The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Arthur Silber could use some help

If you haven’t read Arthur, you should.  He doesn’t write often, but it’s powerful stuff when he does.  The right hand column has links to the articles he considers his best.

The donation link is on the top right of the blog.  The beg post is worth reading, as it’s more than a beg post and includes meditations on Gore Vidal and outsider status.

Don’t give if you’re in trouble yourself and can’t afford it or if you have people you care about who need the money, whom you haven’t helped, but could.

Another episode of America’s broken health and welfare systems.


To say that people must never revolt violently is to say America’s founding was illegitimate


Some basics on the economy


  1. Alcuin

    Done. Who is archiving his posts so that they remain accessible to those seeking the truth in the future?

  2. Ian Welsh

    I expect no one. As with many other sites, it will be available in the wayback machine, I suppose. Thanks for giving him a hand.

  3. Compound F

    Thumbs up. I send Arthur money when possible, skin of the teeth possible sometimes. Not being able to support the folks I read according to my dependence upon them churns my heart.

    I love Ian Welsh, as well. A plainspoken man whose balls equal his perception.

    I know this is no piano bar taking requests, but if it were, I’d love to see Ian host a discussion on the global economy between Stirling Newberry and Nicole Foss. That would be a friggin’ doozy of information. Mind you, I don’t prospectively see the conversation as “a rumble in the jungle,” in the least, although Stirling’s and Nicole’s time-frames for economic decline are different. Contrasting their views on the credit bubble would be an awesome pairing that few people could intelligently moderate. All three of you seem to be extremely polite people to begin with, so the moderator’s role would be less refereeing a boxing match than having enough understanding to bridge and contrast distinctive and important views of those whose balls match their perceptions. Who better to do it?

  4. Compound F

    Let me add that Nicole herself has said that she still awaits her credible critics. (I could find the link, but it was in her Q&A with joseph Tainter (on youtube), if anyone must know.)

    Given her educated point of view, she deserves credible critics, wherein criticism does not entail trashing, but critique. I’ve been reading her since 2007 and still have found no worthy critiques.

  5. Compound F

    Further, contrasting Stirling’s paper-for-oil-Thermidor thesis against Nicole’s credit super-cycle bust thesis would be mother-effing fascinating.

    C’mon, Ian. I don’t have the chops. I wish you would.

  6. someofparts

    One of the few men I’ve ever read who go as far as the feminists went. Even now I censor myself pretty much everywhere when speaking of such things. But its funny how, once someone utters the truth, that genie just won’t go back in the bottle. So even after a lifetime of rarely uttering in public what I learned from the feminists decades ago, those hard truths they showed me stay with me and affect my perspective on everything.

    Fortunately for our vile overlords I’ve been a near beggar all my life, in no position to help anyone with a bit of money. Chalk up another small victory for our predators.

  7. someofparts

    FWIW, on the theme of violent, repressive childhoods producing repressed, vengeful adults, you can see it, just plain SEE it, in Margaret Mead’s work.

  8. Ian Welsh

    Stirling and I are friends, and I don’t know Nicole Foss, so, I’m not a neutral figure.

  9. Compound F

    Gonzalo Lira has been the only person to take on Foss’s deflationism in a debate on inflation v. deflation. The evidence favors deflation. What interests me are two things. First, you (Ian) and Stirling have both spoke of doing things to right or fix the economy, e.g., get off the war-footing. My hunch is that Nicole would not agree that righting the economy is possible, regardless of specific policies, that the credit bust is as inevitable (and ongoing) as any Ponzi collapse. Second, I’d be interested in hearing the historical narratives everyone brings to the table.

    For me, the format, e.g., having a moderator or “moderator neutrality,” ranks way below getting trustworthy voices in the same room specifically addressing one another. Any format that removes neutrality/fairness concerns as an issue would be preferable to an absence of dialogue. Unless you physically bound and gagged Nicole, I’m guessing she would remain robust under the most withering partisanship, in any case.

    I suspect and fear she is right, but welcome both contrary and concurring thoughts. The results of any discussion would beat the daylights out of anything they’re talking about on Daily Kos. Think about the IQs of the children.

  10. someofparts

    Still reading and reading my way through Silber and I still say that feminists have gone as far as he goes and then some. For that matter, it was through my reading of them decades ago that I came across Drama of the Gifted Child. Women deconstructed patriarchal religion and family decades ago. Of course all power to anyone in determined pursuit of important truths.

    When I wonder if Silber’s thinking, or Alice Miller’s could ever find it’s way into the mainstream, well … look what happened when women tried it. Maybe the Asians will figure it out after we destroy this hemisphere.

  11. wendy davis

    I gave a bit last week again. Tight finances, but needs must. Thanks for alerting your readers (and lurkers). ;o)

  12. Ian Welsh

    Thank you Wendy.

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