Trump famously said that he wanted the hostages released by January 20th or there’d be hell to pay.
Well, we now have what appears to be a ceasefire deal. All hostages won’t be released by the 20th, but it won’t be long afterwards.
As Ryan Grim states, Biden wasn’t “weak”, he was for the genocide. And as many of us noted, the war could always have been ended by the US with one phone call, because it could not be waged without US support. Israel is completely dependent on American weapons and ammunition shipments, as well as US economic aid.
Lots of stuff is still up in the air, including who will control Gaza afterwards, and we’ll see if Israel actually lets aid in. But the deal appears to be basically the same deal as the one offered in July which Netanyahu kiboshed. The difference now is that Trump, even if not officially President yet, is calling the shots. Biden could have ended it in July and saved a ton of lives.
I’m a little surprised by this, but apparently Trump wasn’t just pandering to Muslims when he said he’d end the war. As for Biden, he’s human filth, a genocidal bastard. I refused to endorse him because I won’t support genocide, period.
Those who said Trump would be even worse for Gaza appear to have been wrong.
Don’t support genocide. Ever.
This also appears to be a loss for Israel, though it will depend on the details. Israel’s goal was ethnic cleansing at the least. If the Gazans keep control of all of Gaza, Israel lost. Frankly, at this point, not something I expected, but we’ll see as the deal and Israeli compliance with the deal becomes more clear.
America is in decline, possibly terminal decline, but it’s still a great power and Israel is entirely America’s creature, though the influence of AIPAC often makes it unclear whether the dog’s waving the tail, or the tail the dog.
different clue
Yes, it does prove Biden wanted that particular genocide. If Trump turns out to be rather better for Palestine than Biden was, that would mean in hindsight that he will have been rather better on Palestine than Harris would have been.
Israel holds the bull’s nose ring. No question.
Imagine telling someone in 2020, “4 years from now Trump will be president again because compared to Democrats Trump will be more opposed to genocide, he will be less of a war slut, and he will be more against poisoning the population for corporate profit.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trumps second term is another raging burning disaster, but the fact that it’s an open question if it will be less war sluttly, less genocidal, and cause less harm to peoples health than Biden’s admisntration is a testament to how much the Democratic establishment needs to be burned and salted.
Though this seems to be the trajectory of many major center-left western parties from the Canadian Liberals, Germen Social Democrats, Labour in the UK, et al.
Anything is better than nothing seems to be what what put Trump back in the Oval Office. Biden did nothing, so the electoate decided Harris wouldn’t either, so they figured if Trump did even 10% of what he said that would be SOME kind of chamge because the status quo was killing them and all the Dems would talk about was how many tens of billions we should send to Isreal so they did’nt run out of white phosphorous to frop on civillians.
Now whether any of this will stick, that’s another question. Or if it does, what will be the meaning of it. I had an eery feeling last time when he got out of Afghanistan – what did he free up the resources for? For Ukraine, it turned out, and the situation went from bad to worse.
A completely different, but fun topic – how is it that a guy who is not the president, is being the president? I mean yeah, the current one’s a zombie, and the other one is going to be the next one, but still, I’d expect there to be laws requiring one to be sworn in and such.
Mark Level
This should put a huge smile on my face, BUT knowing what kind of monsters the Deep State is wholly made up of, I’m going to suspend judgment until I actually see the slaughter stop.
As you say, the rub is, will any aid be allowed in or will they still be starving Palestinians? Keaton Weiss of the Due Dissidence podcast came up with a great metaphor for the election last summer. He said a President Harris would be a game of Russian Roulette with 6 rounds in the chamber; and President Trump II would be the same but with only 5 bullets in the chamber. (And he was speaking for us ‘Muricans, not for the Palestinians.)
For whatever reason, evidently seeing some “inconvenient” people disappear into the harbor or cement blocks at construction sites early in his Real Estate career, Trump is said to be somewhat disgusted by violence and death, & having a direct role in that. (This despite having Roy Cohn as his mentor!!) IF this proves to be true, I think we have the true reason Hillary and all the murderous ghouls warned us he is “unfit” to be President– they pretended it was the vulgarity, but after all we went through Clinton & Bush II, & Biden presidencies (“You’re a dog-faced pony soldier! Corn Pop was a Baaaad Dude!” “What if that Camera behind you fell forward & hit you in the head?”*), and chest-beating & crapping down onto the peasants’ heads was no problem then.
Another thing the DD podcast covered 2 days’ ago is Netanyahoo NOT being invited to the Trump inauguration. It’s stated he told people when Bibi wasn’t supportive of his “Stop the Steal” hysterics and immediately congratulated Bidet for winning, “Fuck Netanyahu! I’m done with him.” He is extremely transactional, as we all know, & certainly in no way above acting based on emotion. . . my biggest worry, however, is how Geminis can be extremely mutable and inconsistent.
In the figure of Dylan, one can see the deliberate & skilled use of the Gemini’s Mercurial nature– you have Oracular Bob (Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall), Cynic Bob (Ballad of a Thin Man), Country Bob, Folk Bob, Electric Bob, Epic Bob (Isis), Stoner Bob (Rainy Day Women), Zionist Bob (Neighborhood Bully), “Old, Weird America” Bob, Absent Bob (frequent disappearances, for up to 2+ years) & many more personas.
The one thing that gives me (some) hope is the Donald’s desperate need to be #1, loved, “Great”, admired. 1 does not see this in the truly hardened, murderous reps of TPTB– Henry Kissinger craved respect, but certainly not affection, Madelaine Albright cared not a whit (the death of half a million children? “a price that’s worth it”), most truly do NOT care because the POWER is drug enough, they are high on their own supply.
I certainly tired of all the Lib over-psychological analysis of Trump’s character. However, bearing in mind that both Hillary & Trump share one feature in early life, a violent and fascistic father figure who brooked NO independence or autonomy, who killed one of their siblings, they seem to have responded very differently to that scenario. Hils’ brother hung himself, as I recall, the Donald sibling drank himself into an early grave. Hill became the violent monster that Daddy was, abused her own daughter emotionally at the very least (frequently belittles her publicly, no love evinced– the perfect model for Selina Meyer in Veep), the Donald craves attention, love & sympathy. Even Libs who lived in Donald’s buildings admit he was always friendly, attentive & willing to engage with them.
Again, Obama taught me to beware “Hope” from our “Betters”, but we shall see.
*Max Blumenthal showed this clip. An Israeli journalist had asked Joe, “Can we soon see a Cease fire so we can get our hostages back?” Another such incident happened with a female reporter (don’t forget how Biden treated Anita Hill on behalf of his segregationist, R. buddies) some time back during a photo op was “driving” a Sports Car on a big open track. (Okay, a handler in the passenger seat had control of the steering & braking as well). She was standing right by his driver-side window & asked, “Will we see a cease fire soon?” He said, “If you step in front of the car I’ll answer you.” And her fellow press hooted and giggled just as Bush Jr. did back in the day over “Where are those pesky WMDs?”, at the prospect of a colleague’s vehicular homicide.
Purple Library Guy
I think everyone here is neglecting the hypothesis, widely held before the election, that Netanyahu was deliberately stalling any deal at least in part to make Biden look bad and weak (as indeed he was) to help Trump get elected. Once Trump was in fact elected, there was no more need to stall.
Trump actually said that if the hostages wouldn’t be released, there’d be “hell to pay” (looking at Gaza, not Bibi).
Once January 20 rolls around, Israel is planning to ramp up various forms of pressure on Hamas in Gaza to get a deal over the finish line, unencumbered by the demands of outgoing US President Joe Biden’s administration or his threat of cuts to security assistance over the humanitarian crisis in the Strip, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel.
The official said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has weighed significantly restricting the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza if there is no hostage deal by the inauguration.
Israel is also planning to ramp up the IDF’s ongoing ground offensive in Gaza, expanding the operation that has largely targeted the northernmost quarter of the Strip toward central Gaza, the Israeli official said, adding that the goal is to deprive Hamas of another area where it still has some control.
The result of these two actions could well create the “hell” for Hamas that Trump has referred to, the Israeli official said.
This article says that Bibi interprets this as a green light for more genocide. Just. As. I. Predicted.
Nate Wilcox
just came here to mention what Purple Library Guy pointed out, that it’s still possible that Trump and Bibi worked together to prevent any deal from being cut on Biden’s watch.
I tend to agree with Ian’s take that Biden wanted the genocide (or at a minimum was utterly indifferent to it) but given the GOP track record of impeding peace deals during Dem administrations (Nixon w/ Viet Nam, Reagan with Iran) it should at least be mentioned as part of the discussion.
Still as someone who dismissed Dem claims that “Trump will be even worse for Gaza” this is a little bit of vindication
Mark Level
After I posted I had some 2nd thoughts, that were reinforced by checking the MSM, which is playing along with the Narrative to an extent, but with a rare amount of downplaying and uncertainty, the latter something we never hear when discussing how the Empire is winning, Russia is about to topple, etc.
My initial thought was based on the awareness that every time Israel is in “negotiations”, totally weighted by the US Empire to favor Israel
strongly, it always pulls the football away as Lucy did to Charlie Brown and won’t sign on. Also, look at Lebanon currently– Israel does not do “Cease Fires.” A Cease fire to them means they can keep on butchering people, and the other side has “no right to defend themselves” (that is the sole prerogative of White Colonialists like the Polish/Ukrainian/Lithuanian pretend “Jewish” peoples whose ancestors never, for the most part, lived in the “Holy Land”).
Now don’t get me wrong, I stand by most of what I shared above, Trump’s strongest signal to Bibi was just over a week ago when he Tweeted out Jeffrey Sachs’ interview with Tucker Carlson in which Sachs angrily called the Yahoo-man (I have heard many times over the years that his birth-name was Mirskovitz or Mirskowitz– however a web search seems to suppress that fact totally; maybe it was his parents who changed it prior?) “a deep, dark, son of a bitch!” And Trump was pretty open that he didn’t want to inherit Joe’s (& Kamala’s to an extent) genocide.
This is part of an old pattern with Trump. His “ideology”, to the extent he even has one, changes willy-nilly based on what his perceived enemies and friends do. He was against Obama’s Globalist Corporate rule TPP plan because it came from Obama, not because he doesn’t want a world run by multinational corporations. (And his killing that was a very good things, one of the few he has done.)
In any case I’m still on the fence and resisting premature “hope” as stated. Checked in on a YTube video by Ali Abunimah and Rania Khalek, 2 of the most expert people on the Mideast generally, here–
They also are somewhat skeptical. However, some encouraging things they cover that I also have been following is that many Israeli soldier genociders, who have put their war crimes on Social Media openly, then travel in Brazil, etc. have been traced and then pursued by those governments for War Crimes (the Mossad got them out before they could be taken to Court, in 2 cases mentioned, tipped off by Zionists inside their vacation country). The tide has turned internationally.
John Elmer on Abunimah’s Electronic Intifadah has exposed in depth how strong the Resistance inside Gaza is, regularly killing soldiers or maiming them badly. Also just about 90 minutes in they cover the huge # of Israelis with passports who have already gotten out. They mentioned a huge colony in the Netherlands, e.g.
Another thing worth saying, for the moment, is that it does seem that the worm has turned, internationally. Even if the genocide ends in 2 weeks, Abunimah & Khalek point out there will be widespread endemic diseases & huge mortality in the future among the Palestinian population. The Israelis imagined that their chemical/ biological warfare would only hit the “subhumans”, but (my own speculation) I don’t think this is the case, even in their rape-and-torture Concentration camps, they will be exposed at some point. (In the 90’s the white Nationalist Governor of California, Pete Wilson, sponsored an anti-Mexican referendum to deny “illegals” access to hospitals, schools, etc. It passed with a great deal of support, Bigotry is usually popular in the U.S. However the Courts struck it down not only as violations of the Bill of Rights, but also due to credible arguments that denying health services to a large part of the population would spread endemic diseases. And to give a more recent example, if– as a great deal of evidence suggests– the release of the Covid-19 virus from the U.S. directed Wuhan Lab in China was directed only at that target, well we can see how well that fared.)
In closing, one more thing I heard 6 months or so ago was that if restoration of Gaza were to start immediately it would take 70-80 years to rebuild all the destroyed infrastructure! Imagine how much longer that is now . . . The Palestinians have become stronger and the Israelis weaker in many ways thru this genocide, one hopes that an enormous amount of aid is brought in when the Jewish-Supremacist Apartheid gov’t. falls, however it will obviously be a long road back for Palestinian society.
It would be almost unimaginably ironic if Donald J. Trump were the one who was the savior of the Palestinians from complete extermination (other than the 6 million or so living in a foreign diaspora.) It could happen, I guess, if he really is focused on rebuilding America. But given the entire cast of Swamp Creatures who man the permanent Imperial Reich organization of the Pentagon, Agency for “International Development”/ Regime Change, etc. I do wonder if late imperial Carnage can even be slowed, much less stopped, certainly from within Marti’s “Belly of the Beast.”
Tail wags Dog.
The details of the Ceasefire will be interesting, but won’t change the basic math: Israel – in order to remain “the Jewish State” – has to suppress the population of “Palestinians” (non-Zionist residents “between the River and the Sea”). Presumably, the tactics involved will tilt back toward making life really miserable for Gazans, rather than actively killing them. I expect conditions for West Bank Palestinians to get worse faster now too. Restricting water supply would be a slick way to minimize biomass…
I’m a little surprised that Biden continued to support Israel so strongly after the election. Biden has always had a feisty streak, and he can’t be happy about Bibi’s blatant disrespect for him, his Presidency, The Presidency, the Democratic Party, and the USA. I had expected some backlash there, but sadly, Biden proved that Netanyahu’s contempt is well justified.
As for Trump, don’t get your hopes up. He’ll hog the credit for “ending the war”, but don’t expect *any* financial aid for rebuilding Gaza, and don’t expect the US to do anything to rein in Israel’s long-term Lebensraum plans.
Far worse, I expect the Trump Admin to actively participate in the inevitable next phase of Israel’s endless war: destroying Iran. I agree with Mark Level (above) that Trump has a squeamish side, so he won’t put “boots on the ground” (yay!); the only question is whether we actively bomb Iran, or just supply & protect Israel while they do it.
different clue
If Purple Library Guy and Stewart M are correct, then Trump will end up no better for Palestine than Biden was/ Harris would-have-been. And Trump may end up being majorly worse for Palestine. Though part of his ” hell to pay” quote went on to say that ” it won’t be good for anyone, really” as I remember.
Maybe Trump just wanted this Gaza thing off his desk and out of his inbox so that he could concentrate from Day One on the Yeltsinization of America.
But we can’t know ahead of time. We can only do our best from what we know at the time. ” We work in the dark, we do what we can”. –( who said that?)
Great comments ML. I actually laughed out loud, which is rare for me, or maybe I snorted, which is fairly common.
I never thought of the Gemini factor—something I’m well familiar with.
Dylan, née Zimmerman, has a sideline building iron gates, which adds a whole new dimension to his skill set. So maybe we can call him Irongate Dylan, too without irony.
Yeah, I know, nothing to with Genocide Joe, although Dylan is Jewish.
I wonder where he stands on the issue. The dude’s a chameleon so who knows?
KT Chong
There is something about Jews and Israelis using history and religion to make ancestral claims to lands. I’ve been thinking about this, which seems obvious and common sense to me, but no one else have ever brought it up.
I am sure all of you know that all our ancestors originated in Africa. Our Homo sapien ancestors had evolved in Africa for roughly between 200,000 to 300,000 years, before they migrated out of Africa and dispersed to other parts of the world approximately 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. So, our ancestors had been in Africa much longer than we have been out of Africa.
According to archeological discoveries and scientific research, (and I’ve googled this to gather the following information,) our ancestors originated in the Kalahari region of what is now Botswana. They dispersed from that location to all over Africa, initially. Our ancestors were territorial. There were other African tribes and people, but our ancestors kept those “other” Africans out of their territories. Then, for whatever reasons, our ancestors decided to leave Africa. After our ancestors had departed for other parts of the world, the other African tribes moved in to claim the vacant lands that had been left behind. So, the Blacks who are in Africa now: their ancestors moved in and took over the lands only after our ancestors had moved out.
That is what we know from science. I have more trust in science than the Bible or some religious text that is being used to lay claims to lands.
So. Africa is the ancestral homeland for all of us. Does that give all of us a claim to Africa? Does that give us the right to return to Africa and expel all the inhabitants are there now? Does that give us the right to take the lands away from people who have been living there since our ancestors left, and put them in concentration and prison camps?
That is the same logic Israelis and Jews are using to claim Palestine, Judea or whatever you want to call that place. It is the rationale that Israelis and Jews are using to put Palestinians in concentration and prison camps: “Our ancestors were here first. You moved in only after our ancestors had left, and now we want the lands back, so you have to leave.”
If that rationale was reasonable, then it would also gives everyone outside Africa the legitimacy to claim and return to Africa, and kick out all the current Black inhabitants.
Our assorted speculations about what to expect from our rulers reminds me of a sign a colleague had up at a job site long ago – “I must be a mushroom because they keep me in the dark and only feed me bullshit.”
Big thanks to ML for the Rania Khalek link. Also on the topic of valuable links, on Nima’s website Dialogue Works last week, Laith Marouf mentioned that You Tube just took his Free Palestine site off of their platform. Broke as I am, I try to throw some support his way because TPTB are slamming the guy financially. Not only is his work super valuable, but since he is in Lebanon I assume Mossad is looking for a chance to kill him. I figure if he can risk his life to get the truth out, scrimping a bit to free up some funds to send him is the least I can do.
Mark Level
A couple of quick responses to people–
To Mago– yes, I figured you’d be one person to get my point about Dylan & Trump. Now, Dylan is capable of far more introversion than Trump, also much greater focus & self-discipline (the latter not much seen among the many musicians I’ve known, with some exceptions, generally among the very best) so it’s less clear if Trump can navigate the challenges he’ll face. But he will probably try. Also, don’t forget that the brilliant Matt Christman, who before Donald’s first election called out the MAGA CHUDs (Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) also repeatedly talked about Donald’s “bisexual Gemini energy,” his “hamberber” party with the wonderful Troops and lauding of “my handsome Generals”– the Donald is a weirdo Celeb-world critter, among other things.
To KT Chong– I made exactly the same point you did in the thread just above you (which Ian passed thru at the same time, so you hadn’t seen it, to be fair)– “Israel does not do “Cease Fires.” A Cease fire to them means they can keep on butchering people, and the other side has “no right to defend themselves” (that is the sole prerogative of White Colonialists like the Polish/Ukrainian/Lithuanian pretend “Jewish” peoples whose ancestors never, for the most part, lived in the “Holy Land”).
Now don’t get me wrong, I stand by most of what I shared above, Trump’s strongest signal to Bibi was just over a week ago when he Tweeted out Jeffrey Sachs’ interview with Tucker Carlson in which Sachs angrily called the Yahoo-man (I have heard many times over the years that his birth-name was Mirskovitz or Mirskowitz– however a web search seems to suppress that fact totally; maybe it was his parents who changed it prior?) “a deep, dark, son of a bitch!” Many Jews point this out as well, repeatedly– Max Blumenthal, Katie Halper, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Keaton Weiss & Russel Dobular of Due Dissidence, both New York Ashkenazi Jews who love to laugh at blond Israeli women denouncing Palestinians, “Wow, she really looks Middle-Eastern, doesn’t she?” or Irish fat men who have taken land in Israel as “Jews” denouncing the Palestinians on camera. Now, there are exceptions here– Ashkenazis Aaron Mate certainly looks Middle-Eastern, as does his father Gabor Mate (who is over 80 & survived the Holocaust in Hungary as an infant). Your overall point stands, but anyone who has looked into the history of the Khazars in Northern Europe is well aware of this. Race as a social construct is kind of tricky anyway– if I saw Ali Abunimah on the street without knowing him already, I would never assume he is Palestinian.
To SomeofParts– you’re welcome. And I am a huge fan of Dialogue Works, also Judge Andrew Napolitano (who could’ve expected that given his prior work?), same for Col. Larry Wilderson (a good old boy who worked for Reagan, Bush 1 and Colin Powell.) I am also very positively impressed by Leith Marouf. However, he is very militant (rightly so from my point of view) so I am not in the least surprised that he has been demonetized by YouTube. And I agree he is very brave to be speaking out given where he lives, hope he stays same. I give support as I able to people, may get to him at some point. Most recently I gave some money to Craig Murray, former UK diplomat, falsely arrested by the UK gov’t., & currently reporting from Lebanon.
different clue
Here is an image with a caption from WhitePeopleTwitter . . . it is Biden-Gaza-Trump-Ceasefire relevant.
Dan Kelly
Al Mayadeen obtains terms of Gaza ceasefire deal:
600 this, 60,000 that. 6 week, 66, 60 days (okay, 60 days is two months, but come on…this is all code)
240 Palestinian ‘detainees’ 2+4=6
[Rememeber Hilberg put the ‘holocaust’ victim number at 5.1 million? 5+1=6]
This is all being scripted by the Jewish Supremacist non-State of ‘Israel.’
What about the thousands upon thousands of Palestinian hostages?
Israel bombs Gaza following cease-fire announcement
Warplanes target various areas in Gaza city, northern enclave in series of intensive airstrikes
“However, according to an Egyptian source cited by the Associated Press news agency, the three mediators involved in the talks – Egypt, Qatar and the United States – have given Hamas verbal guarantees that negotiations will continue and that all three would press for a deal that would see the second and third stages implemented before an initial six-week window has elapsed.”
Not sure why anyone would trust the US, Egypt…or Qatar, for that matter.
“What is planned for the second phase?
If Israel determines that the conditions have been met for a second phase, Hamas will release all the remaining living captives, mostly male soldiers, in return for the freeing of more Palestinians held in the Israeli prison system. In addition, according to the current document, Israel would initiate its “complete withdrawal” from Gaza.
However, these conditions, which have yet to be voted upon by the Israeli cabinet, are at odds with the stated positions of many of the far-right wing members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu’s cabinet, which he relies upon for support, as well as Netanyahu’s own past positions, in which he has repeatedly used the presence of Hamas in Gaza to prolong the conflict.”
“Phase two is harder.
Negotiations for this phase are to begin on Day 16 of the ceasefire. The phase would include the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers. Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza. But Israel has said it will not agree to a complete withdrawal until Hamas’ military and political capabilities are eliminated. And Hamas says it will not hand over the last hostages until Israel removes all troops.”
In other words, it won’t happen.
No Justice, No Peace?:
“The ceasefire is meant to bring a surge in humanitarian aid to Gaza. Here’s what the United Nations has said of the situation inside the territory earlier this month:
food aid amounting to three months’ of rations for Gaza’s population are waiting to enter
at least 1.9 million people are displaced
92% of housing units are destroyed
68% of the road network is destroyed or damaged
there are “zero” fuel reserves to operate generators at hospitals
88% of school buildings need rebuilding or major repairs”
At least 2 million ‘displaced’ people (nice soft word) in realspeak means millions of peoples’ homes and belongings were intentionally destroyed by the Jewish Supremacists.
More than 9 out of ten homes intentionally obliterated, three quarters of the roads and trans network intentionally obliterated.
No fuel for the generators at the hospitals – the hospitals that are still standing and operational. At one point there was only one barely functioning hospital left. The Jewish Supremacists intentionally killed doctors who were staying behind to care for limbless babies and children…doctors who were doing operations without anesthesia.
9 out of ten schools are gone.
When are we going to see these people put on trial for their crimes against humanity?
Dan Kelly
YNet reports that Trump promised Netanyahu he could break the Gaza ceasefire and restart the war after signing a deal.
Additionally, Trump reportedly offered benefits such as lifting sanctions on Israel’s Pegasus spyware, supporting Israeli settlers and extremists, and allowing significant land grabs in the West Bank and support for Israeli terror factions.
Trump wants his nominees approved which means he in effect has scant leverage over Netanyahu and the Jewish Supremacist US Congress (Zionist-first, Israel-first).
All Israel all the time.
Ari Berman, Yeshiva U president, to deliver benediction at Trump’s inauguration
Berman is reportedly the first Israeli-American to ever speak at an inauguration.
“Rabbi Ari Berman of Yeshiva University and Imam Husham Al-Husainy of Dearborn, Michigan, represent groups of people who have opposing views on the Israel-Hamas war but who nonetheless gave President-elect Donald Trump more support in November than they had in prior elections.
On Monday, Trump’s transition team announced that the two men would deliver benedictions after the inauguration ceremony next week, along with a Black Evangelical pastor and a Roman Catholic priest.”
So, a token Arab/Muslim, a token Black Evangelical, and a token Roman Catholic share the stage with the all-important first Jewish Israeli – someone who is proud of his people committing a genocide:
‘opposing views on the Israel-Hamas war’
Shame on people who share a stage with maniacal genociders.
different clue
If the Gaza War turns out the way Dan Kelley predicts, for the reasons Dan Kelly offers, then Trump will be even worse for Palestine than Harris would have been. And that would make the people predicting “Trump will be worse for Palestine” to have been correct.
Trump and his son-in-law Kushner hope to do multi-billion-dollar real estate deals with investor-groups from KSA and the Lesser PetroGulfies. Maybe they can tell him and Kushner that they just can’t do these deals unless the Ceasefire becomes permanent and unless the other things Dan Kelly predicts absolutely positively do not happen.
Kushner is motivated by money and Trump’s no-good very-bad children are VERY motivated by money. Maybe they can pressure Trump into being better on Palestine than Harris would have been . . . for the sake of the money.
different clue
For those purveyors of knowing sneering cynicism who say that voting makes no difference to anything or anyone, here is an article indicating that voting or non-voting did make a difference to someone. The article is titled: ” Kamala Harris Paid the Price for Not Breaking With Biden on Gaza, New Poll Shows
Twenty-nine percent of non-voters who supported Biden in 2020 said U.S. support for the genocide was the top reason they sat the 2024 election, according to a survey by YouGov.”
Here is the link.
Now, will all that non-voting end up being the difference which made a difference? Time will tell. But all that non-voting sure did make a difference to Harris.