Just ban all AirBnBs in your city and anything similar. If someone wants to rent temporary rooms they can be regulated as a hotel.
I guarantee rent prices would crash overnight in most major cities.
A lot of condos and so on are now being built FOR people who want to AirBnB.
(I am fundraising to determine how much I’ll write this year. If you value my writing and want more of it, please consider donating.)
If you want to be a little kinder, make it so that people can AirBnB their primary residence and one other place and that’s it, and only individuals/sole proprietorships can AirBnB. If it’s really about some additional income, then great.
This all may seem harsh, but rental price increases in a lot of cities are out of control, and in many major cities there is now a housing bubble far more advanced than the bubble in 2008. AirBnB isn’t the only cause, but it’s a major one. Cities are for residents first. High rental prices destroy people’s lives, while having to pay a bit more to stay at a hotel is either a business expense or a trip you didn’t actually have to take, while residents need somewhere to live.
Make some laws forbidding people to own empty residences; don’t allow foreigners to own residences or locals to own residences that are held beneficially by foreigners, shut down foreign money flows, and you’ve got the rest of a solution.
Housing: Owned or rented, is a utility. Treating it as an investment or a way to get rich is intensely harmful, and because there is nothing that is quite as rentier has housing (even the word comes from renting), it is also really bad for the economy in the longer run.
AirBnB, like Uber and Lyft, is a leech. A parasite which harms its host.
Sensible countries and municipalities will put it down or put it on a leash.