This is from the province of Ontario, in Canada where I live.
Wednesday, August 4th : . (Ontario Covid-19 Rt)
R Values (p. 2)
Vaccination Tracker (p. 2)ONTARIO REGIONAL BREAKDOWN
Risk Assessment (p. 3)
Age Breakdown (p. 4)…1/4
— Ryan Imgrund (@imgrund) August 4, 2021
I’m going to enlarge and show the first graph properly:
Now what you’re going to notice is that Rt never went below about 80—that is 80 new cases per 100 Covid cases. Also, the general trend is UP. So you have a situation through stage one where case counts are gong down, but R is stubbornly high, even if not over 1. Then in stage 2 it actually burps over 1 and Ontario goes to stage 3 anyway.
Now, I know of a guy who lives in a rooming house (not me) who got Covid. He did the right thing: got tested, obeyed quarantine. Health authorities knew and followed up with him.
Great, but the problem is he lived in a rooming house. Not just him but everyone in the house should have been quarantined, and both is and there contacts needed to be traced (and ideally quarantined.) Nobody else in the house was even contacted. Ideally he should have been quarantined somewhere else than the house, probably everyone in the house (all exposed) should have been, since any rooming house is a great place for Covid to spread.
There is no effective track and trace or quarantine in Ontario. There just isn’t. So you don’t get below .8, and you don’t control spread, so every time Ontario reopens it is just a matter of time before the next wave.
Lockdowns and partial closures do not work without proper track and trace and quarantine. When a new outbreak is seen it has to be jumped on.
Of course, if you want poor people (like those who live in rooming houses) to obey the quarantine, you’re going to have to make up their wages while they’re stuck in quarantine, and you have to deliver food and other necessities. This is what effective quarantine regimes in other countries do: they make sure the quarantined are taken care of. It may be boring to be stuck at home, but they aren’t going to fall behind on the rent, or not be able to eat. (These poor people also tend to be the “essential workers” everyone praises then let’s die.)
This half-assing of dealing with Covid has been typical of most of the western world. There’s a refusal among elites to actually deal with Covid as a serious threat, and mobilize government and private resources (seize them, if necessary, yes it’s legal) to ensure that Covid is properly dealt with.
I’ve suggested and believe it’s because Covid has made rich people much richer in the West, but whatever it is, it’s killing and crippling a lot of people. About 15 to 25% of people who get even a mild case of Covid get long Covid, with a variety of nasty symptoms and we’re now seeing indications of some mental damage from Covid separate from long Covid.
You really, really don’t want to catch this shit.
Failure to do things right is mass murder by those with the authority to do things right. Premier Doug Ford, in Ontario, is an active danger to everyone in Ontario because he refuses to run the play that will actually get Covid (mostly) under control. Everyone who dies now or in the past almost year is his fault. He is a mass murderer because the consequences of his decisions are obvious. He’s also crippling a hell of a lot of people.
Ontario isn’t unique, obviously, this is the typical play in almost all Western countries.
It is compounded by the point-blank refusal to do everything possible to ramp up vaccine production as fast as possible and help other countries in every way. Every country where Covid isn’t under control is a place where it can mutate into a worse strain. Delta is WAY worse than original Covid and Delta is unlikely to be the last bad variant.
For decades the fact that our “masters” were incompetent psychopaths didn’t seem to matter all that much; sure some people were getting hurt, but it wasn’t you, right? And if it was, well you lost your power and money so you didn’t matter and couldn’t do anything.
Now it’s you or grandmother or you kid getting a protentially life-long disability.
You replace your elites, by whatever method will work, or they will keep killing and crippling you.
Doug Ford, by any rational calculus is an ongoing threat to everyone in Ontario, including me. His actions and lack of actions stand a damn good chance of killing or crippling me and anyone I know in Ontario.
This is probably true of whoever the leaders are where you live.
(My writing helps pay my rent and buys me food. So please consider subscribing or donating if you like my writing.)