The simple fact is that Trump isn’t going to “make America great again”. He’s speed running collapse. The most telling bit is his attacks on America universities at the same time as China has taken the lead in eighty percent, or more, of technologies and appears to have the lead in science as well. He’s dismantling the few good things Biden did, like his industrial policy and his appointment of Lina Khan to attack monopolies and oligopolies.
The shuttering of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will massively hurt low and middle income earners. The postal service changes will lead to many rural Americans having no mail service. Trump’s budget requires massive cuts to Medicaid, which disproportionately helps Red State Republicans.
Trump isn’t making America Great Again: he’s speed running the decline of America. There was a way to withdraw from the American Empire and become semi-isolationist again which would have been good for both Americans and everyone else, but that’s not what Trump is doing.
Anyone delusional enough to think Trump is good for America or most Americans is a moron. It’s that simple.
I agree. I worry that Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security cuts are going to hurt a lot of innocent people.
miss jennings
You know what programmig does to people.
Anyway, the riots are coming:
Trump Admin Threatens to Stop Social Security If DOGE Can’t Have Personal Data
Trump’s interim Social Security chief says he wants to turn off the program if Musk and DOGE can’t access Americans’ most sensitive data
They are going to do this and intentionally crash the economy.
Then they are going to attempt to complete their Eretz Israel plans.
WWIII. Or whatever number it is.
I have a place to stay (for now) but I’ll effectively have no regular money stream. It’s not much anyway but I’ve learned to live on it.
I would give my real email to Ian (and specific location) but I do not have permission of the owner to share this space at this time. But I will work on that.
I am also a weird guy. Obviously.
This is of course absolutely silly if what I just outlined really comes to pass because it will be essentially anarchy – in the negtive sense of the word – I imagine.
And don’t forget that the closure of the Department of Education will bring massive cuts and closures of schools that primarily serve children of poor and working-class people.
And the working class voted for all of this.
Mark Level
Agreed, Ian. Trump is an accelerationist, he is speeding the bus careening off the cliff edge that is the U.S.A. However, it seems only fair to note that both parties have the same donors & the same outcome of utter Oligarchic control and economic devastation of the US populace is guaranteed whichever of the duopoly are ruling.
There’s an old Harper’s article about Sarajevo in 2015, and an alternative politician, Mr. Gratz, who compares his small political party to Greece’s Syriza, before they crumbled and sold out: “There is no democracy here. Politicians have access to money, they are deeply corrupt, and every aspect of public life is criminalized. . . [Think of young people demonstrating against a Genocide and being arrested, expelled from their colleges, etc. for “anti-Semitism”!!] , , , & morally so sold, so compromised, that it is almost impossible to understand how we get along with it. . . . we are simply a problem [in Europe] to be dealt with.”
That is what it feels like to be living in the US, 2025. Due Dissidence (I know the anti-Semites might come out foaming and frothing at the mention) had a segment today on MAGA, & shared something really ugly. The amount of the public who have “confidence” in what the government is doing now = 44% . . . the last time it was 44% was . . . 8 weeks into Bush Junior’s Iraq Invasion. Obviously the MAGAts are the 44%. BUT let’s not forget the # of brain-dead people that had confidence in Genocide Joe, then in Kamala, although the Dems openly spit in their voters’ faces. (On economics, on Israel, etc.)
People are united on one side or the other over their 2 “teams”, imagining that theirs is on their side. US politics is like a cargo cult. Nothing positive can be achieved within it.
Your last post was on Europe, a dead letter. the US is a dead . . . I dunno, log. Something bigger than a letter, will take longer to fall/ burn, whatever metaphor we choose. But it is irredemable, short of Revolution.
& as Grim Jim loves to note, ‘Muricans are too sick, demoralized, weak to ever have a revolution. Kind of funny that ignorant Peasants in 1917 Russia were tougher and more resilient and had more agency than 21st century ‘Muricans. But that’s self-evidently the case.
Foreign countries are recruiting Mass. scientists:
“Ignorance is bliss”
miss jennings
Dudek didn’t propose more cuts he announced he is going to shut the entire agency down. The quid-pro-quo is complete unfetterred access to the system by these unelected unrepresentative ‘DOGE’ domestic terrorists led by drug-addled psycopath Musk.
You have to understand that Social Security is embedded even in the various middle class strata I’ve been talking about.
Medicaid pays for nursing home and some home care services i believe.
This will devastate both inner city and rural areas.
Yes, nj still has rural areas. And pinelands.
That’s medicaid.
Social Security includes SSDI (I receive that) and SSI. The first is for disability and is based on how much you payed in before you went on it and payments are based on that. You have to have to worked to receive it. SSi is for disabled but it is current income-based and doesn’t require any work history. But it is for low-income. SSDI isn’t necessarily for low income. One can receive it and still have significant assets. Or not. SSI has asset limits.
I receive around a thousand bucks a month. It goes right back into the ‘productive’ economy.
I think people can receive upwards of 3500-4000 month SSDI. I don’t know how common that is. i assuem most of it goes back into said economy at various levels as well. any savings goes to stock market or govt treasuries?
Now, here’s the thing: many of the various levels of the ‘middle’ classes we’ve been talking about – many of whom overlap/are integrated with the ‘lower’ classes to at least some degree – many or pretty much all of these people have their retirements which includes both current income streams and current ongoing saving/investing, helping the kids etc – many these peopel have substantial reliance on the SS part of their income steam.
This is how financial planning has been done – the SS – a substantial amount of the overall money even for people who have other savings – is included as an integral part of the family plan. This has been done for decades. I know because I was doing it for a while. Many here must know this.
This is going to severely impact all levels of society except the ultra wealthy. Many of the various strata of middle class as well. And they are much more easily agitated.
I am friendly on a casual basis with some friends in Atlantic City (I am a bit of a loner but i can be gregarious when i’m out) – we just ‘shoot the shit’ for a while when i visit town. anyway, there is enough vigor and solidarity in enough of the population to fight and there are food banks and churches thta have stepped up and will continue to do so so people won’t die immediately from starvation but they will be solely reliant on handouts of this sort and i don’t know what will happen to their rent money. even public housing has to pay some.
the healthcare is going to be the big nightmare. but there are resoures in the immediate area. what are now private med facilities of all sizes are going to have to offer services free. they will be forced to.
but the money pool is shrinking among all these levels. the small businesses which have been hit so hard will continue to suffer if everyone has less money obviously. casino tourism will be down. tropicana – where i go to wander around aimlessly while watching the gamblers but not partaking in the activity – the trop is union. but i don’t think blatstein’s showboat is. he’s just been called out for not paying contractors and what have you despite all the profits.
miss jennings
oh yeah, forgot to even get into medicare which is adminstered by ssa. all enrollment and much of the intertwined payment stuff is done by ssa even though they are separate programs.
miss jennings
Muricans are too sick, demoralized, weak to ever have a revolution
There is still life energy Mark but no true organizational solidarity. As I suspect you’re aware everything has become very intentionally divided in the dis-US.
But there is substantial demoralization, weakness, sickness, addiction. Yes.
Revolution? There was no revolution that brought Russia back to glory this time around.
Kind of funny that ignorant Peasants in 1917 Russia were tougher and more resilient and had more agency than 21st century ‘Muricans.
Steps for creating an obedient, subservient weak, shallow, thoughtless populace:
Step 1: An education system that rewards obedience, punishes dissenters and conditions people to associate learning/thinking with busy work, and stress.
Step 2: TV’s in every room just like Orwell predicted. Likewise with smartphones.
Step 3: Ply people with impairing chemicals and drugs. Put them in the water, the food, the air, the arms, clothes, everywhere.
Step 4: Punish, and censor dissenters and make sure everyone knows the poverty that awaits those who don’t want to get in line.
different clue
If enough SSA-deadstopped people have relatives in the Armed Forces, especially the Combat Arms parts of the Armed Forces, will the Armed Forces decide a rebellion followed by a “Constitutional Salvation Emergency Government” is in order? If several hundred thousand Combat Arms personnel all hear from their SSA-deadstopped relatives?
I suspect the Musk Administration’s first hope from this threat is to extort the Congress into legislating total records and data access for every single thing in SSA’s records to the DOGE team, in expectation that the Congress will so legislate. And which Trump would then sign. ( The only thing which could get the DemSenators to vote against it once the House votes for it would be thousands of credible-but-anonymous assassination threats against every Dem Senator and every Dem Senator’s family member who votes for this once the House sends it over). The MAGAs would all tell their Republican Senators to vote for it of course. Because their divine God Emperor Trump wants it.
What if Congress were not to so legislate? Would the MuskAdmin have Dudek turn off the SSA? The results could be interesting. I hope we get to see them.
Ian Welsh
I can assure you than opiods work beyond 3 months for serious pain. N=1, but there’s no doubt in my mind. There is some habituation, of course.
“Trump’s budget requires massive cuts to Medicaid, which disproportionately helps Red State Republicans.”
How so? Red States have on average a higher Federal match than do blue.
Their voters will get hurt more
Ian Welsh
Tylenol codeine has acetominophen to limit how much pain relief you can get without damaging your liver. It’s a great way to kill or damage addicts and non-addicts who are in a lot of pain and use too much.
Had to check myself for a moment and wonder if I posted my Tylenol codeine comment here or on yesterday’s board.
Anyway, thanks Ian for sharing experiences and insights while allowing and providing us anonymous internet travelers a place at the intergalactic bar to drop a load.
miss jennings
“Would the MuskAdmin have Dudek turn off the SSA?”
I would submit that is the plan. These guys are on the same team as Larry Ellison who – like the Trump administration – is ardently – psycopathically – Zionist.
Everything that they’ve said they wouldn’t do they’ve done. They are on a much larger mission.
I bring up Ellison because I’m going to pair this article on him with another little tidbit our military is currently piloting. First:
‘Ellison has personally financed Israeli occupation for years. In 2007, he pledged half a million dollars to support illegal settlement expansion. Seven years later, Ellison gifted $10 million to the Friends of the IDF (FIDF). Then, in 2017, he gave a further $16.6 million, the largest single donation the organization has ever received, to bankroll the construction of a new training facility for Tel Aviv’s infantry units. At a concomitant fundraising gala, Ellison gushed:
“For 2,000 years, we were a stateless people, but now we have a country we can call our own. Through all of the perilous times since Israel’s founding, we have called on the brave men and women of the IDF to defend our home…I thank FIDF for allowing us to celebrate and support these soldiers year after year. We should do all we can to show these heroic soldiers that they are not alone.”
Ellison also counts Benjamin Netanyahu as a uniquely close personal friend. In September 2021, with the longtime Israeli leader out of power and investigations into his industrial-scale corruption in high office kicking into full gear, the Oracle chief flew Netanyahu to his private Hawaiian island, offering him a seat on his company’s board, with an annual salary of $450,000. This followed Netanyahu urging Ellison to purchase the opposition newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth and transform it into a pro-Likud propaganda megaphone.
Prior investigations by MintPress have detailed how Trump’s administration holds the ignominious distinction of being the most pro-Israeli in U.S. history. Every key post is filled with fanatical adherents to the Zionist cause. Now, that same government seeks to regain “strategic advantage” over China in Artificial Intelligence, with the assistance of OpenAI and Oracle, a CIA-adjacent data harvester led by a brazen financier of Tel Aviv’s worst, genocidal excesses with a worrying history in the field of healthcare. What could possibly go wrong?’
Now I’d like you to pair that with this:
Arctop Secures $1.25M AFWERX Contract to Enhance Air Force Training Through Cognition-Adaptive Simulations
‘While cadets are running through the simulations, Arctop’s BCI technology will decode their brain activity in real time.’s artificial intelligence will then adjust the training content based on the real-time cognition data provided by Arctop.’
It may not matter at this point whether or not they actually have the ability to read people’s minds. People are willing to believe and acquiesce anyway, so. And we’ve lost skill sets too. Bad mix. But, life goes on:
The plan is for all the cameras to be tied to together and AI will scan people for approved identifiers, whatever they may be: a full facial/body image match, iris scan, Biometrics first but also scan for ‘chips’ whether implanted willingly (again, many will soon sign up for this it seems) or via other means.
The technology is too advanced for we mere mortals. Will we ever get even some control back?
Going to Mexico. Oh wait: they probably don’t want me. Understandable.
different clue
Here is a little item from the antimoneymemes subreddit titled: ” That’s working class solidarity right there! <3 "
Here is the link:
A little deeper down it said that "Greyhound" . . . . as in " Greyhound the business" is instructing its drivers to not let ICE conduct routine immigrant checks on its buses. If that is so, that means that Greyhound the business has decided that cooperating with ICE in this matter is bad for business.
bruce wilder
And the working class voted for all of this.
I would like to see some evidence for this repeated, hateful comment.
The Democrats have been losing working class support for years and years. There is class antagonism with the PMC and policy inaction to thank for this. But, mostly fewer of the poor and working class bother to vote at all.
I’m going down to that Texas town/do
you wanna go?
I hear they got some crazy little women down there. . .
What do you say or do when you encounter some bearded rock trio in a Dallas airport waiting room?
Nada. Sit there and wait for your flight call.
Someone calls your name and you don’t know if they’re calling you.
Hello Jennifer Soakchair, please pick up the nearest courtesy telephone.
Probably not a thing anymore. Been a while since I frequented airports.
Every migrant has to navigate and find a way. . .
Kindness helps us all along the way. . .
May all travelers find their destination safe and sound.
different clue
Here is a posting from a subreddit called blackpeopletwitter . . . so I suppose it originally showed up on twitterX and then got logged into this subreddit. I don’t know how representative it is of the overall ” political-mental state of Black America” but some of the comments in the thread are interesting.
It is titled: ” We prefer to just sit back and watch voters F around and Find Out”
Here is the link.