the clearest way of accomplishing that is, again, to make the Ukrainian military capitulate.
Bibi’s Butler, by the way, ain’t the anti-immigration zealot he claims to be. He has been a promoter, for instance, of H-1B visas, something which him and his clan, particularly Musk, have gotten quieter about recently after getting a bunch of backlash on it.
As another NC reader, I’ll say that every time that happens I get less likely to go to the site and much less likely to comment.
It would be one thing if the site proprietor simply said, “The comments have been heating up lately so I think it’s time for a cooling off period” and left it at that but, instead, it’s high dudgeon time. She basically gets all testy and says things like “I resent being asked to perform that role [of fact checker]…I’ve really had it,” when, in fact, it’s a role she’s taken on entirely on her own—no one’s “asked” her to do it. (If people try to set up an alternative comment venue on Reddit, she gets “deeply offended” about that, too.)
Meanwhile, a few commenters (on the older posts, where the comments haven’t been shut down yet) fall all over themselves, saying how much they “miss” the comments but they “understand”—which I’m not sure helps matters. It’s all very off-putting—not the disabling of the comments so much (although that’s unfortunate) but all the other “stuff” being played out around that. (Ian seems much more grounded and sensible when it comes to things like site moderation, but not only that.)
Another aspect of the NC comment kerfuffle is the past bragging about having the best commentariat evah.
So which is it? Good or bad? Can’t have it both ways.
Vaccines have saved about 154 million lives globally since 1974
“Real critical thinking means uncovering and questioning social, political and moral assumptions —Disciplined minds, Jeff Schmidt
Vaccines have saved 154 million lives! Amazing how was that number obtained?
Well a vaccine funded “study” done by vaccine funded “scientists” concluded. Literally go to page 11(link below) and read the conflict of interests declaration. Then ask yourself? Should I use critical thinking or just blindly accept what people with conflict of interest say?
Here is how that 154million number was obtained:
“estimate vaccine impact per fully vaccinated person over time, synthesising the results of 22 models (these models were done by you guessed it vaccine manufactures)”
So yes if vaccine manufactures assume vaccines are safe and effective and assume they will save millions of lives you can conclude that vaccines have saved 154 millions lives since 1974.
But what if you actually looked at the data and compared the change in mortality associated with vaccines? Well then you find there are “approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024″
So one side is telling you to ignore the evidence and blindly accept assumptions from people with conflicts of interests. The other side is telling you to look at the evidence, read the science and use critical thinking.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” -1984
Isn’t it likely that if the Israeli Colonialist Project’s collapse speeds up, the many Ashkenazi refugees will return to Ukraine, Poland, etc. from which so many originated?
Remember Zelensky’s delusional promises 2 years ago that Ukraine was going to be “Big Israel”? An ethno-nationalist, rabid warrior State that would keep attacking the sub-human, “Asiatic” “Orcs” on behalf of Aryan superiority? (The Banderists believe they are Ubermenschen for one of 2 “reasons”– some are the descendants of “Cossacks”, warrior-knights who stupidly fought for the evil Russian Czar. Or that they are somehow “Germanic” by the virtue of closer proximity to Deutschland . . . )
The Banderites and the psycho-Zionists have a mutual love of Martial “culture” and killing for the sake of national pride, profiting from Lebensraum forced from neighbors. Could they integrate? Would they? It’s well known what Yaroslav Hunka and the other Waffen-SS Heroes (2 standing ovations in Canada’s Parliament) did to thousands of Polish Jews between 1943-45 when Hunka served. So that might be a “marriage” made in the deepest depths of Hell.
Even the Euro-Chihuahas of the nearby Baltic States might not like having such a force sitting on their border. However, could they do anything about it?
Go look around at any pre-1900 cemetery that hasn’t been ripped up to make way for a freeway or a suburb.
Count the number of baby and child graves by year. Up through today.
There’s your goddamned science.
Check out what is happening today in Texas.
Watch how many innocent children die because they have ignorant, conspiracy-ridden parents.
My favorite anti-vaccine conspiracy is the one about the Covid vaccines, how “the Secret Masters created the vaccines to kill off billions of people.”
Here’s the thing. If the “Secret Masters” wanted to kill anyone off, it would be the people who *did not do what they were told* as those are the troublemakers.
So, if anything, it is the folks who are *not* vaccinated against Covid that have something to fear.
Those are the troublemakers.
Those are the ones that the next round of “diseases engineered by the Secret Masters” will kill.
Because they do not do what they are told. And they are just outright ignorant, “I Googled” it damnfools.
In regards to the ownership of Ukraine’s resources, you see that Bibi’s Butler wants War Pimp Zelensky to sign those over to the US government pronto so that the US government have ownership of them prior to his negotiations with Putin.
I don’t know if that includes resources that Ukraine has already sold to Larry’s and Stanley’s Asset Inflation Factory BlackRock and other US companies, but if it does that would indicate that Larry and Stanley and their likes are looking for some way to get US government protection of what they’ve bought in Ukraine.
Of course, what Putin will argue is that War Pimp Zelensky is not actually the legal representative of Ukraine anymore anyway, it’s not his to give away, since his term has expired … but he cancelled elections … and therefore he hasn’t been elected by the Ukrainian people to represent them or the country.
I went back and read Yves Smith’s ” We are disabling comments” post. This is the first paragraph . . . ” The caliber of discourse has degenerated at Naked Capitalism in the wake of Trump taking office and his multi-front attack on government operations and legal agreements, from trade pacts to requirements for firing Federal employees.”
She then cites some things which may indeed be from the few weeks after the Trump return. And she cites other things which seem long standing but which she takes the opportunity to write about.
When some commenters noted that the defeat of Harris led to the entirely-predicted plan to destroy public governance in America being carried out just as Trump and the Project 2025 community announced and as concern-voicers/ fear-mongers predicted; many commenters over there were deeply offended at having that pointed out. There is a deep seated group-think silo there summed up by a favored phrase ” a plague on both their houses”. I still remember Yves Smith herself deriding and dismissing fears over Project 2025 as so much TDS about a mere collection of Republican grievance expressions.
If Trump’s return really does stop the genocide in Gaza without restarting it at some opportune moment, then voting or non-voting to permit Trump’s return may well end up being an effective vote against evil and the coming liquidation and disappearance of America may have to be accepted as the price to be paid. But if Trump supports Israel in resuming the genocide anyway from where Israel left off for the moment, then what will the coming liquidation and disappearance of America even have been for ( from an American viewpoint?)
The commentariat over there does not like that kind of questioning. Some people got very sensitive when someone referred to “a plague on both their houses” believers as ‘puristocrats’.
So that would be what is behind the “degradation of discourse since Trump” over the last few weeks would be based on. Since a steady stream of hasbara comments would have been coming in ever since two Octobers ago, it wouldn’t be due to that.
I remember Colonel Lang once writing that he would not permit any hasbara comments on his blog because Zionists and Zionism-supporters had so much of the public square already that he would keep his own blog free of that. But he never said that he wished he could prevent believers in Zionism from even reading his blog. He once wrote in another context that his Catholic faith informed him that every human being is potentially redeemable, whereas those of Calvinist faith believe that the pre-damned stay predamned and are not redemption-possible. Yves Smith’s stated wish that she could prevent believers in Zionism from even READing her blog seems very Calvinist in its approach. I wonder if her first settler colonialist ancestors were either Puritan or Puritan-adjacent. ( She also once condemned the concept of Universal Basic Income because she felt that such ‘free money’ would be bad for the souls and discipline of people recieving it. Hence she preferred Federal Job Guarantee only and NO Universal Basic Income. More Calvinism I suppose).
In all fairness, it is Lambert Strether who was so pleased with the commenters in general that he said several times that ” we have the best commentariat”. Yves Smith never said that anyway. So I don’t think we can accuse Naked Capitalism of hypocrisy on that score because it was one co-blogger saying it and not the official site AS a site.
I again offer my prediction that when Lambert Strether is all the way gone, that even if comments come back up, that the rate of bannings will vastly increase. If comments never come back up, that prediction will never be tested.
I think Yves Smith’s approach to things and stuff will be the cinder block ceiling which puts a hard limit on any growth in readership or money which might have been hoped for. She may indeed decide to close the blog itself all the way down as she offhandedly threatened to do in a reply to a particular commenter. And that would be sad. But it is her business and it is her property, and if she decides to burn it all down or to brick up all the doors and windows and put super-glue in all the locks and fill up the sinks and toilets with concrete, that is her perfect right.
Trivial comments from me aside, the doo doo deepens daily.
Europe is suicidal. Wake up.
Who’s your enemy? Russia, China or the USA?
It’s impossible. Everywhere you toss a dart you hit a hot spot in crisisville. The degree of human, animal and environmental suffering and degradation is beyond comprehension.
I don’t blame anyone who takes up the pipe, although raising consciousness is preferable to dulling it.
Go look around at any pre-1900 cemetery that hasn’t been ripped up to make way for a freeway or a suburb.
If you took your own advice instead of making snide comments you’d know the fact that deaths from infectious disease fell by over 95% before vaccines for those diseases were even introduced.
Count the number of baby and child graves by year. Up through today.
Currently 4% of children have autism, and 60% have a chronic illness. Up from 0% and 10% since 1970.
Do you have the courage and humanity to care enough about them to engage in the topic outside of insults and logical fallacies?
Watch how many innocent children die because they have ignorant, conspiracy-ridden parents.
Those are the troublemakers.
Do you know what an ad-hominem logical fallacy is?
My favorite anti-vaccine conspiracy is the one about the Covid vaccines, how “the Secret Masters created the vaccines to kill off billions of people.”
So far they only killed 20+ million people and even the manufacturers clinical trials show the vaccines increased the chance of dying, being hospitalized and becoming ill but again that’s me discussing the science while you do whatever you’re doing.
Here’s the thing. If the “Secret Masters” wanted to kill anyone off, it would be the people who *did not do what they were told* as those are the troublemakers.
Do you know what a red herring logical fallacy is?
So, if anything, it is the folks who are *not* vaccinated against Covid that have something to fear.
Oh, so it’s not fear that you and billions of people have been harmed that’s preventing you from seriously engaging in the topic and reading the science? What is it then?
Because they do not do what they are told. And they are just outright ignorant, “I Googled” it damnfools.
Preach it brother! Tell all those people who can and did read the science how dumb and crazy they are for not following orders so they could get back to the TV.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
The so-called covid “vaccines” ( except for perhaps Novavax and a vaccine I have heard about from Cuba) are not vaccines at all, certainly not in the classical sense. They should be thought of as mRNA para-vaccinoids and their decades-long downrange effects to come are a different set of issues from many of the good old classical vaccines, I should think. ( In my own purely amateur science-buff layman’s way).
And yet I got Moderna X 2 and Pfizer X 1(booster) because of my age, weight and co-morbidities ( high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease). I weighed the risks of getting the mRNA para vaccinoids versus getting covid and made the best decision I could for myself. My body may be full of ticking vaccinoid time bombs but so far I have not felt anything degrade or go off.
Oakchair, if you want to “discuss the science,” you have to be willing to critically evaluate so-called scientific sources and engage with criticism of them, not just post anything anybody writes and call it “science” because it agrees with your ideology.
The analysis, titled “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere”, examined all-cause mortality in 17 countries. The analysis claimed that all-cause mortality data didn’t indicate any benefit from COVID-19 vaccination.
The analysis attributed spikes in excess mortality before vaccines were rolled out to “sudden changes in medical and institutional protocols and government responses, tied to the declaration of a pandemic”, claiming that these deaths “cannot be due to a globally spreading viral respiratory disease”. Put simply, the analysis denied the fact that COVID-19 had caused a pandemic.
In addition, it claimed that all-cause mortality only began to rise after COVID-19 vaccines were deployed.
Jeffrey Morris, a biostatistician and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, questioned the validity of the conclusions by Rancourt et al. in a tweet. He pointed out that the spikes in excess mortality tended to line up with surges in COVID-19 deaths much more closely than vaccinations did (see Figure 1 below), yet the analysis didn’t acknowledge or consider COVID-19 as a possible explanation for the observed spikes in excess mortality.
Beattie claimed to have analyzed the “causal impact” of COVID-19 vaccines on COVID-19 cases and deaths. To do this, he obtained data from Our World in Data, a public COVID-19 database, for the total cases and deaths in more than 140 countries for the past 12 to 16 months before vaccine administration began in those countries. He then used the data to create projections of what the numbers of cases and deaths at the current period would have been like without the vaccines. He then compared these numbers with the actual cases and deaths after COVID-19 vaccines came into use. This type of analysis, which uses aggregated data at the population level, is also known as an ecological study.
Because his analysis showed that countries had a higher number of cases and deaths after COVID-19 vaccines came into use, relative to the projected numbers based on the pre-vaccine period, he concluded that the vaccines were the cause of these increases.
But this conclusion is erroneous. Beattie’s analysis is fundamentally flawed because he failed to account for other variables that also directly affect cases and deaths (confounding factors), such as the spread of virus variants with increased transmissibility like Delta, public health measures that were applied at different times, and healthcare capacity. Indeed, one of the limitations of ecological studies is that it’s difficult to adjust for confounding factors.
Beattie also didn’t account for the fact that countries in general have a mixture of unvaccinated and vaccinated people. In order to know whether there is a basis for attributing changes in infection or deaths to vaccination, it’s necessary to know the vaccination status of the cases and deaths, and distinguish outcomes based on vaccination status during analysis, which Beattie didn’t do. Given that the data used by Beattie didn’t indicate whether the cases and deaths were predominantly in people who were vaccinated, it isn’t possible to attribute the cases and deaths to vaccination based on his analysis alone. The failure to recognize this limitation is known as the ecological fallacy.
Contrary to Beattie’s claim, we know from analyses comparing the proportion of cases and deaths based on vaccination status that the vaccines reduce the risk of illness and death, not increase it. For example, Our World in Data performed such an analysis for Switzerland, Chile, the U.S., and England, and found that for all ages, unvaccinated people had a greater likelihood of dying from COVID-19 than those who were fully vaccinated (see below Figures 1 to 4).
Of course for people who only care about ideology, rather than science, no evidence or arguments will every be persuasive.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
I am in broad agreement with you, different clue, re: Naked Capitalism.
For me, I think it notable — in a sardonic way — that the eminently predictable results of a Trump victory — a victory which Yves herself called for, as what she characterized as “altruistic [sic] punishment” of the Democrats — are now something that the formerly bold Tankies-for-Trump wish to dissociate themselves from:
Sorry. No, no, no.
We have seen the Strasserite turn of that blog for the last five or so years, and now they are suddenly shocked to find that their new confreres are in fact fascists and gleeful genocidaires, gangster capitalists, and various reactionary weirdoes?
Sorry, no. They made their bed, and now they, like all of us, will have to live with the consequences of their actions.
Of course, many of us are actually in this fight here, in this country; we didn’t flee to Thailand and then call for the destruction of the country we left.
And yes, I expect YS’s utter lack of even awareness that procedural fairness exists outside of her own shifting and highly arbitrary canons (remember when she banned a longtime commenter about 4 years ago for linking around a paywall? Now she routinely does the same thing, but I guess it’s okay now, because ….. reasons) to get worse in Lambert’s absence.
Hope Lambert’s happy about the anti-vaxxers at HHS, too, heckuva job!
Turns out the “I’m angry at the Democrats for not being left enough, and therefore supporting the far right” line of thinking just makes those who spout it … the far right.
Meanwhile, quaintly, I’m going to stick with the common law and the Constitution, even if Very Online tankies lololol at the same. They have lasted a lot longer than the Tankies, and evolved to oppose arbitrary executive power.
I have some confidence that we won’t be seeing either of them at a protest anytime soon.
“Preach it brother! Tell all those people who can and did read the science how dumb and crazy they are for not following orders so they could get back to the TV”
It’s pretty astounding, really.
Bad enough at the start of it, bleating out the propaganda points like scared mass-formed sheep; but now, currently, with the body of evidence, the hard numbers, the laid-bare-by-time bullshit of every narrative spun up around this, the obscene upward transfer of wealth, the worsening of all the other metrics that count… it’s bull-rider impressive, to be still hangin’ on.
Remember how having an immune system was ridiculed? Good times.
One of the largest reasons that Bibi’s Butler and Putin will have a lot of problems trying to reach an agreement on Ukraine, maybe even more so than whether or not Russia takes over precious Odessa, is that Putin needs to have all the deeds of Western ownership of Ukraine’s resources made null and void so that he can offer ownership of Ukraine’s resources to be placed back in Ukrainians’ hands as a salve to heal the war wounds between Ukraine and Russia and also as a way to point the finger at who their truest enemies always were: the West, which pushed Ukraine and Russia into this very damaging war and then wants to walk off with ownership of Ukraine’s resources at the end of it despite of all the costs that the Ukrainian people have bore. This will not only create a more fertile ground for peace between the two neighboring countries, it will also reduce Western influence in Ukraine and help Russia more effectively combat the chicanery and terrorism that the West and the Banderites will undoubtedly team up to do against them and a new Ukrainian government after the conclusion of the war.
Larry Fink and Stanley Fisher (former head of Israel’s central bank and then former second to his homie Yellen back when she headed the Fed) won’t be amiable to this though since Larry’s and Stanley’s Asset Inflation Factory BlackRock , during the Weekend at Biden’s administration, bought up so much of Ukraine’s resources. They and their homies will put up a massive fight against losing ownership over those resources. That would mean that they and their homies lost and Putin won and they will have a extremely difficult time accepting that. That could be a massive ‘L’ for the US dollar too, something that wouldn’t set well with Bibi’s Butler even if Larry’s, Stanley’s, and Yellen’s homie Miriam Adelson wasn’t bitching non-stop about it while Donald T attentively attended to her toe cuticles.
So, the most direct path for Putin to attain what he needs is Ukraine’s military capitulation and a pro-Russian Ukrainian government being installed in Ukraine.
I would expect that as negotiations between Bibi’s Butler and Putin ensue that Russia will make public that this is a major point of contention between the two countries in order to sway the Ukrainian public opinion towards Russia’s proposed resolution. “Why is this war continuing?“, they will ask. What are you fighting and dying for? To let the West own your country’s most valuable resources? Is that what you’re spilling your blood for?
“Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space.” –Fight Club
“The map had been the first form of misdirection, for what is a map but a way of emphasizing some things and making other things invisible?”― Jeff VanderMeer
The child population had been followed with 3-monthly nutritional weighing sessions since 1978.
From June 1981 DTP and OPV were offered
the children were allocated by birthday in a ‘natural experiment’ to receive vaccinations early or late
Among 3-5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children.
All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines
Data were used from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey on infants aged 2 months through adolescents
Logistic regression modeling was performed to estimate the effects of DTP or tetanus vaccination on each allergy.
The odds of having a history of asthma was twice as great among vaccinated subjects than among unvaccinated subjects
The odds of having had any allergy-related respiratory symptom in the past 12 months was 63% greater among vaccinated subjects than unvaccinated subjects
a nationwide, multicentre, prospective birth cohort study that included 103,099 pregnant women and their children.
There was a dose dependent relationship. The more vaccines someone had the higher likelyhood they would develop asthma, wheezing and eczema.
Those receiving 3 vaccines had a 1.4 times higher chance verse those receiving 1 vaccine
This increased to a 1.5 increase chance for those receiving 4 vaccines.
“Silence creates its own violence.” ― Jeff Vandermeer, Annilhation
“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
“That’s how the madness of the world tries to colonize you: from the outside in, forcing you to live in its reality.” –Jeff Vandermeer
Nate Wilcox
Great point, Z. Big opportunity for Putin here that the combination Biden-Trump whipsaw has created.
different clue
If I so “something” my chances of getting heart disease are one in a million. If I do “something else” my chances of getting heart disease are two in a million, which my chances of getting heart disease increased One Hundred Per Cent by doing “something else”.
But did my chances of getting heart disease really go up very much? Twice of “almost nothing” is still “very little”. But if that “something else” reduced my chance of getting a “different thing” from three-in-a-hundred to two-in-a-hundred ( a fifty per cent reduction if I am doing the numbers right in my head), then that “something else” made a real difference in my chances of getting that “different thing”.
Vaccines have saved about 154 million lives globally since 1974… that’s just in the last 50 years.
Vaccines have been around for more than 200 years.
Vaccines might have potentially, maybe, perhaps caused as many as 12.5 million cases of asthma in the United States (funny how that’s not the case anywhere else, apparently).
So, 154 million lives saved against maybe, possibly, perhaps 12.5 million cases of asthma?
That’s a AAA+++ win any day of the week.
Anyone who would get rid of vaccines is a goddamned psychopath.
Word on the street is there’s some accelerating mean spiritedness hitting the public sphere from the highways and byways to the internet, the galactic stratosphere and beyond.
Tell me it ain’t so. Don’t get around much anymore so I don’t know. But Credence Clearwater was right about that bad moon on the rise, or was it a bathroom on the right?
Anyway, prominent alt blogger, the madam of NC has cut comments, and her commentariat were a major feature, no matter one’s own opinion of other peoples’ opinions.
Kinda doesn’t matter one way or the other. People come and go.
As a regular visitor to Ms Smith’s site I could be dubbed a fan, though I don’t think so.
Anyway, reading her recent reactions to comments, I have difficulty following her vituperative, not that I know what that word means.
What’s the beef? Getting the hasbra troll treatment perhaps.
I don’t know. What I think is it’s good to calibrate the quantity and quality of whatever your drug intake may be.
Just my opinion.
>To let the West own your country’s most valuable resources?
It is unwise to underestimate stupidity of the average Ukrainian (or Russian or American, etc), but even average Ukrainians are aware that their countries resources were long ago stolen by local oligarchs, most of whom have second citizenship and residences outside Ukraine, and thus average Ukrainians will be unaffected by this transfer of resource ownership from one set of oligarchs to another set. Average Ukrainians will still be earning their usual miserable salaries driving the machinery to exploit the resources. What would hurt average Ukrainians is importing Africans and south Asians to replace Ukrainian workers and drive the machinery for even lower salaries. But population replacement is an EU/globalist idea, not a Trump idea.
I wish we knew what stocks Elon is shorting right now.
That would tell us his next moves… once he’s destroyed any department investigating him and his interests, of course.
Yeah, immigration is going to be a huge issue and one that Putin will probably tie to ownership of the resources, that however the ownership of the resources is structured that the money from the resources will stay in Ukraine and they will only hire Ukrainians. Dictating immigration policies and ownership of the resources will require that a pro-Russian government is installed and the clearest way of accomplishing that is, again, to make the Ukrainian military capitulate.
Bibi’s Butler, by the way, ain’t the anti-immigration zealot he claims to be. He has been a promoter, for instance, of H-1B visas, something which him and his clan, particularly Musk, have gotten quieter about recently after getting a bunch of backlash on it.
Another NC reader
“the madam of NC has cut comments”
As another NC reader, I’ll say that every time that happens I get less likely to go to the site and much less likely to comment.
It would be one thing if the site proprietor simply said, “The comments have been heating up lately so I think it’s time for a cooling off period” and left it at that but, instead, it’s high dudgeon time. She basically gets all testy and says things like “I resent being asked to perform that role [of fact checker]…I’ve really had it,” when, in fact, it’s a role she’s taken on entirely on her own—no one’s “asked” her to do it. (If people try to set up an alternative comment venue on Reddit, she gets “deeply offended” about that, too.)
Meanwhile, a few commenters (on the older posts, where the comments haven’t been shut down yet) fall all over themselves, saying how much they “miss” the comments but they “understand”—which I’m not sure helps matters. It’s all very off-putting—not the disabling of the comments so much (although that’s unfortunate) but all the other “stuff” being played out around that. (Ian seems much more grounded and sensible when it comes to things like site moderation, but not only that.)
Another aspect of the NC comment kerfuffle is the past bragging about having the best commentariat evah.
So which is it? Good or bad? Can’t have it both ways.
Vaccines have saved about 154 million lives globally since 1974
“Real critical thinking means uncovering and questioning social, political and moral assumptions —Disciplined minds, Jeff Schmidt
Vaccines have saved 154 million lives! Amazing how was that number obtained?
Well a vaccine funded “study” done by vaccine funded “scientists” concluded. Literally go to page 11(link below) and read the conflict of interests declaration. Then ask yourself? Should I use critical thinking or just blindly accept what people with conflict of interest say?
Here is how that 154million number was obtained:
“estimate vaccine impact per fully vaccinated person over time, synthesising the results of 22 models (these models were done by you guessed it vaccine manufactures)”
So yes if vaccine manufactures assume vaccines are safe and effective and assume they will save millions of lives you can conclude that vaccines have saved 154 millions lives since 1974.
But what if you actually looked at the data and compared the change in mortality associated with vaccines? Well then you find there are “approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024″
So one side is telling you to ignore the evidence and blindly accept assumptions from people with conflicts of interests. The other side is telling you to look at the evidence, read the science and use critical thinking.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” -1984
Mark Level
As to post-war Ukraine & immigration thereto–
Isn’t it likely that if the Israeli Colonialist Project’s collapse speeds up, the many Ashkenazi refugees will return to Ukraine, Poland, etc. from which so many originated?
Remember Zelensky’s delusional promises 2 years ago that Ukraine was going to be “Big Israel”? An ethno-nationalist, rabid warrior State that would keep attacking the sub-human, “Asiatic” “Orcs” on behalf of Aryan superiority? (The Banderists believe they are Ubermenschen for one of 2 “reasons”– some are the descendants of “Cossacks”, warrior-knights who stupidly fought for the evil Russian Czar. Or that they are somehow “Germanic” by the virtue of closer proximity to Deutschland . . . )
The Banderites and the psycho-Zionists have a mutual love of Martial “culture” and killing for the sake of national pride, profiting from Lebensraum forced from neighbors. Could they integrate? Would they? It’s well known what Yaroslav Hunka and the other Waffen-SS Heroes (2 standing ovations in Canada’s Parliament) did to thousands of Polish Jews between 1943-45 when Hunka served. So that might be a “marriage” made in the deepest depths of Hell.
Even the Euro-Chihuahas of the nearby Baltic States might not like having such a force sitting on their border. However, could they do anything about it?
Go look around at any pre-1900 cemetery that hasn’t been ripped up to make way for a freeway or a suburb.
Count the number of baby and child graves by year. Up through today.
There’s your goddamned science.
Check out what is happening today in Texas.
Watch how many innocent children die because they have ignorant, conspiracy-ridden parents.
My favorite anti-vaccine conspiracy is the one about the Covid vaccines, how “the Secret Masters created the vaccines to kill off billions of people.”
Here’s the thing. If the “Secret Masters” wanted to kill anyone off, it would be the people who *did not do what they were told* as those are the troublemakers.
So, if anything, it is the folks who are *not* vaccinated against Covid that have something to fear.
Those are the troublemakers.
Those are the ones that the next round of “diseases engineered by the Secret Masters” will kill.
Because they do not do what they are told. And they are just outright ignorant, “I Googled” it damnfools.
In regards to the ownership of Ukraine’s resources, you see that Bibi’s Butler wants War Pimp Zelensky to sign those over to the US government pronto so that the US government have ownership of them prior to his negotiations with Putin.
I don’t know if that includes resources that Ukraine has already sold to Larry’s and Stanley’s Asset Inflation Factory BlackRock and other US companies, but if it does that would indicate that Larry and Stanley and their likes are looking for some way to get US government protection of what they’ve bought in Ukraine.
Of course, what Putin will argue is that War Pimp Zelensky is not actually the legal representative of Ukraine anymore anyway, it’s not his to give away, since his term has expired … but he cancelled elections … and therefore he hasn’t been elected by the Ukrainian people to represent them or the country.
different clue
I went back and read Yves Smith’s ” We are disabling comments” post. This is the first paragraph . . . ” The caliber of discourse has degenerated at Naked Capitalism in the wake of Trump taking office and his multi-front attack on government operations and legal agreements, from trade pacts to requirements for firing Federal employees.”
She then cites some things which may indeed be from the few weeks after the Trump return. And she cites other things which seem long standing but which she takes the opportunity to write about.
When some commenters noted that the defeat of Harris led to the entirely-predicted plan to destroy public governance in America being carried out just as Trump and the Project 2025 community announced and as concern-voicers/ fear-mongers predicted; many commenters over there were deeply offended at having that pointed out. There is a deep seated group-think silo there summed up by a favored phrase ” a plague on both their houses”. I still remember Yves Smith herself deriding and dismissing fears over Project 2025 as so much TDS about a mere collection of Republican grievance expressions.
If Trump’s return really does stop the genocide in Gaza without restarting it at some opportune moment, then voting or non-voting to permit Trump’s return may well end up being an effective vote against evil and the coming liquidation and disappearance of America may have to be accepted as the price to be paid. But if Trump supports Israel in resuming the genocide anyway from where Israel left off for the moment, then what will the coming liquidation and disappearance of America even have been for ( from an American viewpoint?)
The commentariat over there does not like that kind of questioning. Some people got very sensitive when someone referred to “a plague on both their houses” believers as ‘puristocrats’.
So that would be what is behind the “degradation of discourse since Trump” over the last few weeks would be based on. Since a steady stream of hasbara comments would have been coming in ever since two Octobers ago, it wouldn’t be due to that.
I remember Colonel Lang once writing that he would not permit any hasbara comments on his blog because Zionists and Zionism-supporters had so much of the public square already that he would keep his own blog free of that. But he never said that he wished he could prevent believers in Zionism from even reading his blog. He once wrote in another context that his Catholic faith informed him that every human being is potentially redeemable, whereas those of Calvinist faith believe that the pre-damned stay predamned and are not redemption-possible. Yves Smith’s stated wish that she could prevent believers in Zionism from even READing her blog seems very Calvinist in its approach. I wonder if her first settler colonialist ancestors were either Puritan or Puritan-adjacent. ( She also once condemned the concept of Universal Basic Income because she felt that such ‘free money’ would be bad for the souls and discipline of people recieving it. Hence she preferred Federal Job Guarantee only and NO Universal Basic Income. More Calvinism I suppose).
In all fairness, it is Lambert Strether who was so pleased with the commenters in general that he said several times that ” we have the best commentariat”. Yves Smith never said that anyway. So I don’t think we can accuse Naked Capitalism of hypocrisy on that score because it was one co-blogger saying it and not the official site AS a site.
I again offer my prediction that when Lambert Strether is all the way gone, that even if comments come back up, that the rate of bannings will vastly increase. If comments never come back up, that prediction will never be tested.
I think Yves Smith’s approach to things and stuff will be the cinder block ceiling which puts a hard limit on any growth in readership or money which might have been hoped for. She may indeed decide to close the blog itself all the way down as she offhandedly threatened to do in a reply to a particular commenter. And that would be sad. But it is her business and it is her property, and if she decides to burn it all down or to brick up all the doors and windows and put super-glue in all the locks and fill up the sinks and toilets with concrete, that is her perfect right.
Trivial comments from me aside, the doo doo deepens daily.
Europe is suicidal. Wake up.
Who’s your enemy? Russia, China or the USA?
It’s impossible. Everywhere you toss a dart you hit a hot spot in crisisville. The degree of human, animal and environmental suffering and degradation is beyond comprehension.
I don’t blame anyone who takes up the pipe, although raising consciousness is preferable to dulling it.
We gotta find a way to get along . . .
Go look around at any pre-1900 cemetery that hasn’t been ripped up to make way for a freeway or a suburb.
If you took your own advice instead of making snide comments you’d know the fact that deaths from infectious disease fell by over 95% before vaccines for those diseases were even introduced.
Count the number of baby and child graves by year. Up through today.
Currently 4% of children have autism, and 60% have a chronic illness. Up from 0% and 10% since 1970.
Do you have the courage and humanity to care enough about them to engage in the topic outside of insults and logical fallacies?
Watch how many innocent children die because they have ignorant, conspiracy-ridden parents.
Those are the troublemakers.
Do you know what an ad-hominem logical fallacy is?
My favorite anti-vaccine conspiracy is the one about the Covid vaccines, how “the Secret Masters created the vaccines to kill off billions of people.”
So far they only killed 20+ million people and even the manufacturers clinical trials show the vaccines increased the chance of dying, being hospitalized and becoming ill but again that’s me discussing the science while you do whatever you’re doing.
Here’s the thing. If the “Secret Masters” wanted to kill anyone off, it would be the people who *did not do what they were told* as those are the troublemakers.
Do you know what a red herring logical fallacy is?
So, if anything, it is the folks who are *not* vaccinated against Covid that have something to fear.
Oh, so it’s not fear that you and billions of people have been harmed that’s preventing you from seriously engaging in the topic and reading the science? What is it then?
Because they do not do what they are told. And they are just outright ignorant, “I Googled” it damnfools.
Preach it brother! Tell all those people who can and did read the science how dumb and crazy they are for not following orders so they could get back to the TV.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
different clue
The so-called covid “vaccines” ( except for perhaps Novavax and a vaccine I have heard about from Cuba) are not vaccines at all, certainly not in the classical sense. They should be thought of as mRNA para-vaccinoids and their decades-long downrange effects to come are a different set of issues from many of the good old classical vaccines, I should think. ( In my own purely amateur science-buff layman’s way).
And yet I got Moderna X 2 and Pfizer X 1(booster) because of my age, weight and co-morbidities ( high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease). I weighed the risks of getting the mRNA para vaccinoids versus getting covid and made the best decision I could for myself. My body may be full of ticking vaccinoid time bombs but so far I have not felt anything degrade or go off.
Oakchair, if you want to “discuss the science,” you have to be willing to critically evaluate so-called scientific sources and engage with criticism of them, not just post anything anybody writes and call it “science” because it agrees with your ideology.
Of course for people who only care about ideology, rather than science, no evidence or arguments will every be persuasive.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
Swamp Yankee
I am in broad agreement with you, different clue, re: Naked Capitalism.
For me, I think it notable — in a sardonic way — that the eminently predictable results of a Trump victory — a victory which Yves herself called for, as what she characterized as “altruistic [sic] punishment” of the Democrats — are now something that the formerly bold Tankies-for-Trump wish to dissociate themselves from:
Sorry. No, no, no.
We have seen the Strasserite turn of that blog for the last five or so years, and now they are suddenly shocked to find that their new confreres are in fact fascists and gleeful genocidaires, gangster capitalists, and various reactionary weirdoes?
Sorry, no. They made their bed, and now they, like all of us, will have to live with the consequences of their actions.
Of course, many of us are actually in this fight here, in this country; we didn’t flee to Thailand and then call for the destruction of the country we left.
And yes, I expect YS’s utter lack of even awareness that procedural fairness exists outside of her own shifting and highly arbitrary canons (remember when she banned a longtime commenter about 4 years ago for linking around a paywall? Now she routinely does the same thing, but I guess it’s okay now, because ….. reasons) to get worse in Lambert’s absence.
Hope Lambert’s happy about the anti-vaxxers at HHS, too, heckuva job!
Turns out the “I’m angry at the Democrats for not being left enough, and therefore supporting the far right” line of thinking just makes those who spout it … the far right.
Meanwhile, quaintly, I’m going to stick with the common law and the Constitution, even if Very Online tankies lololol at the same. They have lasted a lot longer than the Tankies, and evolved to oppose arbitrary executive power.
I have some confidence that we won’t be seeing either of them at a protest anytime soon.
Swamp Yankee
Meaning to add: I could be wrong re: a protest. But NC actually acting in the world would be highly out of character for them.
“Preach it brother! Tell all those people who can and did read the science how dumb and crazy they are for not following orders so they could get back to the TV”
It’s pretty astounding, really.
Bad enough at the start of it, bleating out the propaganda points like scared mass-formed sheep; but now, currently, with the body of evidence, the hard numbers, the laid-bare-by-time bullshit of every narrative spun up around this, the obscene upward transfer of wealth, the worsening of all the other metrics that count… it’s bull-rider impressive, to be still hangin’ on.
Remember how having an immune system was ridiculed? Good times.