The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

End of Fundraiser and Open Thread

The fundraiser is over. All goals were met.

Feel free to use this as an open thread.


Polling at this Time in 2015


Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – June 29, 2019


  1. katiebird

    Congratulations! I am a loyal reader and very glad you can keep me busy!!

  2. Ian Welsh

    Well, the planes would crash, BUT how would that be different from now?

  3. Hugh

    Corner cutting and doing it on the cheap have become Boeing corporate culture. Boeing C-level execs should be in jail facing murder charges. Instead they are simply pushing another el cheapo non-fix to cover an epically disastrous el cheapo non-fix. They will keep doing this until they are gone or Boeing goes belly up.

    Congrats, Ian. No one more deserving.

  4. Stirling S Newberry

    >Well, the planes would crash, BUT how would that be different from now?

    $9/hr would mean that the odds would be a great deal higher – which is why 737Max are grounded. It would be like hiring monkeys to run Uber routes – which they do. Eventually, too many people will die at once. It has happened before.

    The order of the economy, on its own terms, is broken – and will have to be replaced. We are just in that phase where the old economy shouts “la la la I can’t hear you!” It is going to end badly.

    But that the way ordinary people want it.

  5. someofparts

    “We are just in that phase where the old economy shouts “la la la I can’t hear you!” ”

    Funny, except for the ending badly part.

    Glad the fundraising was a success Ian. Sorry I wasn’t able to do more.

  6. Tulsi Gabbard was well received by conservative web sites:

    This is being used against her by the usual suspects.


    Planes crashing en masse is good for climate change. It would mean less people flying and let’s face it, aviation and ocean travel are two HUGE contributors to climate change, both directly and indirectly.

  8. Stirling S Newberry

    “Planes crashing en masse is good for climate change. It would mean less people flying and let’s face it, aviation and ocean travel are two HUGE contributors to climate change, both directly and indirectly.”

    One could bet even money on which will be carbon neutral first – aviation or automobiles.

  9. Paleo-conservative Pat Buchanan is enthused about Tulsi Gabbard:

    “memo to trump: trade bolton for tulsi”


    “By debate’s end, Gabbard was the runaway winner in both the Drudge Report and Washington Examiner polls and was far in front among all the Democratic candidates whose names were being searched on Google.

    Though given less than seven minutes of speaking time in a two-hour debate, she could not have used that time more effectively. And her performance may shake up the Democratic race.

    If she can rise a few points above her 1-2% in the polls, she could be assured a spot in the second round of debates.


    If she makes it into the second round, Gabbard could become the catalyst for the kind of globalist vs. nationalist debate that broke out between Trump and Bush Republicans in 2016, a debate that contributed to Trump’s victory at the Cleveland convention and in November.


    Given more airtime, she will present problems for the GOP as well. For the foreign policy Tulsi Gabbard is calling for is not far off from the foreign policy Donald Trump promised in 2016 but has since failed to deliver.”

  10. The Rep & Dem coalitions broke up and reformed 40 years ago and they are breaking up and reforming, again, in front of our eyes.

  11. bob mcmanus

    My hard drive crashed and I lost all my wallpaper which was mostly captures from anime and art films. So I loaded up the art I downloaded around the turn of the century, was a thing, 500 Van Goghs, bunch of van der Weyden, van Eyck, spent way too much time at Athenaeum, Art Renewal Center.

    Looking at Pissarro, I am astonished by his productive craft, wipped out a good painting every week for decades, yet was never quite hackwork, always still art. Weak inspiration.

    Gauguin was a faithful pupil and I consider him an Impressionist before Brittany (not true of Van Gogh) But Gauguin was always inspired (by colour values). Genius shows.

    I am interested in any relationship between Theodore Robinson (“just another late American Impressionist in France”) and his movement toward simple planes, French fields and the much more abstract Diebenkorn landscapes.

    And I know nothin abou art.

    To da point:Everybody knows stuff, so much more than I, everybody loves something, makes them laugh and cry. When someone here mentioned Madoka-kami, made me feel so much less alone then a thousand rants against the Clintons. But we see so little of it on these community blogs, why the f do people spend so much time angry and bitter, all I see is rage and hate and huddling. It’s like y’all have secret identities, superheroes in the Other Life.

    Part of this is my permanent troll position, y’all got a community of interest, I’m against it. Maybe I am some kind of sociopath.

    Never in my life was I interested in politics except abstractly and intimately, Kant and Mill and Rawls and messing with people on blogs, which is a politics.

    As I say, with MacPherson, it’s the End of the World, Lets PARTY.

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