Back in August, when it became clear that schools were going to reopen in countries like the US and Britain that did not have Covid under control, and which never would control Covid until there is a vaccine, I wrote an article warning against going back to school while Covid was out of control.
I’d think twice before sending my kids back to school under these circumstances.
I was told this was wrong, that it’d be OK. So let’s revisit that (specific examples courtesy of the Republican Dalek):
- Thirty-nine students and three staff members at Frank Wagner Elementary school in Monroe were advised to quarantine Thursday after they were potentially exposed to COVID-19.
- East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) has announced it has closed Park Elementary School in Baton Rouge due to an outbreak of COVID-19.
- Eighty-eight Utah schools with Covid outbreaks.
- One-hundred and sixty-one schools and thirty-one colleges.
- Thirty-six confirmed outbreaks with one hundred and fourty-six cases in New Jersey (Nov 5)
Here’s a nice little pie-graph from Toronto, Ontario:
Children get Covid. Most don’t have symptoms, but they can pass it on. Some, even though they don’t have symptoms, will have long term damage. Because they don’t have symptoms, most children won’t be tested, so the numbers above are surely significantly lower than the actual count.
(It’s my annual fundraiser (and going slower than normal this year.) If you value my writing and can afford to, please consider subscribing or donating.)
Once they get it, children, showing no symptoms, can pass it on to their parents, grandparents and any one else who comes into contact with them. They may be somewhat less infectious than adults, but that isn’t the same as not being infectious. The older the kid, the worse (high schools absolutely should be closed.)
Re-opening schools was moronic. But if you want the hoi polloi to go back to work, well the schools have to be open, because schools are primarily childcare. Note that high end workers are still isolating at home: the City of London is still effectively shuttered. Our lords and masters sure aren’t putting themselves at risk if they don’t need to.
Sending your kid back to school may be something you had to do, legally, or because you have to work, since if you don’t, you and the kid wind up homeless. So you play Covid-roulette. But as a public health measure it was stupid at best, criminally malign at worst and people who didn’t need to send their kids back shouldn’t have and often didn’t. Many schools don’t even make children wear masks, and schools, with kids locked into rooms for hours on end in close proximity, are near ideal for Covid spreading.
Our elites do the wrong thing, repeatedly, knowing it will kill or impoverish a bunch of us, and they don’t care. It’s that simple.