The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Krugman Song

This song about Paul Krugman raises an important point: why isn’t Krugman or someone like him calling the shots, rather than people like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House National Economic Council Director Larry Summers who helped cause the crisis?

Plus it should make you laugh.

(Hat tip to Thers at FDL.)


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  1. Shaula

    Agreed. I actually laughed out loud at this.

    Sadly, the lyrics are also 100% true.

  2. Shaula

    The same guy has a song about Nouriel Roubini, too.

    I’m not sure what makes me happier, the idea of Roubini’s mom calling song-man to ask for a song for her little economist, too; or, the idea of Krugman showing up for work at the Times on Monday morning and everyone singing the Krugman song to him.

  3. Torf

    Oh, how I wish this guy could compose a song about Steven Harper (Prime Minister of Canada eh)

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