The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Author: Ian Welsh Page 4 of 400

Trump Has Caused A Constitutional Crisis

Stirling Newberry pointed this out, and I agree.

Some of Trump’s Executive Order are clearly illegal, unconstitutional, or both. Trump can’t get rid of Birthright Citizenship and his order goes clearly against the written text of the amendment:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This isn’t open to interpretation. There is no wiggle room.

Trump’s freezing of grants is likewise straight up unconstitutional. Congress decides who gets how much money for what purpose. The President executes Congress’s orders. If Trump can decide who gets how much money for what purpose when Congress has not given him that permission, then there aren’t three branches, but two.

Stirling has a longer article making the case with reference to other executive orders, and it’s worth reading, but these two are clear cut. There is no wiggle room, though many people are trying to find some.

The play here is simple: what Trump’s doing is unconstitutional and illegal, but the Supremes are controlled by the Republican party, so they are expected to ignore the plain text of the constitution and the 14th amendment and find some torturous justification for Trump’s actions.

This is another step along the line to the Imperial Presidency.

You should also be very unhappy about the domestic use of troops for domestic law enforcement. That crosses a bright red line for obvious reasons. Likewise Trump is stepping all over State’s rights.

(Stirling also has a series of articles on the future of the Center Left. They’re worth reading. Remember that he has aphasia, and pay attention to the argument and the ideas, ignoring any awkwardness. Go to the article linked, click on the first article and work thru.)

Trump is also fundamentally changing the role of America in the world order. Rather than being the central hub of treaty network, the imperial core with vassals and subjects who are, mostly, treated well as long as they stay in their place and gave the US their resources, which the US paid for by printing currency. Trump has now decided to end that era, and to fully commit to cannibalizing America’s allies. Odds of NATO’s survival are bad, and it’s a dead letter when Trump can threaten war against Denmark, one of its members. Everyone sees this, but people are so aghast and taken back most aren’t calling it out yet.

There is also a changeover of oligarchic elites. Previously the financial elites ran government. The tech elites are now moving and taking over much of that role. They have different priorities than the old financial elites and instead of being neo-liberals, they are utopian technocratic neo-fascists. They are convinced that they are superior people, even more so than the old elites and that everyone should do as they say. Everyone else to them, is stupid and unfit for power. Government, to them, must be rid of what little remains of its regulatory powers so they can do what they want, unconstrained by legal burdens. “You can just do things” is prescriptive: there have been some limits, and they want as many of those limits removed as possible.

This is a constitutional crisis. If Trump succeeds, there’s a very different country afterwards, run in a very different way by very different people, creating a very different international order.

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Trump’s Doing Everyone A Favor With His Tariffs (Emphasis on Canada)

(Keyboard fixed, at least for now, so let’s get on with it.)

Trump has threatened blanket tariffs on multiple nations, including most of Europe, Canada and Mexico. This is an effective threat. The Bank of Canada estimated the effect of such tariffs on Canada at six percent of GDP, and I’ve seen an estimate for Germany of about one percent of GDP, after previous losses due to anti-Russia sanction effects on energy costs.

But what this tells us is that many nations are over-dependent on trade with America. Our economies are too intertwined with America’s economy, especially Canada’s. America’s massive and persistent trade deficits also indicate that America isn’t competitive. This isn’t a surprise, the American economy is controlled by oligopolies and monopolies with middlemen taking unearned profits and the overall cost structure, from housing to medical care to everything else is high, especially with respect to asset prices, which have been deliberately inflated since about 1979.

What we should do, all of us who are being threatened, is tell the US to fuck itself, slap retaliatory tariffs on the US, add in export tariffs so the US really hurts, and reorient trade towards each other—form a trade bloc without the US.

It’s worth pointing out that many of Trump’s tariffs are essentially illegal under various trade agreements the US has signed. Yet no one doubts that Trump can impose these tariffs despite their illegality. Remember that a signed treaty has the force of law in the US.

The US is, and has been a rogue nation for a long time and the rule of law means nothing in America.

I’m going to talk primarily about Canada because I know the situation here best. We’ll start with a little history.

For most of Canadian history, we exported mostly raw and refined resources to America. Minerals, oil, fish, lumber and so on. Often it was illegal to export them without doing at least primary processing: no raw logs, fish were canned in Canada and so on.

The original sin of over-integration with the US was the US-Canada auto-pact. We got a lot of jobs and factories out of it, but it was used as leverage over us. When Canada’s world-leading aviation industry of the 50s produced a jet, the Avro Arrow, which was much better than any American jet, the US threatened to take away the auto-pact unless we ended the program. And by end, I mean we disbanded Avro and we sunk the jets in a lake. Male engineers were hired by US firms, the female engineers got to be housewives, since the US in the 50s was 100% a patriarchal society. (As an aside, this was a post-war thing, the 30s were not as patriarchal.)

This story is so flaming hot in Canada that the original classification was renewed when it was due to end. Even now Canadians are angry about the Avro Arrow, something which happened 7 decades ago.

In the 80s, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney wanted a free trade pact with the US to ensure market access. Most Canadians were against it and the 88 election was fought about the FTA. Mulroney won because the anti-FTA vote was split between the Liberal and NDP parties. He rammed thru the FTA, which was later rolled into NAFTA and is now called the USMCA.

The deal included a lot more than just trade, it had IP laws and reduced the ability of Canada to use tariffs and subsidies itself and including nasty taking laws which made it nearly impossible to regulate foreign companies in Canada. Because our nation sells so many resources, the Canadian dollar tends to fluctuate a lot. When it’s high (it was higher than the US dollar for a couple years around 2015, for example) it’s devastating to our industry.

The old policy, which started around 1880 or so was called the Canadian mixed economy. When the dollar was high because of high resource prices, we’d subsidize manufacturing. When it was low, we’d subsidize resource producers and gave generous unemployment benefits to laid off resource workers.

That policy created one of the best and most prosperous economies in world history. But the condition which allowed it was that we had strong ties to both the British Empire/Commonwealth and to the US. In the 70s, the Brits, under intense US pressure since the end of WWII had their economy basically collapse. They had to go to the IMF for help and joined the EU, which bailed them out. The result of that was that their trade became very oriented towards the EU and the Commonwealth countries were left on their own.

Without a counterweight against the US, Canada felt weak. It didn’t stop Pierre Trudeau (the current PMs father) from telling the US to suck it when necessary, he even closed the border at one point, but Mulroney didn’t have the balls and he was right that our hand had become a lot weaker.

So Mulroney rammed thru the FTA. He was repaid by the Progressive Conservative party being essentially wiped out in the next election. Canadians really didn’t want the FTA/NAFTA. But once it was in, no successor government got rid of it.

The result was that Canada lost most of its industrial base. Ironically we even lost a lot of those auto-pact jobs, as American auto companies got their pants beaten off them by Japan and South Korea.

Pre-FTA about 30% of our exports to the US were autos and auto parts, 20% were petroleum, and miscellaneous machinery was about 15%.

Fast forward to today, 30% of our exports are petroleum, 13% are automobiles (the pact), and miscellaneous machinery is about 8%.

Can you say Dutch disease? Sure you can.

We’ve become a much more one note exporter, which is why Alberta and Saskatchewan are betraying our united front. They do most of the exporting, after all.

But the larger point is general de-industrialization and over-dependence on American markets. This has become enhanced over the last 8 years as our relations with China have degraded, due to Trudeau’s stupidity and pandering to America.

If this anti-China pandering worked, if it made it so America wouldn’t pull shit like tariffs, maybe it could be justified, but all its done is hurt our relationship with a potential trade partner and counter-weight to America’s influence on our economy.

So, what to do?

To start, leave the USMCA. The US has never obeyed NAFTA or the USMCA when it didn’t want to. Back in the 00s they slapped tariffs on timber, and ignored repeated rulings against them. We should have left then, but better later than never.

Second, start rebuilding our own industrial base. We still have plenty of scientists and engineers and vibrant universities. We can still bring in more scientists and engineers if we need to. This will require tariffs and subsidies, so institute them.

Third, bribe the resource workers who will be hurt. Just straight up find a way to give them a big chunk of change.

Fourth, re-institute Canadian ownership laws which require companies to be 51% Canadian owned, including foreign subsidiaries. Have the government take an additional 10%, and promise that all dividends from that 10% will be shared with Canadian citizens as direct deposits every year. Make it clear that we are willing to trade, but that trade no longer includes the right of foreigners to buy up our economy.

Fifth, form trade deals with countries other than the US. These should be bilateral or small multilateral in most cases with tariffs and subsidies allowed on both sides for key industries. We should pick a few industry sectors to concentrate on, and trade with other countries in the other sectors: that way they get something in exchange for the deal.

Sixth, go back to the old cyclical subsidization system: industry when our currency is high, resources when it’s low. Make it so that ordinary workers (and voters) are protected from the cyclical effects of a dual economy.

Seventh, put a lot of the resource profits into a sovereign wealth fund, to reduce the cyclical effects and provide the inevitable busts and for the inevitable and ongoing movement away from petrochemicals. Like it or not, alternative energy is coming on strong and the days of the petrol economy are drawing down. We’ve still got a couple decades to go, but the role of government is to make these long term plans. The fund should prioritize investments in petroleum regions, both to get them onside and to prepare them for the drawdown.

There’s plenty more details, of course, but these are the fundamentals. We’ll talk more, soon, about how trade should actually work if it’s to be for the benefit of all countries. Needless to say, such a regime would have princicples almost directly in opposition to those that have existed under GATT and its successor, the WTO.

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Slight Posting Delay

My keyboard appears to have a short and is spamming keys making typing anything long near impossible. So, probably nothing more till tomorrow when I should have it replaced. Hope all are well and having a less frustrating day than I am.

Feel free to use as an open thread.

Small Chinese Company Hilariously Crushes American AI

So, a Chinese financial firm (not even a software or computer company) has put out an open source AI model which is 50 times more efficient than Chat-GPT or any other American AI. It’s so simple you can run it on some phones, it doesn’t have to call home.

The sound you hear is Sam Altman screaming at the Devil as he realizes he sold his soul to become the world’s richest man, and it ain’t gonna happen.

(Faintly, in the background, the devil laughing his ass off.)

Absolutely hilarious. Oh, and they did it with a tiny team for hardly any money. Didn’t take billions. Doesn’t require massive amounts of energy.

And that whole open source thing matters: everyone else can build off their model. Deepseek, being Chinese, has some censorship in it (type Xi Jingping’s name to see it in action), but you can build your own without the censorship.

One of the interesting things is that it was built by a team of quants. Seems that the Chinese have been crushing the finance industry lately, since they saw what it has done to the West, so the Quants decided to try their hand at a bit of optimized AI code.

This chart is one of the most illustrative of Xi’s policy over the last six years or so:

Seems Xi has also figured out (as I’ve noted in the past) that billionaires suck. They form a power center outside the party and they act against the best interests of everyone in society but themselves.

Turns out that having lots of billionaire is a policy choice. The West made that choice and so did China, for a while, but when they saw how dangerous and harmful billionaires are, they reversed themselves and changed policy to crush them. They’ve even thrown them in prison. (Vietnam recently executed a mogul, though she wasn’t quite a billionaire.)

China’s CCP wants prosperity for everyone in the country. It’s the best way for them to stay in power, and hell, there’s every indication they really believe it’s the right thing to do. They’ve deliberately crushed their housing bubble and the state is moving heavily into building housing, they cracked down on exam-prep tutors, because that’s a red-Queen’s race which favors the rich and hurts everyone else, including kids. They built recreation centers just for delivery workers and forced companies to treat them better.

And they have the tech lead in about 80% of fields, plus, it appears, one more now. Just as Trump announces his five hundred billion dollar AI fund, launches his own shitcoin so people can bribe him without having to stay at one of his hotels and juices crypto, a fraudulent field which caters to the Western desire to get rich without actually doing anything useful for society.

America’s flailing around. Their only real plans is “let’s loot our vassals and satrapies”, and they’ll manage to do more of that. But it isn’t going to change America’s trajectory. It’s a failing Empire, it’s swirling the drain and nothing is going to stop that, since the actual necessary steps require policies like, y’know, slashing home prices, gutting billionaires, raising taxes on the rich, taking utilities and other public goods back into public control and so on: all the stuff no one, Trump included, wants to do.

Empires die hard, and a lot of suffering goes with that. But die the American Empire is, and will. China has already won, and they deserve to.

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Trump’s Laughable Sanction Threats Against Russia

The US thru a kitchen sink of sanctions at Russia after the start of the Ukraine war, including freezing their foreign assets. The result?

The number is exaggerated, given Russian inflation, but even inflation adjusted, Russia’s doing fine.

It is impossible to choke out Russia with sanctions if China isn’t willing to go a long. (India not cooperating is the cherry on top.) Cannot be done. Impossible.

In fact, sanctions against Russia have been a huge favor to it, forcing a vast surge in import substitution, improving its industry, creating a booming economy whose only real problem is inflation. Russian oligarchs have been forced to spend their money and effort in Russia instead of wasting their money in the West. Meanwhile the sanctions have damaged Europe massively, though somewhat to the benefit of America, since much energy-intensive industry in Europe is shutting down and moving to the US.

If Trump wants peace for Ukraine with Russia he’s going to have to offer a good deal. Threats won’t cut it. Or just wait for the Russians to win and impose a peace.

Since Trump appears to be reducing aid to Ukraine, that will happen sooner than otherwise. Perhaps it’s his real strategy, or more likely, he’s simply incoherent. Russia halting along the current lines would be stupid of them, since they’re advancing inexorably and all reports are of significant Ukrainian manpower shortages.

Trump’s always been a bully, but Russia isn’t one of America’s vassals or satrapies. It’s a junior ally in the Chinese sphere, and Trump doesn’t have the economic or military leverage to make it do anything. The only country in the world which can force Russia is China, and China isn’t going to help America v.s. Russia under any likely Trump policy regime.

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If You Really Hate DEI & Actually Want Merit, There Is A Way

There’s a lot of pushback on DEI these days, with some major companies ending their DEI programs. This has been tied into the competence crisis, which is bullshit.

Let’s put the idea that there isn’t massive discrimination to rest. There have been many studies. One found that identical resumes from people with black names vs. people with white names had half the interview requests. A meta-study found the effect less overall: 24%.

Now I don’t know if DEI overcomes that, but modern studies don’t find any less of a gap, so I’m guessing “no”, though the effect on promotion may be more significant.

The obvious solution is to do something similar to the how orchestras evaluate musicians: they place them behind a screen, and they play their music. The evaluators don’t know who’s playing, or anything about them.

Modern technology makes this viable: wipe the resume of any identifying remarks and do the same with any testing. Have the interview with an avatar with a computer masked voice. If you really want to evaluate entirely on merit: their record and their abilities, that would be the way to do it.

The counter-argument is “cultural fit” and I’m not going to say that there’s nothing to it. The evidence is that diverse teams improve quality at the cost of speed and increased conflict but the benefits don’t accrue for teams which don’t work together much. If you’re doing something you already know how to do, where quality isn’t much of a factor, speed is and team members don’t interact much anyway, then there’s a case for “cultural fit” teams. But if you’re dealing with uncertainty, or quality is more important than speed, then a diverse team is probably better.

(Amusingly the evidence is that startup funds perform less well without diversity, but silicon valley hates diversity and prioritizes fit, which is one reason for their under-performance the last couple decades since the tech-bros took charge.)

I’m not a huge fan of DEI. It introduces a variable that shouldn’t matter. Problem is that variable already matters, and DEI is an effort to counter people hiring less competent people because of prejudice.

But there is another solution: one that prioritizes merit, at least for hiring (and it could be extended to some types of promotion decisions). Decisions based on blinding out gender and race.

If the real issue is merit and not something else, this is the obvious way to go. Strange how rarely it is suggested.

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Actuaries Weigh In On Climate Change Effects

Actuaries are probably the world’s foremost experts on risk. The Institute & Faculty of Actuaries has weighed in on the likely effects of climate change (pdf):

They expect this between 2050 and 2070, but it appears to be based on reaching over 2 degrees increase. I’d personally expect it sooner. Whatever the case, 2 billion deaths is one of the more extreme numbers I’ve seen from a mainstream source. (I personally expect at least half of the world’s population to die.)

The full report has a range of probabilities, and 4 billion deaths is on the table as one of the possibilities. (pdf)

By 2070 to 2090 they expect as much as a 50% loss of GDP.

The global economy could face a 50% loss in GDP between 2070 and 2090, unless immediate policy action on risks posed by the climate crisis is taken. Populations are already impacted by food system shocks, water insecurity, heat stress and infectious diseases. If unchecked, mass mortality, mass displacement, severe economic contraction and conflict become more likely.

I think the simplest and most important quote is this one:

Our society and economy fundamentally depend on the Earth system which provides essentials such as food, water, energy and raw materials.

A lot of people seem to miss that the economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment. Mother nature has the final say on everything.

As long as we’re banging on about climate change, this lovely little chart shows the effects on precipitation of climate change. (Hotter air means more water in the air, and thus more rain and snow.) In other words, expect more floods, mudslides and so on. Notice that the slope appears to be accelerating.

Remember, realism is not pessimism.


Drill, Baby, Drill; Screw Immigrants; End the 14th Amendment; Climate Change Ho! Trump’s Day One Actions

What can I say, it’s an old picture, but I like it

The Guardian has a pretty good list of Trump’s executive actions day one.

January 6th pardons are the most interesting, to me. Trump should have granted these pardons before leaving office in 2020 but I’m sure they’re still a great relief to those charged or imprisoned. (I actually know one guy who wound up in prison because of J6.) When I say “should” I’m not expressing support for them storming the capital, just noting that a smart leader protects his most fanatical followers. Might need them again, after all.

There are a bunch of oil and climate related orders, which amount to “drill more, and screw any anti-climate change policies or agreements” including leaving the Paris accords. I’m not that worked up, Biden massively increased drilling too, he just protected a few places from it. As for the Paris agreement, it’s always been a dead letter. I notice that Musk has skated by, at least so far, Trump got rid of the “goal” to have half of all autos be electrical, but didn’t get rid of the subsidies, without which Musk would lose hundreds of billions of dollars .

Trump also ordered more work on the wall (Biden hadn’t actually stopped building barriers), ended appointments, seems to have effectively ended refugees and most impressively ordered all government departments not to issue documents related to birthright citizenship of any children born to illegal refugees. This is in direct violation of the 14th amendment as written, but given the makeup of the Supreme Court, the 14th may be a dead letter. He’s also declared an “emergency” so that troops can be deployed to the border, which would otherwise be illegal.

He has declared Mexican cartels terrorists and I’d guess he’s thinking of launching raids across the border, without Mexican government permission, which is going to be a nightmare.

All genders other than male and female have been declared non-existent, all policies allowing or encouraging gender change are disallowed, and the government can’t fund anything. Anti-trans hysteria continues. Pure pandering from Trump, as he’s suggested in the past that he doesn’t really care but is happy to whip up crowds with it. DEI related executive orders have been rescinded. Won’t do a thing to help the competency crisis, but more red meat.

Trump has also removed Schedule F protection for Federal civil servants from arbitrary dismissal. This will be challenged, but the consensus seems to be he’s within his rights. I’m not super worked about this, winning political parties should be able to put their people in place and it will work to the advantage of future Presidents as well.

Overall there’s not much here that’s surprising. For immigrants the real question is his planned immigrant roundups and expelling, which seem likely to start soon. The border guards were always his most loyal servants among the paramilitary forces and I’m sure they’re salivating at the opportunity to beat people up and degrade them.

The most interesting thing is that Musk has thus far bought himself a reprieve. Were I him, I’d showboat less, because Trump doesn’t like people who steal his limelight. Musk was essentially created by Obama era policies and subsidies favoring both private spaceflight and electric cars, and he can be destroyed just as easily by a hostile President.


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