The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Category: Europe Page 1 of 16

Germany’s Merz Is A Moron, But At Least He’s Got Some Guts

So, Merz is likely Germany’s next Chancellor. He’s said one good thing:

“My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that, step by step, we can really achieve independence from the USA.

“After Donald Trump‘s statements, it is clear that the Americans, at least this part of the Americans, this administration, are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe.”

Excellent. The first step in recovery from being a slave, or vassal, is admitting the problem and deciding to stand up.

Problem is Merz is rabidly anti-Russia, pro-Israel and stupid. If Germany wants to re-arm, it has to stop its de-industrialization, and that means it needs cheap energy, which right now can only be supplied by Russia. Then it needs to massively invest in tech and science, because it’s far behind China, the US, Japan and South Korea. Its industry is almost all legacy 20th century industry.

If Europe’s going to re-arm, where it getting the weapons from? The US? China? Russia? It has to have its own arms industry.

Germany’s been doing a pretty good job of moving to electrification, but during the transition it’s going to need cheap oil and gas. It also needs to invest in new forms of nuclear power which are safer and cheaper to provide electrical backbone (and to catch up in tech.)

All of this is going to take a lot of money and forcing Germany companies to stay in Germany and invest in research and new products. That means raising taxes on the rich and corporations, and re-jiggering the tax code to force reinvestment of profits into research and new production.

Merz isn’t the sort of guy who’s going to want to put top marginal tax rates back up to 80 or 90%, end stock options, smash CEO and exec pay, and so on.

Still, at least Merz has got it thru his thick head that America is Europe’s overlord and something should be done about that.

But actually stopping Germany’s decline requires making Russia a trade partner, not an enemy. Same for almost all of Europe. Until Europeans get over their paranoid delusions about Russia, they’re going to continue their decline. Same with China. If they insist on being hostile to both Russia and China, even as the South doesn’t want to do business with them, there is no path to save the “garden.”


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Europe & Ukraine Aren’t At the Peace Table, That Mean They’re On It

Russia and America are going to have a peace summit about the Ukraine war without Ukraine or any European country. This is slightly less ridiculous than the previous peace summit which didn’t include Russia since Russia can fight on without anyone but China’s support, while if the US decides to stop supporting Ukraine, it’s cooked.

Well, sort of. Ukraine is cooked any way you look at it. It was always going to lose the war, and that hasn’t changed.

What’s amusing about the what’s being floated is that Europe is supposed to send the peacekeepers and pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine and the US is supposed to… well, maybe get some of Ukraine’s wealth, though Zelensky has quite rightly refused to sign that deal.

Interestingly Zelensky had, at first, expressed willingness, but when he got to the White House, it turned out that he was being offered nothing in return. It seems the Trumpian right feels that Ukraine has been taking advantage of America and owes it.

So, the US, which was the primary actor behind the Maidan coup and Ukraine’s actions since then which contributed to the war, who was almost certainly responsible for cutting Europe/Germany off from Nord Stream gas through sabotage, wants the Euros to foot the entire bill for ending the war.

Any European leader willing to chew down on this has less than zero self-respect.

And the sheer chutzpah of saying that Ukraine has taken advantage of America reminds me of the guy V.P Cheney shot apologizing to him. None of this would have happened if the US hadn’t pushed for it every step of the way, and the US and UK were responsible for Ukraine not taking an early, far better peace deal.

The issue, of course, is that neither Europe nor Ukraine can sustain the war without American support. It’s lost, but the Euros could veto the deal if they could keep the war going alone and drag it out enough that it was worth Putin dealing with them.

There is another way, of course. Europe could offer Putin an end to sanctions and repair of NordStream. They could ask China to be the peace guarantor, which makes sense because China is, actually, the only country Russia has no choice but to listen to. They could cut a deal with China at the same time.

Then they could leave NATO and build their own militaries up. Kick out 90% of all American diplomats and all remaining post-USAID NGOs at the same time, to help avoid the inevitable coup attempts.

All this requires is either a modicum of self-respect or a scintilla of self-interest. When Europe’s power has disintegrated to the point where they don’t even have a seat at the table on how a war being fought on their soil should be ended, it’s either a wake-up call, or the end of Europe’s significance.

More realistically the best hope is that multiple European governments fall and are replaced by those who have enough pride or self-interest to strop grovelling.

Europe has no prospect of being what it once was. But it could be a regional great power. It’s that, or returning to what it was for much of history, a meaningless Eurasian peninsula full of barbarians.


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What Should Europe Do About American Cannibalizing It & The Chinese Threat?

So, Trump has threatened, most of the world, including most Germany and much of Europe, with 25% tariff rates. Under Biden, with the destruction of three of the four underseas pipelines from Russia to Europe, along with sanctions, Germany in particular and Europe in general have been losing energy-price sensitive industry to America. They close down in Europe, they open up in the US. Natural gas from America is much more expensive than Russian gas.

Meanwhile, the Chinese are coming on strong in automobiles and other consumer goods. Right now it’s mostly hitting European exports, so much so that BMW is planning on shutting down plants. The Euros have sold a lot of cars to China, but domestic producers are now cheaper and in many cases better, especially EVs.

Down in Africa, practically every country that France had troops in has or is planning to kick them out. The French bought a lot of resources from their ex-colonies at cheaper than market prices and screwed their ex-imperial possessions on loans and even charged some for “infrastructure built during colonization.” Now that those nations can get security from Russia and goods from China, they’re kicking the French out en-masse.

No love lost. Can’t imagine why people would be upset by being conquered, then charged for it. Ungrateful bastards.

Anyway, all of this has put Europe in a pickle. They’re behind China, the US, Japan and South Korea technologically. Their goods can’t compete with Chinese goods, and they’re losing their access to cheap resources from Africa, and have cut themselves off (with an explosive assist, almost certainly from the US) from cheap Russian resources. Meanwhile Trump is threatening Greenland, and saying the Euros need to spend more money on NATO.

Fun times in the garden. Nothing the Euros don’t deserve for refusing to end their vassalization back in the 2000s when they were up and the US was other occupied, but water under the bridge and all that.

So what should the Euros do? (Not what will they do. They love being American vassals and may well hug trumps leg as he kicks them until they cough blood.)

Well, for one, end the anti-Russia BS. If the Eastern Euros don’t like it, the Westerns should just kick them out of the EU or end the EU and start something else. Poles talk big, but they suck at the Euro teat. The Americans aren’t going to send them as much money as the EU does. If they want to be anti-Russia while Germany loses all its industry, get rid of them.

Russia has constantly stated its happiness to start selling to Europe again. Sure, China and India will buy their resources, but without Europe they lose a lot of bargaining power. Plus they built all the infrastructure and it can be fixed.

Second, reasonable trade deals with everyone else the US under Trump is fucking with tariffs. Canada and Australia are a good start. Japan seems to be avoiding the tariffs, but is worried and still pretty anti-China. Cut a deal with them as well.

The issue is that Europe has a high cost structure. Prices for their goods can’t compete with China. They need resources. Canada and Australia and Japan are high cost producers.

Form a trade bloc. Put up their own tariffs so that their domestic industry can compete. Insist that the Chinese build factories in country to avoid the tariffs. Europe’s still high income. Foster tech transfer from China. Massively invest in tech and science. Shut up about Chinese human rights, it’s none of their business and after Gaza it’s laughably hypocritical. China isn’t genociding the Uighurs, even if they don’t treat them great. So zip it.

Make your own trade area, consisting of high income, high cost structure nations with whom you can compete. Tell the US to fuck itself (politely but firmly) and rebuild the European military, not as part of NATO but independent.

France has nukes, expand that program and get them on modern missiles. Put allies under the European nuclear shield.

Form, in other words, a third pole.

Oh, there’s more that needs to be done. Neoliberal austerity needs to end, rents and housing and stock bubbles need to be slammed into the ground, and it needs to be policy that if you want to get rich you have to actually make stuff. No more finance bullshit, or landlordism.

But start by ending Europe’s vassalization and forming their own bloc.

Europe needs to grow up. The era of being America’s ally, and having a good standard of living without really having to work for it is over. America’s declining and they want to cannibalize their vassals to slow or (they hope, but hah) reverse the decline.

Don’t let them.


The Fall Of Europe

Even before election, Trump is roaring. Screams of taking over the Panama Canal, Canada and Greenland. Promises of tariffs on, essentially, everyone. Lots of domestic threats about immigrants and going after Democratic politicians. At the same time his proxies, like Musk, muse on slashing Social Security and Medicare.

Europe’s in particularly tentative position: threats of tariffs and forcing Europe to spend more of its money on defense, by which Trump means “buying more US weapons.”

Western Europe has been an American satrapy since WWII. The Americans invaded and never left, and have had the Euros under the economic thumb the entire time. When necessary they have overthrown governments and they have every politician of note under surveillance.

Eastern Europe fell under the thumb after the collapse of the USSR and were, mostly, happy to do so.

For a long time this was a pretty good deal. Europe was a “garden”. GDP per capita might have officially been lower, but life was better than in the US. Europeans lived longer, were healthier and had all the social welfare that Americans didn’t have.

In most cases they had better food, too.

As for Eastern Europe, the EU massively subsidized it post Warsaw Pact and countries like Poland, often aggressively in disagreement with Brussels, couldn’t survive without the EU’s subsidies.

The EU wasn’t some lovely place devoid of conflict, however. In particular Germany used the Euro to de-industrialize most of the other European nations. The Euro was cheaper than the German mark would have been and almost everyone else’s currencies were more expensive that their pre-Euro currencies. Italy, in particular, which had been an industrial powerhouse, took it on the chin.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, China rose. America sent China its industry and a lot of its tech. This is an old tale, so let’s just say it was a combination American elite greed and Chinese ability to plan long term and take advantage of that greed. At the same time, Europe was falling behind technologically: the fast movers in science and tech were the Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Americans and, later, the Chinese, who now lead in about 80% of fields.

Europe wasn’t even in the technological game: they had legacy tech, mostly, with a few exceptions. This was especially true of Germany, with big advantages in steel, automobiles and industrial chemicals.

German industry was, as a rule, pretty heavy and it used a lot of energy. It got that energy, increasingly, from Russia. Cheap.

Then came twin blows: the Russian energy was no longer available cheap (though the Euros still buy plenty thru cut-outs like India) and China caught up and even surpassed Germany, especially in automobiles.

And so, as just on example (auto jobs are also being slashed):

As European industry (German industry) collapses, it either goes away entirely, or in many cases moves to America, where energy costs are lower.

America is cannibalizing Europe and Trump seeks to cannibalize the rest of America’s allies. The tariffs and threats are an attempt to move as much industry and as many jobs back to America as possible.

Meanwhile Europe has serious internal divisions. The right is rising, fast, in multiple nations. Though not as dramatic, so is the left. (The real left.) The center-right and center-left parties are in disarray. Eastern Europe with exceptions like Hungary, is rabidly anti-Russia, but Western Europe, and especially Germany, objectively needs Russia if it wants to retain its industry.

Poland now has a significantly larger army than Germany and better equipped. Poles… Poles do not like Germans or Germany. Hate is not too small a word. They take German and French money, but they hate Germany. Russia isn’t a threat to Germany. But if I were a German politicians or general I’d been looking at Poland with fear and wanting to re-arm.

My best guess is that the European, EU project is not long for the world. Multiple rising parties are anti-EU. The Euro has been bad for most European countries, and has been run to benefit Germany. Freedom of movement has led to intakes of immigrants which have lead to massive anti-immigrant backlashes. These backlashes are often cloaked in racism, but the bottom line is that Europe is in decline and people already there don’t want to share if it looks like sharing is bad for them.

Now Trump is pushing policies which are clearly anti-European and unlike Biden who was mostly sub-voce about it (except when opposing Nord Stream) Trump is in the Euros face.

If the EU wants to survive, it’s going to have to change into a real, non-vassal government. More like, the project will shatter. Next week we’ll talk more about this, in particular what they can and should do.

The great European garden is full of weeds and looks likely near its end. Can it be saved, or can any individual countries save their bit of the garden?


France Is Being Kicked Out of YET Another French Country

Recently French troops have had to leave Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. Now it’s Chad booting them.

Update: Senegal has now announced it intends to seek the withdrawal of French troops.

The first three countries have Russian troops in them now. Wonder how long it’ll be before Chad joins the crowd?

France has been the most important country in a lot of its ex-colonies in Africa, but it’s losing its place, not just militarily but economically. Countries are turning to China for imported goods and development at the same time as they turn to Russia for security. Chinese goods, development and loans are cheaper, and neither Russia nor China interfere nearly as much in domestic politics.

It’s just a better deal. For a long time you HAD to go to the West, but now Russia and China can supply pretty much everything you need.


As regular readers know I’ve been following Europe’s collapse for a few years now. It’s practically a freefall. In Germany Volkswagon, for example, is planning on closing factories for the first time.

Europe’s well on its way to being what it was for most of history: a backwards and irrelevant peninsula, with the main action and most important civilizations elsewhere in Asia.


Germany Honors Biden For Destroying Nordstream & Their Economy

I cannot believe this is happening:

Germany honored U.S. President Joe Biden for his contribution to trans-Atlantic relations on Friday, ahead of his meetings with European allies on Russia’s war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East.

TIME Magazine: Germany Honors Biden for His Contribution to Trans-Atlantic Ties as the U.S. Election Looms

Germany Honors Biden for His Contribution to Trans-Atlantic Ties as the U.S. Election Looms

The sheer delight the pathetic “Traffic Light” coalition government takes in abasing itself before the US hegemon is pornographic in its shameless indecency. Especially the same week that the Danes reported this:

Just days before the Nord Stream gas pipeline attack in September 2022, warships belonging to the U.S. Navy were on the scene and ordered nearby officials to keep away.

That is according to John Anker Nielsen, who is harbour master at Christiansø, the easternmost part of Denmark in the Baltic Sea, northeast of the island of Bornholm and close to the sites of the Nord Stream explosions.

Map showing the route of Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the southern Baltic Sea and location of the leaks. AWZ=Exclusive Economic Zone
Map: AFP / Nadine EHRENBERG, adapted

Nielsen late last month told a reporter at Politiken, a major Danish daily, that he went out with a rescue team four or five days before the blast to check on nearby ships with switched-off radios, suspecting there might have been an accident, only to find U.S. warships, whose staff ordered the team to turn back immediately.

Never forget Biden threatened Nordstream:

Biden: If Russia invades uh that means tanks or troops crossing the uh the border of Ukraine again then uh there will be uh we there will be no longer a Nordstream 2. We will bring an end to it.
Reporter: What? How would you how will you do that exactly since the project and control of the project is within Germany’s control?

Biden: We will. I promise you we’ll be able to do it.

and Nuland did it too. This video is still up on the State Department’s official Facebook page because they’re proud of it:

“If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

And Never forget what Nuland said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on January 26, 2023:

“I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you [Ted Cruz] like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

Blinken celebrated it as an economic opportunity:

“…ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity.  It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs.  That’s very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come…”

And then there was this from Anne “It’s Time to Prepare for a Ukrainian Victory” Applebaum’s husband who’s a Polish official:

Former Polish FM thanks US for damaging Nord Stream pipeline

The consequences of this have been the deindustrialization of Germany:

German industry increasingly struggles to compete on the world stage. Particularly hard hit are its mighty chemical and heavy industry sectors, which are now in rapid decline. One of the main drivers is policies that have made energy costs skyrocket, and there Germany serves as a canary in the coal mine for other leading industrial nations.

It’s kind of grimly amusing that Forbes’ use of the euphemism “policies that have made energy costs skyrocket” rather than say “self-defeating sanctions on cheap Russian gas combined with the biggest act of industrial sabotage in modern history” and it also doesn’t mention that it’s been America’s policies that have deindustrialized Germany.

It’s also so humiliating as an American that the neo-conservative cabal of psychopathic nitwits has been in sole control of US foreign policy since the Clinton administration and now they have a lock on US corporate media as well.

The above mentioned Anne Applebaum provided the perfect example of their delusion and idiocy with her September, 2022 prediction that Ukrainian victories in Kharkov would bring down Putin.

But that brings me back to Germany’s pathetic ruling coalition. This is how well they’ve done in recent state elections:

In the eastern states of Saxony and Thuringia, the far-right AfD received more than double as many votes as the three parties which make up the federal coalition government — the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), environmentalist Greens and neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP) — combined. These parties’ results are each in the single digits. The Greens in Thuringia and the FDP in both states even failed to meet the 5% threshold to be represented in the state parliaments.

And on the left:

newly established populist party, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), managed to score votes in the two-digit range in their very first election.

The German people are chomping at the bit to vote out the gang of traitors who have allowed the US to annihilate their economy.

Although in fairness, they also gave the last US President who walloped the Germany economy the same award:

“Biden received the highest class of Germany’s Order of Merit, which was also bestowed on former U.S. President George H.W. Bush for his support of German reunification.”

Kind of fitting that the era of American unipolarity is framed this way. Bush at the beginning. Biden at the end. The Germans footing the bill for American foreign policy.




Europe Is Turning Anti-Immigrant

Politico has a long article on it, and it’s hilarious. A border wall longer than Trump and Biden’s. “Return centers” in other countries, because they’re too gutless to say deportation, and so on. Complaining about Russia and Belarus’s immigration warfare (letting refugees thru Russia to get to Europe. Including, er, Afghan refugees.)

Let’s cut thru the bullshit.

The EU is in economic decline and can no longer afford refugees they can’t monetize.

Europe is also responsible for much of the refugee crisis, having enabled the destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq (Poland, one biggest criers, was part of the “coalition of the willing.”) Europe, with some honorable exceptions like Ireland and Spain, is behind the Israelis, who are about to institute a flood of Lebanese refugees. Europe, thru the world bank, IMF and various post-colonial policies has worked hard to keep third world nations in poverty, increasing refugee flows.

They have helped destroy or impoverish entire nations, then whine about how migrants come to them begging for safety or a decent life.

In humanitarian terms, and international law terms, what the EU is doing is wrong, but the simple truth is that they can’t afford immigration any more, and that mass immigration has exacerbated the right wing turn. Not that it had to, but if you have large numbers of immigrants into a bad economy, who are competing for jobs and housing and social welfare with the desperate, they will naturally blame the immigrants instead of purging the incompetent and corrupt elites who are managing the economy with eye only to benefit themselves.

(I’m running my annual fundraiser. If you value my writing and want more of it, please consider donating. Your donations really do keep this place running.)

The Ukraine war has made this particularly bad, not just because of all the Ukrainian migrants, but because it has increased the de-industrialization of Europe’s industrial heart, Germany.

This is, again, a self-inflicted wound. If Europe had kept the Minsk accords, or, more long term, treated Russia and its security concerns seriously, there wouldn’t have been a war. If Europe did not insist on being subordinate to America, none of this would have happened.

But Euro elites can’t imagine taking actual responsibility for their own countries and telling the US to bugger off, then following something other than neoliberal politics and economic policies.

Reducing immigration makes some sense, even if it’s inhumane, but it’s very much a “treat the symptoms, not the problems” situation.

Europe’s decline will continue until they decide to take responsibility for themselves and to overthrow an ideology which prioritizes the rich and financial games over the entire population and the real economy.

Immigration is meaningless in comparison.

How Europe Could Reinvigorate Their Economy

Every once in a while it’s important to do a policy piece, to show how society could work if we wanted to do the right things. Not because I think anyone in the West will implement enough good policy to matter, but to show that it is possible.

Back at my last corporate job I did a major workflow redesign. In the notes to management, along with the technical details were two highlighted lists. I noted that in order to receive the benefits of the change:

  1. Do these things, and;
  2. Don’t do these things.

Management appears to have reversed the lists. I left not long thereafter, and I was one of only two people who understood the entire workflow of the department. (I accept plenty of the blame, I didn’t play politics well or understand the sheer cupidity of management. I should have understood the second at least.)

The point is that policy often requires a number of actions to be taken, and that opposing action not be taken. You can’t just pick and choose: policy actions must support each other.

Big Picture On The European Economy

Europe is in decline.

  • Energy costs are too high for their heavy industry and many modern internet and computer technologies.
  • They are not in play when it comes to scientific and technical research.

  • They don’t produce significant raw or refined resources compared to other regions, with the single exception of basic agricultural crops, and the end of AMOC will smash European agriculture, probably sometime between 2025 to 2075;
  • The Chinese are pulling ahead in major export fields, like automobiles;
  • They import much of what they need, and pay for it with exports;
  • They aren’t creating a lot of new companies with new products and are, generally, falling behind in old technology;
  • Much of their industrial base is moving out of Europe (Germany, mainly). Much of that to the US.
  • Their cost structure is too high,

European prosperity was based on being able to sell advanced tech to less-developed country. Until recently, if you wanted that tech you could get it from Europe, the US, or other Western allies like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. But now that tech can be bought from China, who almost never sanction, don’t lecture and sell and finance for less while not telling less-developed countries how to run their internal economy.

The IMF was the main economic enforcer in Western hegemony. These austerity policies in developing countries were generally a direct result of IMF requirements, or undertaken due to general financial pressure:

But this ability to force the third world into selling cheap resources to the West in exchange for Western tech and finance is coming to an end. Burkini Faso recently declined an IMF loan which was contingent on austerity measures, for example.

So Europe is in serious decline, and the structure of the world economy is moving from one designed to support it to one that no longer needs it. To put it in market terms, they’re actually going to have to compete again, and can’t keep coasting on advantages created generations ago.

Like this lists I produced for my ex-bosses, the policies which follow are intended to work in concert. Each of them is required, not optional. It will be obvious that his wish list is politically impossible, which is part of why European decline will continue.

End Austerity

Europe still has a fair bit of room to maneuver. They produce plenty of food and they still have a fair bit of industry left. Austerity needs to end. Government needs to spend. What it should do is arrange that spending to be used mostly on internal goods: if you give money to people for food, you want them to buy what Europe produces. Domestic production must be ramped up for what people and companies need and the necessary tariffs, barriers and subsidies put in place so that government spending mostly creates European demand. (Many further policies are based around making this happen.)

End Neoliberal Taxation

This means high marginal tax rates on income, including corporate income. High estate taxes. High corporate taxes on profit not reinvested. End all stock buybacks and stock options and end the doctrine of shareholder supremacy.

Institute excess profit taxes on all old products, probably basing profit levels on 2019. New products will be allowed to make higher profits, perhaps as much as 30%, with the amount of time dependent on how new they are. A product which is only a minor upgrade or alteration will not qualify.

Understand that government’s job is to create positive externalities. Government can fund actions, like good education and health and industrial subsidies because it doesn’t care who makes money from them. But this is only true if it recaptures that money from whoever is making lots of money. You let ordinary people keep most of their income but you take most of the money back from winners, then plow that money into further policies which create positive externalities.

So high marginal tax rates are necessary to run good industrial and social policy.

You also need to ensure that companies are using their profits to reinvest into the business, especially with reference to creating new products.

While you’re at it, you must put an end to moving money offshore to avoid taxation. No significant amounts of money moves outside of Europe without being taxed first. Criminal sanctions for anyone who tries and anyone who makes it possible.

End Sanctions and Sanctimony

Unilaterally end all sanctions against China and other countries, including Russia. You need their cooperation to fix your economy. Stop lecturing other countries on human rights, unless they reach severe heights like genocide.

Cut deals with China and Russia

From Russia you need cheap resources. Force the Ukraine war to an end, fix the pipelines and be good business partners.

China’s a harder nut: China is now ahead of Europe. What Europe needs is deals to allow it to keep some of its advanced areas. To get these deals they’re going to need to let China into the European market in other areas. Where Europe is behind, but wants to catch back up (electric vehicles, for example) they should bargain for branch plants in exchange for market access.

End Imposed Third World Austerity and Forgive Debt

Since the ability to coerce the third world is ending relationships will have to fairer. Forgive most of their debt, get rid of the IMF as it now exists and reform the World Bank. Cut deals for needed resources without requiring control over internal politics. Europe now has to compete with China to buy what it needs from the third world and thus will need to offer actual good deals. An end to third world austerity will also lead to better markets for any European goods.

Reform World Trade Laws and Learn How to Tariff and Subsidy

Europe will need to produce what it can domestically because it isn’t going to be able to buy much of what it needs from foreign countries. To make European goods competitive will require tariffs and subsidies. This will have to be negotiated with other countries and if Europe wants to do it, they have to allow others to do it as well.  The idea that “foreign made” is cheaper is only true if you have enough money to buy foreign made and remember that they have to want your currency. The Euro is going to be worth less and less until or if Europe creates enough tech that others must have and can’t get cheaper elsewhere.

If you can’t reform the WTO and so on, then leave and make a new organization or bilateral treaties, especially with China.

And get rid of almost all ability for private companies to sue countries for domestic laws. Countries need to have policy freedom and other than branch plants and so on Europe will require that most business is domestic.

Reduce the Cost Structure

Economic rent must be hunted down and killed. Landlords should make a decent living but not get rich. Housing should be turned into a utility: relatively cheap and easy to afford. (Some European countries are close to this already, some aren’t.) High returns on financial games must be ended: move to public (postal) banking. End high returns on financial companies. Break up the big financial firms, and make the new smaller banks and finance companies loan to new businesses. End stock market bubbles and enforce 50s style financial regulation.

Where utilities, roads, trains and so on have moved into the private sector, nationalize them.

As a general rule no one gets wealthy without creating new products for export or creating products which reduce the need to import, and billionaires become a thing of a past.

Kill Admin Bloat

Pull out your favorite admin bloat chart, look at what the administrative percentage was back in the 60s, and aim for that. The teeth to tail ratio needs to become much higher. If you aren’t doing the actual work of an organization, what you do to support it must be actually necessary. In general to receive subsidies you must reduce this bloat or your funding is cut off. There are a lot of subsidies already and in such a regime there will be much more.

We don’t want to be paying for useless jobs.

Reform tax codes to make them far simpler. Go thru the extensive regulations Eurocrats love to much and change most of them to ends, not means, then hire lots of inspectors and auditors. “We don’t care how you achieve the following environmental or workplace safety metrics, but we will check to see if you do and if you don’t we’ll fine you first (actual decision makers, not the companies), then put you out of business and if you hurt people, put you in prison.”

End Corporate/University Research Partnerships

University researchers should be government funded. Corporations who want product research should pay for it themselves, and generous subsidies should exist.

Fix Universities and Colleges

A lot of this comes ending admin bloat. Start there. Faculty should teach, some should research as well as teach and faculty must be forced to take control of universities again, with significant power for students. Administrators must have no significant policy power.

Academic publishing as it exists now must end. All academic publishing must be free and online.

All patents that are a product of government funded research are free for domestic use and available for foreigners with a fee.

Academics must no longer be judged based on volume of research. Their work must actually be read, those who hire or promote them must sit in their classes and witness their teaching. Replication of results must be emphasized and funded.

Research funds must be spread around far more, with fewer and weaker “principal researchers.”

Ties with advanced universities in foreign countries must be emphasized and student exchanges encouraged. Yes, this means China, which has most of the world’s best universities for science and technology now.

Kick NATO out and Form a European military

If you want to avoid further forced centralization form it from national units. Europe needs to make policy America isn’t going to like, it can’t do that while occupied.

Force the US to reduce embassy staffs by 90% and remove all US NGOs and similar organizations.

Same reasons. As the joke runs, “why doesn’t America have coups? Because it doesn’t have an American embassy.” America has too much influence in Europe. Reduce it.

Vastly reduce lobbying

Entrenched interests can’t be allowed to control government

Allow national subsidies to Mitigate the Effects of the Euro

For some countries the Euro is too high, and that makes their industry uncompetitive. For others it is too low and this gives industry a subsidy. Allow countries to subsidize industry to make up the difference if necessary and perhaps tax countries which are benefiting.

Make Creating New Companies Easy

Easy business loans, easy registration and removal of barriers of industry are key here. The policy of regulation by results will also help, since it reduces the massive burden of endless regulation with a simple “make sure you’re meeting our regulatory goals.” Subsidize chosen industries and make those subsidies easy to get, but audit for results and cut off those who aren’t making it.

Subsidize new companies, reduce their subsidies over time.

Make bankruptcy easy, frequent and painless. If a company fails, it fails. You keep your home and enough money to get by on for a couple years.

Final Remarks

We could go on, or each point could have its own full article, in many cases an article many thousands of words long. There’s little point in doing all that work now, since implementation is impossible. But it’s important to lay down the marker that good policy is possible and to show, generally speaking, what it would look like.

By the time Europe is willing to consider good policy its position will be far worse and digging out of the hole (when in a hole, stop digging) will be far harder. The most likely outcome is that Europe returns to being what it has been for most of history: a backwards peninsula on the edge of Eurasia, largely meaningless to anyone but themselves.

The world is changing, in huge ways, bigger than any changes since the industrial revolution, most likely even bigger than those. Europe is no longer the world’s leader, nor is it any longer the favored vassal of a super-power. It can adapt or see an end to the European garden.

So for it is choosing to see an end to the “garden.”

So be it.

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