The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Category: End of American Empire Page 1 of 4

Absolutely Massive Collapse In Travel From Canada To America Incoming

I have to admit, I didn’t think it would be this big:

Using forward booking data from a major GDS supplier, we’ve compared the total bookings held at this point last year with those recorded this week for the upcoming summer season. The decline is striking — bookings are down by over 70% in every month through to the end of September. This sharp drop suggests that travellers are holding off on making reservations, likely due to ongoing uncertainty surrounding the broader trade dispute.

Parts of Florida will be hammered by this. But I’m shocked: seventy percent plus! I hadn’t realized just how unified Canadians are in this.

I suspect it isn’t all the tariffs and Trump’s annexation threats: there’s been significant press of US border services snatching foreigners who are crossing legally but perhaps don’t have their paperwork all right and instead of just sending them back, abusing them and locking them up.

I certainly won’t be traveling to America, probably ever again: after all I’ve insulted Trump repeatedly and said that Israel is committing a genocide and customs officers often search social media. Nothing in America is worth the risk of wind up in some prison camp because I think Palestinians are human beings and shouldn’t be mass murdered.

So far I don’t see evidence of a big drop in European bookings, but if that happens, and there’s plenty of reason to believe in might, well… bad time to be in tourism in America and a good time to be in tourism in alternatives. I think Mexican and Canadian destinations are doing very well out of Canadian’s refusal to visit America.

America wants to be alone, and without allies, and soon it will be. Trump’s hilarious attempts to cozy up to Russia are ridiculous. Putin will do business with America, but he will never, ever trust the US, no matter who is President. Meanwhile America’s real allies are mostly deciding, quite rationally, that one can’t trust America and therefore America can’t be a useful ally.

This will lead to a variety of knock on effects, like diversification from the dollar and use of local currencies in trade, and the American standard of living will collapse by at least a third. Americans have been living way beyond their means, and Trump is bringing that to an end.

So sad.

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The End of Empire: The Anger, Glee and Despair Tango

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”

This statement is—wrong-ish.

For decades various people have been predicting what is happening now: the end of the American empire, the late Imperial wars, the despair and poverty of late-imperial rentier capitalism, and the rise of China.

Indeed a lot of people (your host included) were screaming about this 30 years ago. I read my first book on the way that America was turning to Gilded Age plus inequality in 1986. Everyone who wasn’t stupid, bought or ideologically captured could see what neoliberalism would lead to. From the late 90s we yelled about sending the West’s industry to the West, but hey, it was the “End of History” and capitalism and democracy had won and it didn’t matter where industry was because “comparative advantage” was, and still is, completely misunderstood, as were the constituents of state power.

So—it’s all happening now, along with massive wildfires from climate change and it seems like for decades nothing happened, but really, it was all happening: without deliberate policy choices, these weeks wouldn’t be possible.

The key to making accurate predictions is simply asking “what must happen if the current course continues, and will the course continue.” In 2009, when Obama decided he’d rather have a couple mansions and Hollywood friends than be the next FDR, and massively increase fracking to top it off, it became clear that the course would continue and all this became inevitable. Realistically, the rise of China was locked in when they were allowed to join the WTO and climate change was locked in when Reagan tore down the solar panels on the White House roof.

So it’s been a very easy time to make accurate long term predictions, much as Keynes, upon seeing the post-WWI peace deal was able to predict WWII and the end of the British Empire. It still had to play out, but everyone with sense knew it was inevitable.

Most of the time I’m sanguine about all this, but every once in a while despair and anger at all the harm which was so easily predicted and which could have been avoided wells up. Other times it’s glee: the fall of the American Empire will occasion a lot of horrid events, but unless you’re American or perhaps European, it’s hard to be sad, especially as we witness genocide in both Gaza and Syria, and witness huge homeless camps.

I was sent this video to watch, and it’s so typical of America these days:

Kind of hard to feel sorrow at the end of an Empire which treats even its own citizens this way. Meanwhile China deliberately crashed its own over-inflated housing market when the CCP noticed that too many people couldn’t afford their own homes any more, and is moving to mostly state-built housing. Tell me more about how awful “Communism” is. Nor are they shipping Israel arms and supporting genocide. (No, the Ughuirs are not being genocided, though they are discriminated against.)

If you’re feeling similar emotions, well, that’s understandable and no big deal. Just remember, the world is always and has always been shit for a lot of people, all that’s changing is who, and in a couple decades, how many. But there’s still delicious food, beautiful scenery, and love is just as sweet. All the good still exists, and your sorrow and pain does not help other people, and hurts you.

Live, enjoy, and perhaps allow yourself some happiness at the good amidst all the evil.


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The End Of The American Brain Drain

This admission of abject surrender and powerlessness from Colombia University is something I appreciate. Some actual honesty:

America’s in the middle of another of spasmodic crackdown on the free speech like McCarythism or the Red Scare. In this case so that Israel can commit genocide because a controlling number of American elites are scared of Israel, in many cases most likely because Israel has proof they’re baby-fuckers. (Can you say “Epstein”?)

The slightly less depraved ones are just scared of AIPAC funding their opponents. Others genuinely love the idea of mass murder, and probably have screenshots of dead Palestinians and Israeli soldiers wearing Palestinian women’s underwear saved for times when their palms get sweaty and they started breathing fast.

But, let’s bring this back to the more usual themes of this blog. There’s another interesting news story: it seems there’s a bill proposed to ban all Chinese students from studying in America.


You know one of the main reasons why the US took the tech lead so decisively before and after World War II? A massive influx of European scientists and intelligentista, many Jewish, but plenty not. The smartest people in the world disproportionately wanted to live in America.

This continued for generations: you’d be some other nation, you’d train up smart people, educate them, and the ungrateful fucks would go to the US to finish their education, then stay in America. Endlessly frustrating for everyone but America.

So, of course, current American elites, scratching under their armpits, hooting about foreigners, grunting out “Uhmerika, grate” have decided to add to their broad attack on research, brains, intelligence, universities, teachers and books by banning even more smart people coming from other countries.

They will glare at you and tell you it’s “so them Chinese fellers can’t learn our secrets.”

Weird thing, last survey I saw had the Chinese leading in 89% of tech fields, up from 80% and there are more top Chinese AI researchers working in America than American AI researchers.

So, if you go to America you can’t say “mass murder is bad”, and no one can protect you from the government’s thugs if you do, but, fortunately for some, soon you won’t be able to study in the US, so hey, it’ll be a moot point if you’re lucky enough to be Chinese.

American universities are only massively dependent on foreign students and Americans, scared of catastrophic, life long student loan debt increasingly don’t want to to go to university, so I’m sure this won’t hurt America at all. Who needs scientists, engineers, professors, intellectuals, and all them fancy folks who think they’re better than MAGA chuds? I hear some of them academic types say evil worlds like sexism and racism and nasty phrases like settler colonialism, CIS, justice, fairness, genocide and so on.

Yup. Ban ’em or make ’em terrified. Don’t give academics any freedom, they think bad thoughts about how killing brown people might be wrong or that women might be worth something when they aren’t cooking or spreading their legs. They might say “abortion isn’t always evil” or suggest that God isn’t real or something.

Anyway, I’m pleased to notice that America is 110% (as an American manager or coach would say) dedicated to driving itself into the dirt and ensuring China buries it there.

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Trump Is the Best President of My Life Unless You’re American

The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole

The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole

Every day, I become more grateful for the election of Donald Trump. All praise. Millions and millions of people have worked to destroy the American empire, and all of them failed. Donald is succeeding, speeding the process by about a decade, I’d guess.

Likewise, I and many others have hated the neoliberal trade order for decades — since the late 80s, in my case. It was designed to destroy countries’ sovereignty, making it impossible to truly regulate investors, to run industrial policy, or even, in rich nations, to keep wages up. As a Canadian, ever since the FTA Canadian manufacturing has proceeded on a slow death march, till instead of selling the US more good than the US sells us, as was historically been the norm, we buy more goods from the US than vice-versa. (The trade surplus is due to energy.)

Meanwhile, Trump is essentially forcing the Europeans to take charge of their own destiny and stop doing what America says. This should have happened decades ago, and EU elites failure to man-up has cost Europe’s countries dearly. It’s quite likely neither NATO nor the EU itself will survive; both excellent outcomes. NATO should have been disbanded when the USSR fell. American troops may leave Europe, or at least there should be a further draw-down — also excellent. As for the EU, it has been an engine of stagnation and de-industrialization, especially since the introduction of the Euro.

The end of the American Empire, and the end of the “no industrial policy, no sovereignty” free trade order, and possibly the end of NATO and the American occupation of Europe.

Oh, the process will suck, and it will hurt. But for the first time since the US imposed its terrible neoliberal trade order on the world, there is at least a chance for most countries to be able to properly manage their own economic affairs.

Unfortunately for Americans, Trump is doing this in the stupidest and most harmful way possible — for America. It needs to be done, sure, but simultaneously pissing off almost every trade partner in the world and speeding up the end of the dollar’s hegemony in such a chaotic way is not going to go well for America or Americans. As the primary beneficiaries of the previous order (other than the Chinese, who suckered the Americans using their greed), the end of the order is going to be ugly, and because America now has no friends except maybe the lickspittle Brits, there’s going to be little cushion for the America’s fall to real economic status.

So, all hail Trump. He’s an idiot, a monster and is doing plenty of terrible things. But he’s ending the American century sooner and more decisively than anyone could really have expected. There’s still the risk of war, to be sure. But if we can avoid that, well, Trump will go down as a very important President and his reign will have made a better world possible.

Sometimes what the world needs is a colossal fuckup in charge to bring the end of an order.


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Understanding Trump’s Tariffs Effects on World Trade & How He’s Ending the American Era

To understand how tariffs are going to hit various economies, you need to understand how neoliberal era trade and production was set up. In the old world supply chains were much less integrated. In general, if you made it in your country, your supply chain was in your country. There were always some exceptions, especially for resources like nickel, copper, uranium, etc., but these were the exception to the rule. Trade deals and laws in the old era usually required foreign companies which were set up for production in a host country to source a minimum amount of parts from said host country. Almost always this was over 50 percent. If the infrastructure didn’t exist, the company, usually with government help, would set it up.

Understand clearly that the neoliberal era came out of the inflation crises of the 70s. It had two goals: 1) To reduce consumer inflation and thus growth in petrochemical use, and; 2) To make the rich much richer.

In the post-war era, most production in most Western countries was meant for the internal market. If you needed it, you made it, with some exceptions: The smaller you were, the more you needed to import some goods, and of course, if you’re Norway or Canada you import bananas and coffee, and you imported any resources you couldn’t produce enough of yourself, like wood, oil, gas, and minerals. The high imports of oil were the old world’s achilles heel, and the inability to import substitutes away from them killed it.

So, most things ordinary people bought have an oil input cost, and the more money ordinary people had, the more they’d do things which had an oil cost. There was almost nothing the Arabs needed to buy from the West at the time: They had small populations, and didn’t have consumer economies. We could sell them military goods, but other than that their needs were modest. They had us over an oil barrel.

I remember the post-war world well, it died in stages. In the 70s and 80s, my family lived in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Bangladesh at various times. In all these countries, even Singapore, everything was cheaper than in Canada or America. Ex-pats who had incomes denominated in first world currencies lived very well. When in Canada, we were lower middle class. Overseas we had servants.

Yet despite having cheap goods and services, all those countries except Singapore were third world. Poor.

The post-war developed country play was to keep both prices and wages high, and to make sure wages went up faster than prices, while controlling asset prices, which included home prices and rent. Wages were high because prices were high, and because most production was done in country, or in another high wage country, and because there were tariffs on goods from low cost domiciles, and as they didn’t have much industry anyway, it didn’t matter. Even as late as 1980 or so, America made 97 percent of everything it needed, and the Japanese export surge which changed that still came from a first world, high wage/high cost nation.

In this world, there was certainly trade, but countries still strove to make and grow as much of what they needed as they could at home.

Then came the inflation crises, when due to the oil shocks, wages grew slower than prices — a lot slower. I remember the price of a chocolate bar going from 25c to a dollar in the period of two years (I was a kid, so that’s the sort of price that was important to me. Paperback prices also went from about 99c to $2.50 and then up to $3.50).

So, if you’re going to tackle this, you need to reduce the use of oil, which means reduce ordinary people’s use of oil, which means restraining their income growth. This is why, during the 80s and 90s, every time wages grew faster than inflation, the Fed would slam on the brakes and cause a recession.

But the other play, which also helps keep domestic wages down, is to manufacture and grow and produce in really low wage domiciles. You can slowly crush European, American, and Canadian wages, but people in China, Bangladesh, Mexico, India, and so on are already earning one-tenth of what you have to pay first world workers. They were a lot less efficient workers, too, but even so, if you offshored production, you could reduce the price of goods.

So offshoring became a way to reduce inflation. It also juiced profits, since much of the price decreases weren’t passed on to first world consumers, but hey, win/win if you’re a first-world capitalist or financier. Because production was being increasingly farmed out to developing nations, first world economies financialized and the financial elites took control from the old manufacturing elites (who were, for all their flaws, actually capitalists. Financiers are the lowest form of capitalist life.)

This, of course, lead to first-world countries de-industrializing, and eventually to the rise of China, and the loss of the West’s tech lead, along with the evisceration of the middle class, a huge homelessness crisis, and in Europe, sclerosis.

Now here’s the irony: China has very low costs, so low that I’d argue that the idea that they’re still middle income is false. Their ostensible salaries look low to us, but cars in China can be had for 10K. Earbud equivalents can be had for less than $10. Smart phones are cheaper. Almost everything is cheaper. It’s a weird inverse of the old first world situation: Wages are lower, but costs are lower vs. wages are higher, and so are costs.

Either equilibrium, of course, works for prosperity. What the first-world now has is high-ish wages and higher costs. I saw a factoid the other day that claimed that rent has increased 350 percent more than median wages in the US since 1985, for example.

Now, let’s take closer look at the structure of trade in the neoliberal era: It was based around trade agreements like NAFTA and the WTO which made it essentially illegal to run old-style economies where most production for internal markets was domestic. You couldn’t tariff, you couldn’t subsidize, and you couldn’t enforce ownership rules, domestic content rules, or even rules requiring primary processing of raw resources before export (for example, Canada didn’t used to ship raw logs and canned salmon before selling it overseas.) If you did, the independent trade courts would hit you with huge multi-billion dollar fines. You also had to enforce American IP laws, and thus pay a portion of most profits to America.

What this lead to is countries becoming cogs in production networks; they had part of the supply chain for a product without having most of the supply chain. Their economies were dependent on trade because even if they assembled the final product, most of the supply chain was outside their country.

Let’s take an example from Canada’s current dilemma with regard to American tariffs. Canada’s government made some big bets on EVs, especially batteries. It seemed to make sense: We produce the minerals which go into batteries, so why not manufacture them here and ship them to the US?

This was a BIG bet in Canadian terms. Ontario and the Feds put up about 16 billion of subsidies, perks, and land to get VW to build a battery plant in St. Thomas. This plant, if it goes into full production will produce a million batteries a year. Stellantis’s battery plant in Windsor had 15 billion dollars in subsidies. Honda is retooling to make EVs in Canada, and to produce batteries, and other parts, for EVs — with a 2.5 billion tax cut deal and 2.5 billion in direct and indirect subsidies.

Now here’s the issue, which you may have spotted: They’ll make way more batteries than Canada could possibly need for domestic EVs. Way, way more. With tariffs and uncertainty (after all Trump, could increase them again) none of these projects are viable. Perhaps we could re-tool one of them and really push Canadians to switch en-mass to EVs. If the Feds are smart, that’s probably what they’ll do. (Spoiler, the Feds are not always smart.)

But no matter what, Canada’s taking a huge hit.

In the old world, where you produced primarily for yourself, and if it was more expensive than foreign alternatives said “eat tariffs”, and maybe subsidized, a foreign government couldn’t just decide one day to destroy your industry. Trade was usually in products the other nation didn’t make or grow itself, or genuinely couldn’t make or grow enough of.

The neoliberal trade structure was designed to make national autonomy, in anything (food, energy, manufactured goods) extremely difficult to obtain. It was a giant hostage situation.

It broke down because of stupidity and greed. The full story is long, but the essence is simple: Americans gave China the full stack. The entire supply line for a lot of goods is domestic for China with smaller chunks in close by allies like Vietnam. They were low cost, they had real competitive markets which kept prices low, and, because the manufacturing floor was in China, they eventually took the tech lead. This required about 20 years.

So China’s now the only nation in the world that has an old style “post-war” economy: It now produces primarily for the domestic market, but it also gets the neoliberal era advantage of selling huge amounts of goods overseas. Win/Win. For them.

What Trump’s team (not so much Trump as certain advisors) is trying to do is to re-shore a full manufacturing stack to America. They noticed that everyone industrializes behind some form of price supports, and that usually those are tariffs (China used currency controls), so they’re instituting tariffs. Given that the market for a lot of goods is in the US, they figure, correctly, that a lot of manufacturing will be forced to move back to America.

All those batteries Canada is making.

This screws every single American ally who allowed their economies to be restructured by American lead trade deals in the 80s and 90s. Every single one.

That’s why Canada and Mexico are in for a world of hurt, and also the EU. It’s also why China is not in for a world of hurt — they’ve got the full stack, and a massive domestic market. Plus, because their goods are cheap, they’ve got almost the entire global South plus most of the SE Asian economies as customers.

And here’s the problem for America: All its got is the US market, because it’s fucking every major trade partner it has. The allies (ex allies?) have to go back to an old style economy too, or form a much smaller and stupider neoliberal bloc, and if they can’t sell to America, they aren’t going to buy from America either. So America can get some full stack back, but only what it’s economy can afford.

And the American economy is much smaller than it looks. Much, much smaller. GDP numbers are massively over-inflated by asset price bubbles, much of the income from foreign assets is going to dry up, almost certainly eventually including IP. If you can’t sell to the Americans, why enforce their IP laws and pay them? Foreign ownership rules will start popping back up, and US assets overseas will be sold to locals — often at cents on the dollar. Of course, the same will happen to foreign assets in the US, but the “world” the US inhabits economically will shrink.

And then, if you can’t sell to the US, why the fuck are you using the US dollar for trade? Trump has made huge threats of tariffs against anyone who moves off the dollar for trade, but if you already effectively can’t sell to the US, again, who gives a fuck? Tariff away, asshole.

And when dollar’s hegemony disappears, the US economy will deflate to its actual size — at least a third, and probably half as large as the official numbers. Think someone pricking a water balloon. It’s going to be amazing to watch.

And that, children, is the end of the American era and Empire. It is very close now, and Trump is making it happen much faster. All praise Trump.

(There’s a lot more to unpack about the effects of Trump’s trade wars but this article is already over 2,000 words. For example, will Trump successfully reindustrialize America and make America, if not great again, at least a decent place to live? More on that soonish.)

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Tiresome Reminder of China’s Tech and Industry Lead

China has the lead in about 80 percent of tech fields:

China has a “stunning lead” in 37 out of 44 critical and emerging technologies as Western democracies lose a global competition for research output, a security think tank said on Thursday after tracking defence, space, energy and biotechnology.
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) said its study showed that, in some fields, all of the world’s top 10 research institutions are based in China.

There is every reason to believe this will be nearly 100% in a decade or so. China is now catching up in pharma, for example:

Among the drugs in clinical research worldwide, approximately 35% are original or co-developed by Chinese companies, ranking second globally.


Then there’s the universities:

It’s all over, except the screaming. The US is, under DOGE, cutting science funding. Oh, administrative overhead needed to be reduced, no question, but you don’t do that by suddenly slashing it 75 percent or so, that leaves no time to adjust.

Tech and science, as I have tiresomely pointed out over and over again, always moves to the country with the manufacturing floor lead. There is a delay, but it is now past.

Meanwhile, as of 2024 China controls 35 percent of industrial output, up from 31 percent in 2022.

China is moving towards the sort of economic and technological dominance the US enjoyed after World War II. It’s that significant.

And notice that the tech and science lead is accelerating.

Everything in geopolitics, economics and trade needs to take this into account. Nothing is more important except ecological issues.

People talk about a multipolar world, but what is actually happening is a new cold war, with the American side weaker and more backward. The USSR lost not because of some mythical inferior system, but because it started behind and stayed behind, with less population and fewer resources. It competed in some techs for a while, but was never able to establish a sustained lead in any significant number.

People wonder why I suggest most countries should be cutting a deal with or at least slightly aligning towards China. It’s because they’ve already won, and being on the stronger, more prosperous side is superior to being on the weaker, less prosperous side. Further, the sooner countries cut a deal, the better that deal will be.

The US is flailing about with the remains of its power, but the closest analogy to its position is Britain in 1918. The American Empire still exists, but everyone with sense can see that its days are numbered. The analogy isn’t perfect, there’s no Great War, and America is a continental power, but the same power overhang without the ability to sustain it exists.

This informs everything: There’s the US withdrawal from Europe, which is underway; The French being kicked out of Africa, because China can supply everything they need; America’s attempts to cannibalize its vassals for as much tech and industry as they can get; and so on.

America’s currently pressuring Taiwan and TSMC to give them their two million fab tech. 85 percent of Taiwanese oppose this, but the US is piling the pressure on.

Thing is, in time, it won’t matter. China’s catching up anyway.

America’s burning down its old Empire to try and stay in the game. But its vassals are fools if they cooperate. There is nothing the US can offer at this point which is worth the long term cost of submitting to US looting. This is true of Ukraine as well, by the way, and it appears they’re going to sign a minerals deal with Europe instead of the US, which is not ideal, but at least they won’t be screwed both ways to Sunday.

Disentangling from a flailing, declining Empire is dangerous and difficult. But it has to be done, by anyyone with any sense. Give America its splendid isolation as it falls into decline, or join it.


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In The New Cold War, One Side Will Be Weaker and Less Prosperous

This is the sort of thing the US used to be able to do, and Britain back in its day:

China has built over 30,000 basic-level smart factories as part of a nationwide push to accelerate industrial digitalization and intelligent upgrading, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

The initiative, under the smart factory gradient cultivation action, has also seen the creation of 1,200 advanced-level and 230 excellence-level smart factories…

…The 230 excellence-level factories, distributed across all 31 provincial regions in China and covering over 80 percent of manufacturing sectors, have carried out nearly 2,000 advanced scenarios, including smart warehousing, AI-powered quality inspections, and digital research and development, said MIIT.

On average, these factories are 28.4 percent shorter in product development cycles, 22.3 percent higher in production efficiency, 50.2 percent lower in defect rates and 20.4 percent lower in carbon emissions, said the ministry.

Meanwhile, in South and Central America (a similar map could be done for Africa and chunks of Asia):

So, here’s the thing. Under the threat of Trump’s tariffs, Canada and the EU have been offering America to get tougher on China. “China’s the real enemy!” they scream.

Problem is, in the new Cold War, China’s going to be the stronger and more prosperous side. Russia, and most of Asia, Africa and South America are going to align with it. It will soon be in the “US after WWII” position of having more industry than everyone else combined, and it’s already leading in 80% of technological fields. It won’t be long before that’s 90% and I wouldn’t be surprised if in 15 years it’s damn near 100%.

Choosing to align with America is choosing to align with a declining Empire. It’s like laying your bet on Britain in 1918.

I don’t think this is a done deal for all of Europe. The old order is dying, new parties are challenging the old center-right and center-left parties and while the current leadership are lapdogs, the future leadership in many countries will not be. All China has to do is offer to not de-industrialize Europe, or all European countries have to do is cut a deal along those lines.

The sooner one makes the deal, the sooner one defects to the winning side, the better the deal will be.

It is my judgment that it won’t be long before the two best countries to live in are China and Russia. They are rising, and rising fast and the West is in decline. America’s strategy of cannibalizing its allies industries is stupid, because its allies industries are old legacy industries which are mostly already surpassed by China, and those that aren’t, like Pharma, soon will be.

There’s no reason to be loyal to America. Trump’s made it clear that the United States has no loyalty to anyone else, and it’s offering a really shitty deal. Russia doesn’t want to conquer Europe. They conquered half of it once before and it didn’t work out, they just want security.

This won’t happen this year, that’s clear, but smart nations will make the switch as soon as possible. I suspect the EU is likely to break up, so some European countries will change sides, and some won’t. But if it is done as a group of nations, even if not the whole bunch, the deal will be better.

The Cold War is already in its late early stages. I was writing about it as early as 2017, and it’s gathering steam. This is the new world. Choose your side, but for most countries, choose you must and wise statesmen choose the winning side.


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It’s The End of the American Era. Period.

The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole

The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole

Commenting on all the stupid (like Musk’s antics) is tiring sometimes.

I was trying to figure out what to write today. There are about a dozen possible posts, all of which amount to “Trump or Musk are flinging poo at the wall.”

So let’s forget all the stupid little details no one will care about in even ten years and cut to the chase.

America is in irreversible decline. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world. China will even take the lead in Pharma away from the US, probably no later than 2030. The US military can’t even keep the shipping lanes open and Carrier groups no longer have a full support group.

Trump is not going to make America Great Again. Even when Trump and Musk do the right thing, they do it the wrong way. There’s a lot of administrative bloat at universities and hospitals, and reducing that is a priority. But simply cutting the administrative grants overnight leaves no time for adjustment and will smash institutions to flinders. This might not matter if it was 1995 or even 2005 and the uS was still in the lead, but right now the US can’t afford the time to do things the stupid way.

Trump is breaking the Constitution. He doesn’t have the right to decide not to distribute money entailed by Congress unless Congress gave him the right. He doesn’t have the right to ignore judges who tell him not to do illegal and unconstitutional things. If Trump’s changes go thru, there will only be one real branch of government, the Presidency.

During The Decline America is Dangerous. America’s era of preeminence is cooked, there’s no question, but decline takes some time. The US is still insanely powerful and that makes it dangerous to anyone weaker than it within reasonable reach. This means, of course, that there’s almost no one in the world who shouldn’t, for purely pragmatic reasons, want the US to go down faster. The sooner it falls, the safer everyone else will be. Well, unless you’re Taiwan, but that’s foreordained already, it’s just a question of when.

America is Canada’s Enemy. No other nation is threatening Canada’s very existence, after all. America has never, ever, protected Canada from anything but itself and the only real threat to Canada has always been America. Trudeau said Trump is serious about annexing Canada, and Trump has confirmed it.

America is Europe’s Enemy. It has been at least since Biden’s presidency, where the deliberate policy was to cut off cheap energy and encourage European (aka. German) industry to relocate to America.

America is all its “allies” Enemy. America wants to cannibalize its allies industry and bring it to America. It doesn’t care what happens to its friends, with the exception of Israel, because of Israel’s massive influence in America, much of it certainly based on blackmail. Every American ally now needs to cut ties and either make a group alliance without the US, or make its obeisance to Beijing and try and cut the most favorable deal it can. Early movers will get better deals.

Europe Needs To Grow Up and Kick Out America. Europe’s weaker than it’s been in generations, and far weaker than it was in 2005 when I first suggested this path, but it’s still got enough industry, science and engineers to reindustrialize and build its own army. Cut a deal with Russia and China, kick the Americans out and stop whining about how you can’t defend yourselves without America. That’s a choice: you still have the ability to create your own arms industry and you have plenty of unemployed youngsters you could put in said military.

China is the next leading Great Power and it could be the next superpower if it wants it. I’d argue it already is the leading great power much of the world. Certainly it’s more important in most of Asia and Africa than America is. It will take the lead in, essentially, every scientific area. It is already the most dominant manufacturing power and that will only decline when it realizes that it, like the US after WWII needs to send more of its industry overseas or there won’t be anyone worth selling to. or any allies worth having.

This is the Era Endgame. This is what I’ve been writing about and towards for over two decades. This is it, this is America in irreversible decline, losing its constitutional government and descending into a non-military from of Caesarism. Maybe Americans will avoid the fate of rule by Imperial Presidents, it’s at least theoretically possible. For everyone but Americans and maybe Mexico and Canada the best outcome would be America breaking up. But no one outside of America should be doing anything but preparing for America’s fall, protecting themselves from America, and positioning themselves for the new era where China is dominant.

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