This isn’t about all the high minding crap she said (lost the confidence of the PM, etc…) it’s an attempt to pressure Trudeau to resign, so the Liberals don’t have him as an albatross hung around their neck during the next election. The Liberals will still lose, I’d think, but they won’t get slaughtered, or that’s their hope.
Freeland has terrible politics. She’s the worst sort of neoliberal. She’s been Trudeau’s strong right hand, and done most of his dirty work. Given this is the case, I don’t think she’ll make a good candidate if she’s the new Liberal leader.
Trudeau may want to hang on, knowing he’ll lose the next election, with an eye to running again after four years of Conservative rule. It’s what his father did, and he may wish to emulate Pierre.
Pollievre, the Conservative leader, will probably be the next Prime Minister. He’s right wing of the modern American variety. Nativist, nasty, and stupid. About the only good thing I can say about him is that he’ll fight if Trump goes ahead with tariffs.
Trump’s threatening everyone with tariffs. The Euros, Chinese, Mexico, Canada and so on. The smart response would be for all of these nations to coordinate their response, rather than each midget fighting on their own. More on that in a later post.
Mark Level
Blumenthal & Mate of the Grayzone have done a thorough documentation of Chrystia Freedland’s Nazi family heritage and support for fascism. I saw a pic of her recently and she has the same dead eyes of the graveyard haunting ghoul Antony Blinken, truly a horrid person. So her granddad was a 3rd Reich collaborator in Ukraine, his family was given the home of Jews who fled and the printing press & business of Jews who were (I believe) liquidated. He produced Der Sturmer-style spittle journalism about the need to support the Reich & liquidate Jews, stayed free & sunk into obscurity when the Russians beat the Germans back.
Her parents both migrated to Canada, & grandpa often came to visit and she regularly shared what a wonderful, warm guy he was, not “a Nazi supporter”. Unfortunately for that lie, when the USSR crashed in 1990, soon after a cache of Intell on him and his activities in the war came to light, one which Max & Aaron among others relied on.
Her portentous name, like her exact ideological cohort Victoria Nuland, just screams Land Theft & conquest of the Untermenschen. Krystia (Christ-bringer? Christ-like?) “Freedland” (conquered land) and Victoria “Nuland” (birth name Nudleman), “New Lands” taken from the savages, are both generational Nazi sympathizers. Victoria specialized in Soviet studies starting in the 80s due to her hatred of Russia and “Reds”, inculcated from an early age. (I do not know if her family was wealthy and lost property during the revolution, believe she is also Ukrainian, it seems quite possible.)
As a flunky of nepo-baby Justin Trudeau (many think his actual father was Fidel Castro as his mom was seeing Castro 9 months before his birth; both Trudeau parents practiced an open marriage, both were involved with different members of the Rolling Stones’ retinue/ wives etc. at the same time) recruited Freedland for the “Liberal” party. One of her biggest projects was a set of “Memorials to the Victims of Communism” across Canada. These include worthy alongside unworthy “victims”, as to the latter, names like Yaroslav Hunka (2 standing applauses/ovations from the Canadian Parliament, led by her, Trudeau, & Volodymyr Zelensky in 2023) a 98-year old Wermacht soldier from ’43-45 in an SS Division founded by Heinrich Himmler, which in a memoir he called “the best years of my life”, his Unit slaughtered 1,000s of “subhuman” Poles, mostly but not exclusively Jews, as well as many other SS Veteran “victims” of the Evil Reds.
Early in the Ukraine war she went to a demonstration and tweeted a picture of herself waving a Red & Black neofascist flag of that era in Ukraine, took it down as she naturally came in for criticism. Trump reportedly hates her (for whatever arbitrary reasons, it seems sometimes he has good instincts about people even scummier than himself & his family).
Folks like Hunka were bought into Canada via Ukrainian-Vatican “rat-lines” that I’d expect her grandfather contributed to, to break strikes and support Capitalism, in very high numbers, despite the fact that Canada fought alongside the Allies, incl. US & Stalin’s USSR. He prospered, but once he was exposed after the 2 ovations, the local college that was about to name a building after him demurred on that. (They had his Wehrmacht “best years of my life” memoir in their possession as well.)
So glad we live in a “Democracy” and under “the rule of law” & a “rules-based order.” You have to laugh, or else suicide or insanity might be an end-point if one is too reality oriented.
Nathan Lee Wilcox
You left out Freeland’s family connections to Ukrainian nazis.
Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator – so much for Russian disinformation (Ottawa Citizen)
Feral Finster
Freeland is gunning for Trudeau’s job, and stabbing him in the back now is her best (and likely only) shot at getting that job.
Harris’ betrayal of Biden is comparable.
Mark Level
Yes, Nathan, but he left that to me.
Freeland the Nazi needs to watch her speed.
Thanks for the in-depth comment ML.
Freeland seemed very much like someone in the Ignatieff mold. She kept the Liberals pursuing modest —ineffective— policies that would ignore real inflation and allowed the central bank to pursue its strategy of raising interest rates in lieu of the government doing anything itself, as though that would solve anything.
Carney would’ve probably explained much of this to Trudeau and likely clued Trudeau in on the fact that Freeland was at best useless and at worst sabotaging Trudeau’s campaign for re-election. That if Trudeau had any chance at re-election, it’d be best to shoot for the stars with the next budget, which would be the antithesis of anything Freeland would ever even contemplate. The howls and jeers coming at Trudeau for his resignation don’t seem genuine but rather fearful of Mark Carney’s influence on Canadian politics, should he be allowed in even for just a year.
Carney’s politics seem closer to Keynesien that neo-liberal, if his work with the Bank of England and the Labour Party alongside Rachel Reeves instituting the National Wealth Fund program is anything to go by, so we may see something approaching a major Canadian stimulus plan and a tax plan designed to reign in wealth disparity. He’d also probably also begin a Canadian program of ending over-reliance on the American dollar, as he’s spoken on that in the past.
It seems to be two years too late to bring in Carney now, but better late than never, and a year in politics can sometimes feel like a decade. Never know what’ll happen, especially if Trudeau manages to get his budget passed. I imagine the NDP will support the budget as well.
Feral Finster
@mago: Freeland knows that she never will likely have a better shot at the PM slot than what she has now.
A similar logic underlay Harris calculation a few months ago.