Enjoy mocking Republicans all you want, but in your cold hard calculating heart, take them very very seriously.
Of course, Huffington Post didn’t promote that piece, because back then those of us throwing the cold water of realism on the fevered delusions of Obamadom were out of favor.
So how’d that work out for the reality denying triumphalists? Hmmm?
Mind you, Obama and the Democratic leadership screwed things up even faster than I, whom most people consider a pessimist, expected. Leading me to conclude that the rule of Bush is now the rule of Obama.
“Obama is more incompetent than you think he is, even if you take this rule into account.”
Also, optimists and damn fools are the same thing, at least when it comes to analysis. It may be good for your health to be unrealistic about the future, but it makes you bloody lousy at predicting the future. Thinking back to major analytical mistakes I’ve made in the last 5 years, only two of them were due to negative expectations, and one of those was actually optimism in pessimism drag: I thought the Fed would not be so foolish as to keep the housing and financial bubbles going for as long as they did.
My grandmother told me that an optimist and a damn fool were the same thing when I was 5, and so far nobody has ever shown me otherwise. Lord knows, Obama isn’t going to, and neither are any of his Obots.
Pessimism is usually, actually, realism. Because most people have an optimistic bias. Their optimism feeds them the delusions they need to get through their lives.