—you should ban French and Belgian visitors.
Because, as Marcy points out, all the Paris attackers were Europeans. None of them were Syrian refugees.
—you should ban French and Belgian visitors.
Because, as Marcy points out, all the Paris attackers were Europeans. None of them were Syrian refugees.
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different clue
Well . . . its the screaming Republicans who want to ban the refugees. We wimpering liberals are too weak to meaningfully object.
How did the liberals become so weak? When did The Left come to believe in that stupid non-violence crap? I don’t necessarily care what The Foreigner thinks about us. But if we don’t correctly diagnose the disease here, we have no hope of curing it here. If we don’t even know which cancer cells to exterminate, what hope do we have of exterminating them? Domestically, I mean?
( And the weepy-poo dismay over my choice of words which is sure to be expressed by many is itself a sign of possibly-terminal spiritual malaise afflicting both the liberals and the left.
gnok gnoh
Spiritual malaise = non-violent. Spiritual virility = violent. That’s a pathetic argument.
different clue
I didn’t know the weepie-poo would begin so soon. I await more such comments. The disgusting spiritual pollution ( “pacifism”) afflicting the present day liberal-left will really begin to stink up this thread.
(I was raised by liberals and I remember).
We shouldn’t ban French and Belgian visitors, but I would look closely at “French” and “Belgian” ones – that is, Arab Muslims, which is what the attackers were, regardless of citizenship.
V. Arnold
Why ever would this ban on Muslim foreigners surprise any body?
It’s just the baked in racism that permeates the American persona.
The rot is palpable and will only get worse as empire dies its ugly death…
How many of their parents were born in France and Belgium, Sparky?
The Paris filth was as European as Osama bin Laden was Pakistani.
Muslim fundamentalists are an international blight.
“all the Paris attackers were Europeans”
Nope. They were Arabs that happened to have government documents declaring them citizens. You need European blood to be French or Belgian.
If I go to Japan and somehow get citizenship am I now a Japanese person. Was I magically transformed by some stamps and a gov bureaucrat.
You leftists are so shallow.
Jeff Wegerson
And you were doing so well right up to your last non-sequitur sentence.
@ inkberrow,
Muslim fundamentalists are an international blight.
how different are they from christian fundamentalists? or jewish fundamentalists? us against themish?
This is addressed to the nationalists and “race realists”: what do you do with those of a mixed race? Say someone with a French father and an Algerian mother or perhaps an American mother and Hispanic father? Where do they go? What is their place in your separate and unequal dream?
“what do you do with those of a mixed race? Where do they go? What is their place in your separate and unequal dream?”
They don’t have a place in my nation’s future.
I will quote Stellrecht to answer your question:
“But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last.”
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Has anyone else noted that as the testosterone level goes up, the intelligence level goes down? 😈
S Brennan
Why in the eff are why talking about immigration instead of ending the asinine policy that caused the immigrates to emigrate? Stop “regime change” fueled by terrorists being substituted for “boots on the ground” and the problem disappears. Have we lost our collective minds for the last 12 years?
“Have we lost our collective minds for the last 12 years?”
Only 12? More like going on four decades by my count.
And being duped by disinformation was only part of it. Being sold out by the privileged members of our communities was important too. No Jonas Salks in that cohort!
your stellrecht ref led to chechar who at first blush appears quite an outsider/ thinker.
“The very essence of Cultural Marxism is the support of mass immigration / open borders.”
“The end goal of Cultural Marxists is white genocide.”
“Political correctness is Cultural Marxism.”
“Cultural Marxists have taken over the institutions of the media, education, mainstream Christianity (conservative and liberal), law, and finance. Their goal is the annihilation of Western Civilization in general and white people in particular.”
what’s bad about any of these talking points? down with polarization, i say.
Yes: genocide for millions of people, basically. Because you will have to accomplish this by force. There is nothing “natural” about your notion of “nation”, except insofar as mass murder is “natural.” And do not equivocate and claim that you’re merely talking about the notion of kinship, and that it’s obvious to everyone but leftists, etc, etc. Because there are many steps between family and nation-state.
If you are citizen of Japan, you are Japanese. Full stop. That is the only basis on which to proceed, for everyone. And that’s only to start. Eventually, we will have to abolish nation-state citizenships.
That is of course, ignoring the whole biological determinism of the “blood” reference.
I thought I’d been plain, but for your benefit anyway Muslim fundamentalists are different from Christian and Jewish fundamentalists in that the latter two are not an international blight.
Just today the Muslim rage-boy collective racked up new victims in the name of Allah’s hothouse sensibilities. The Muslim “unfortunate fraction” is far bigger and far, far more violent.
Wow, Ian. You are in the big time now as you seem to have attracted the trolls of the wing nut, nativist, reactionary right. Most likely paid trolls in the NSA or Koch industries basement.
If they were honest, they would be asking questions. Cui bono? Who benefits? Why has ISIS been able to ship oil out of east Syria and north Iraq until the Russians just this week decided to bomb the trucks? Why have we put up with 75 years of tolerating the flow of extremist fundamentalist ideas and money from Saudi Arabia? The KSA royal family has been bankrolling this crap from the beginning. Why have we taken out secular, modernist dictatorships to have them replaced by chaos, repeatedly? Read your history people, think a little bit and don’t let the sociopathic trolls cause you to piss your pants.
gnok gnoh
Inkberrow –
Your assertions are unfounded and simply opinions. Ian’s original article is about the rationality of banning Syrian refugees, when all of the terrorists in the recent attacks were French or Belgian citizens. Also on point, this article in the Guardian enumerates the types of risk we face, based on historical data related to U.S. prosecutions for involvement with ISIS, 81% of whom were born here, and none in Syria.
I doubt rational risk assessments will ever influence your views. How about vitriol? Will that help? You seem to enjoy it.
gnok gnoh
Well, my amateur use of HTML linked the entire second paragraph to the Guardian article. At least it sort of worked.
@gnok gnoh,
You should try to keep up. The “French and Belgian citizen” terrorists are the children of former Muslim immigrants.
With the emphasis on “former.” ie, they are not meaningfully immigrants, but French or Belgian, mostly, and the failures principally belong to French and Belgian society in se and not their immigration policy.
gnok gnoh
I’m trying, I really am. Your premise is that the adjective “Muslim” modifying “immigrant” has some sort of universal or statistical causality. What do you propose doing with the 2.7 million Muslims already in the United States, or perhaps the 1.1 million Muslims in Canada?
Let’s hear a nice clear plan for your perception of that immediate problem, not a hypothetical future problem for Muslim immigrants. There is at least one Presidential candidate that is proposing a way to solve that problem…rabid dogs and all that.
“Because you will have to accomplish this by force.”
If the aliens will not leave voluntarily, then I have no problem using force.
“There is nothing “natural” about your notion of “nation”, except insofar as mass murder is natural.”
Nice lol.
People naturally group to their own kind. This is STILL reflected in the major cities where there is de-facto natural segregation, despite decades of prop and gov policy in the other direction.
“Eventually, we will have to abolish nation-state citizenships.”
Citizen of the world! No nations or borders! Brotherhood of Man! Peace on Earth! There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus!…oops
Scratch a leftist and you find the primitive Xianity that arose in the mongrel slums of the old Roman empire. Circling back…down the drain.
Gnok Gnoh—
Upon reflection, I think you’re correct. Between Beirut, the Sinai, Paris and Bamako over the past several days, all those dead people sacrificed in the name of Allah just captured my attention for some reason and temporarily warped my priorities and my sense of proportion. My bad.
Let’s all take a deep breath, lay off the grandstanding overreactions and the maudlin fear-mongering and get back to our national outrage and Calls for Immediate Ameliorative Action in the face of inadequate Safe Spaces for liberal American co-eds and #BlackLivesMatter mouthbreathers.
As President Obama, Hillary Clinton and their establishment-media acolytes have assured us, Muslim fundamentalist violence has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. Why would anyone even ask that in the first place? But back to those arch-racist police assassins lurking in the Victim Hood! Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
I know.
That isn’t “natural.”
No. It wasn’t just Christianity. Although you’ll find here that even though I think Ian is an agnostic, he has no need to be “scratched” to laud Christian universalism. There’s no circling back. The kind of nationalism you espouse was but an episode.
@gnok gnoh,
When you’re in a hole, first stop digging — stop admitting Muslims to your country. Admit the now, and their grandchildren will be slaughtering your grandchildren. This is guaranteed, because Western societies have utterly failed to assimilate them. And again, what is the upside? There’s none, unless you count moral preening.
I agree with you it’s much more important to wrest control of foreign policy from AIPAC/neocons. How would you propose doing that?
What is your basis for this? Seems like an unsupportable statement to me.
Jonathan Haidt is not a conservative, but he found that diversity decreases social trust, social capital. A key finding was that even people of the same ethnic group trust each other less when diversity increases.
From the standpoint of world history, diverse groups in close proximity means war. What are your examples of successful multi-ethnic societies? Or maybe you want to destroy diversity by intermarriage? Do you have some kind of utopian vision of a global monoculture?
They have not “utterly failed to assimilate them.” Assuming “assimilation” should be a goal, rather than integration. For every small handful of terrorists very connected to current events in the Middle East, with alienation brought on, as far as I can tell, by inadequate integration policy, there are thousands and thousands of French Muslims who live normal lives. No, there is no necessary future in which their grandchildren will be killing anyone else’s grandchildren.
The “problem” populations in European countries are legacies principally of specific events in European history. With better integration policy, there is every reason to believe that future immigrants from Muslim countries can do better.
Wow, what a fascist sewer pit this post brought out. Is there a flush option on the comments? 😛
Haidt apparently spends his days arguing that the things people identify as pathological about a certain kind of conservative mentality is merely a different set of moral priorities, one can can be treated relativistically. From there he goes on to produce standard whines about liberal bias in academia.
Every complex social organization requires effort. For less complex social organizations, you also need fewer people in total — period. If it is the case that diversity is a burden on social organization, so be it. Attempts at enforcing strict boundaries in a complex, industrial society is also extremely burdensome — it is merely a way of shifting more of the price onto other people. Which some are absolutely willing to do — after all, nationalist just told me he wants to kill me. These are choices, not “nature”.
Practically anything in world history means war, if you selectively validate your hypotheses, since war is pretty common!
Rome was not successful? The Ottoman Empire wasn’t successful? Both of them were massively multi-ethnic and lasted centuries. Not to mention the USA, Canada, and, yes, Europe? I mean, if you predefine “success” to mean “having the characteristics of a particular favorite single-“race” utopia,” well, no, your utopia cannot exist but in very specific conditions, that don’t hold now and won’t for the foreseeable future. And no, I don’t think intermarriage is necessary, although I think it probably will happen, but it won’t turn precisely into a global monoculture.
gnok gnoh
BlizzardOfOz –
Good grief. This is exactly how Italians were described at the turn of the last century. See this study. It’s almost word for word quoting your hysteria and fear mongering. There are numerous examples of diverse cultures and religions living together, including the caliphate, of all places. War is a given, diversity is not anomalous, nor is it the catalyst for random slaughter.
Okay, so lets get this right-we get lower wages, work longer hours, have fewer public services, have less affordable housing than ever before, have our civil liberties thrown to the winds whilst our leaders get rich and we’re supposed to accept thousands of refugees displaced by your stupid fuckwit wars? I don’t think so.
I hadnt realized ‘Mandos’ was an immigrant. I’m now also guessing that he is non-white. If that is so, then what he says makes sense–acting in his self interest to live as a parasite in a western country that doesnt belong to him.
Enjoy the time you have left. Nationalism is coming back, and you wont be welcome in the new order.
I thought I had made that obvious? And that you knew that and were threatening to kill me? Which was certainly obvious enough to me.
But, although I am non-white, I only immigrated from a western country to a western country. Of course, you don’t believe that the country I was born in is my country. For this ‘crime’, you want me to die.
I dont want you to die, you drama queen. I want you to go back to where you came from. Not complicated.
And since we are all equal, and borders and peoples are a fiction, it shouldnt be a problem eh?
I came from Canada—but I don’t think that’s what you mean. There is no biological memory. I won’t go willingly where you want me to go. That’s what it means for there to be no borders. I don’t have to go where you tell me to go. I don’t have to be born where you think it convenient for me to be born, so that your theory works and you get your idyll of purity.
“There is no biological memory. I won’t go willingly where you want me to go. That’s what it means for there to be no borders. I don’t have to go where you tell me to go. I don’t have to be born where you think it convenient for me to be born, so that your theory works and you get your idyll of purity.”
You honestly sound like a 5 year old child being dragged away from the candy store.
You are pathetic, most likely hindu since you said you are from Canada (less likely a asian, they have a bit more diginity)
Then again you could be an arab, in light of this particular discussion. In any case, you are not welcome.
Is this just a priori “every problem is due to insufficient leftism”, are are there specific policies you mean?
All it takes is a few. Sweden went from a peaceful socialist country to the rape capital of Europe.
And with nationalist sentiment rising, what are the chances of better integration policy being enacted, than when the wind was behind its sails?
Those are empires with colonial rule. A multi-ethnic empire with ethnic provinces administered from a capital is very different than airlifting thousands of Somalis into Minneapolis, or forced integration of schools and neighborhoods. Regarding the Romans, note that it was the attempt to enlist Germanic invaders that led to the fall of the Western empire.
The point bears repeating, there’s absolutely no upside to mass immigration. I can see why you would think it’s good for you personally – you want to import other minorities so you don’t stick out as much – but for the country as whole, the best you can say is, if everything breaks right, maybe it won’t be a catastrophe.
@gnok gnoh,
There a certain “Italian thing” that somehow made its way to the US from Sicily, maybe you’ve heard of it? Maybe the fear-mongering wasn’t completely without basis.
That very much depends. The failures of the French elite are on multiple grounds, such as a commitment to austerity. So they (inadvertently?) programmed in the rise of the FN, because nationalist movements like that thrive under conditions of artificially-induced scarcity. So they may require the experience of a season of an old evil to inoculate them in the future.
I won’t get into this debate except to say that the statistics and instruments of measurement of this famous claim are suspect at best.
A lot of things led to the fall of the Western empire. That is a matter of yet ongoing debate, as I understand it.
You can find all sorts of post hoc justifications for exceptions to your social theory. Nation states and transport systems such as we have now were not in existence then, only the Ottomans survived into the Westphalian order.
It’s already not a catastrophe. As I said, most French Muslims lead normal lives. Most Canadian minorities of various stripes live normal lives. There is something positive to be said about Hispanic “illegals” in the USA. You can read ulterior motives into my position on the matter — and I won’t entirely deny them, I could never be anything other than hostile to the idea that ethnic purity is an ideal to be striven for. Because, to achieve it, you have to destroy the lives of whose who don’t fit your template, and you have to use force to do so. And yes, I’m one of them.
And so I don’t believe nationalist when he says he doesn’t want to kill me. He “merely” wants to drive me out at knifepoint. For fearing the hatred he aims at me and mine, I sound like a “five year old”, because what you’ve worked for your whole life is just some “candy store”. No, multiculturalism or bust. If it doesn’t work, then we’d pretty damn well make it.
Wow, this thread
John Poynton
You could ban visitors with dual nationality where their French or Belgian nationality is the secondary one.
Oh, it’s hardly a surprise. It’s been brewing for some time. Everyone is going to see the present increasing contretemps as a growing opportunity to implement their own utopia.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
I’ll have to give Nat credit for one thing–unlike fundamentalist authoritarian right-wing “Christians”, at least he recognizes the contradictions of trying to be both a Christian and a right-wing ideologue.
Nat has chosen the latter.
Except for my having had black hair instead of blond hair when I was young, I’m white enough to satisfy Nat’s ethnic purity standards, but I have chosen to follow Jesus Christ–imperfectly, of course, but He forgives sins.
Jesus promises me an eternal life of joy and peace for following His way.
Can Nat make me a better offer than that? 😆
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ayn Rand was another right-wing ideologue who recognized the incompatibility of right-wing ideology and Christianity, though Nat wouldn’t have liked her, as she called racism “a primitive, stock-farm form of collectivism.”
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
I expect the bulk of the racist vote in the USA will succumb to “calendaritis” before long, sending the few younger ones back under their virtual rocks on Da Intertoobz.
Of course, the events currently encouraging the racists would not have happened if our masters, the global plutocrats, did not want to own the planet and everyone on it. They created the Sunni jihadi movement(s) to use as geopolitical foils against nations which stand in the way of that goal of global control. If some of their jihadi attack dogs slip their leashes and kill a few of the plutocrats’ serfs once in a while–hey, that’s not a bug, it’s a feature, because it makes the serf population willing to accept more restrictions on their civil liberties, which makes them more docile serfs.
Now, if the attack dogs ever find a way to start mauling the plutocrats, and are stupid enough to do it–why, then, and only then, will the attack dogs be put to sleep.
Unless Putin, that magnificent bastard, puts them to sleep first. 😈
nihil obstet
I know the best thing to do with this thread is to ignore it, but the temptation is just too great. There’s a limit to self-control.
The U.S. and immigration — the obvious point is that the U.S. is an immigrant nation, with massive, indeed overwhelming, waves of arrivals in the colonial period, in the early 19th c. and again from about 1880 to 1920. Xenophobes seem to have some time in mind about who counts as immigrants to be deported and who counts as natives. But then a whole lot of native Americans would probably be able to suggest a different time frame. The Lopez family who arrived in New Mexico in the 17th c. would have a different time. The Chan family whose forefathers came in to work on the trans-Pacific railroad might suggest a later time. Funny that the huge immigration from all over the world produced the nation that “nationalist” seems to want to protect from immigration. And although it didn’t include “airlifting thousands of Somalis into Minneapolis”, it did include kidnapping and boatlifting thousands of West Africans into Charleston, a practice defended and protected in the U.S. constitution. Somehow a pretty strong country came out of all of this. However, if “nationalist” thinks immigration is so bad, he should probably self-deport.
I’m not sure what the “deport Muslims” crowd envisions for the non-negligible number of converts and their children. Do we need an Inquisition to identify them and force them to convert to a more acceptable religion? Mass deportation of Moslems and Jews didn’t work all that well for Spain. I suggest that we don’t try it. I have a list of other religions that I’d much prefer to see outlawed if we’re going to white out the religious freedom clause in the Bill of Rights. I doubt that I’m more dangerous than most other people, so we’re all probably safer if we just keep the 1st Amendment as is.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
“Do we need an Inquisition…”
Well, I wasn’t expecting that… 😉
Re: fundamentalists of various ills — I’d say we’d be much better off without the Corporatist fundies in charge of so much of USA policy decisions.
Now, how to rid ourselves of them, since they seem to be able to buy just about any politicians in the US…?
Oops — I meant to type “various ilk,” but fundies of various “ills” does add a bit to the comment.
That’s because nationalist is not really that interested in the actual basis of success or prosperity, but rather a deep-seated feeling of alienation that causes him to over-emphasize the failures. In Haidt’s terms, he places a huge emotional weight on the value of Purity, and what does not provide the appearance of purity cannot, by definition, have worked. Then he extends his emphasis on purity to all others—we must all actually deep down have the same need for purity as he does, except for those of us he deems as unwelcome parasites, who behave as such parasites, as contaminants, do.
@nihil obstet,
All this glosses over the fact that the United States has been an overwhelmingly Protestant north-western European country for its entire history until the floodgates were opened in 1965. Racially diverse countries have big problems and tend to cluster into racial enclaves which then become stratified (ie, Brazil). But what France is doing, deliberately importing massive numbers of Muslims, is uncharted territory.
It’s incredible that you would cite African slavery as a success for your preferred policy. The best thing you can say about it, is that we survived. Its fruits are a permanent underclass with high levels of violence and dysfunction; utter destruction of formerly great American cities; half a million dead in a civil war. Would anyone voluntarily repeat this?
How so? Spain is still a first-world country, unlike all Arab Muslim countries. How would it have worked out in the alternative, letting them stay?
Muslim immigration fans are quite fond of strawmen like this. It’s fairly simple: if you don’t admit in the first place, then there’s no need to outlaw anyone’s religion. On the other hand, if you do let them in, you can expect the further erosion not just of their but of everyone’s civil rights.
What Haidt actually found is that conservatives place roughly equal value on the six moral foundations he identified (purity or sanctity/degradation is just one). Liberals on the other hand value only three (harm, fairness, liberty), neglecting the others.
African slavery was a great injustice — to the slaves. And it took 500K dead to alleviate some of that injustice. But the country itself benefitted massively from it. The whole idea of racial purity as a panacea, leaving aside the fact that it is actually exceptional beyond the village level and relatively unachievable, involves massive and constant moving of goalposts to defend. “Oh the Romans are not a real example! [moves goalposts to to exclude the Roman Empire]” “Oh the USA is not a real example! [moves goalposts to exclude USA]” It’s clear that the only “success” criterion can be success under the terms that white nationalists want that success to be achieved — anything else, even if it actually is successful, is trivial to define as failure, if you brick over your end zone.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
This liberal sees the other three as confidence schemes, invented to bamboozle me into voting against social democracy and for plutocracy, against my pragmatic self-interest.
I did not fall for them.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Mandos mentioned success.
In WW2, the “mongrel” Allies stomped a mud hole in the ethnic-purist Axis and walked it dry.
‘Nuff said, true believers! Excelsior! 😆
nihil obstet
As I understand it, the point you’re trying to make is that mass immigration is an unmitigated disaster for the country that allows it. The U.S. developed through mass immigration; this does not argue that all of it is good for the immigrants nor does it argue that there are never any bad effects from it. I don’t think the Irish potato famine was good for the Irish who became immigrants to the U.S. and I think there were some bad effects from the wave of Irish immigrants at the time. But I think the country would have been morally wrong then and culturally, intellectually, and economically poorer today if we had kept the starving Irish out because we wanted to preserve “an overwhelmingly Protestant north-western European country”. We would have been rather delusional anyway, because while the ruling elites were WASPs, the population was more diverse. Without mass migration, the U.S. would have been like Australia or South Africa, depending on exactly how ruthless it was to its native population. With all its problems, I prefer the way we are.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Mandos is correct about the impossibility of “purity” in the modern world.
Even if we decided to grant Bliz’s and Nat’s argument that isolation would be desirable, genetic isolation is impossible in a world with globe-girdling transportation, and cultural isolation is impossible in a world with globe-girdling communication.
Somewhat ironically, Islamic fundamentalism has emerged largely as a reaction to the end of the relative (though never more than partial), isolation of Islamic civilization in the face of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire (after its leaders bet on the wrong horse in WW1), and the resulting confrontation of relatively isolated Muslim societies with an emerging global civilization, which was, and is not, nearly so much Christian as Mammonist.
Ivory Bill,
Is your command of the facts really that woeful? I wouldn’t make an argument like that, but on your own terms your argument fails utterly. In 1939 the USA was 90% white, and it hasn’t won a war since the 1965 Immigration Act. How effective will the USA be in WWIII when a majority feel like strangers in their own country?
It hasn’t won a war because the wars it has fought have been fought on grounds poorly thought through by its leaders, sometimes even people with publicly nativist proclivities, not because of some sort of diversity-induced demotivation.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Uh, if there is a WW3, nobody will be effective, because we’ll all be dead.
If Blizz doesn’t understand why, he should feed “nuclear weapons” into his favorite search engine.
American left-liberals not only value only three of them, liberals pathologize the other three; ie, they see them in contradiction with harm/fairness/liberty, if we want to adopt Haidt’s terms. In other words, the garden-variety conservative who values all six inevitably finds himself at a point where his true metal is tested; there are lots of situations where fairness and purity are mutually exclusive. Such as in any discussion over immigration.
What Haidt would like such liberals to do is to engage in massive and very fundamental form of moral relativism over and above what liberals are usually accused of…. and treat the pathologized traits simply as equal moral characters to his other three. He is in effect calling for one-sided political disarmament to no apparent benefit, because the contradictions remain whether or not you pretend.
Folks like nationalist and presumably yourself go one step beyond garden-variety conservatism — it’s clear to me that you value purity, authority, etc, well over the other three, ie you have decided to resolve the contradiction in favour of loyalty to your presumed/self-ascertained community, and interpret that loyalty as a mandate for purity. In that utopia, there’s no room for anyone else who doesn’t fit the template. It is proof-positive that Haidt’s agenda is unworkable and his analysis suspect. We must either reject those moral characters in part be intolerant that way, or we must adopt them and be intolerant to people who do not fit particular community templates.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Haidters gonna haidt. 😉
Your examples do not auger will for successful mass-immigration of Muslims. The Roman Empire was not a racially mixed or integrated nation, but an empire that subordinated foreign peoples. When Emperor Valens under external pressure admitted the Goths into the heart of the empire, they effectively occupied the territory (not unlike the no-go zones held by Muslims outside Paris).
The USA was overwhelmingly white protestant until 1965, that nonetheless admitted some ethnic minorities. Note that, unlike the Syrians you want to admit, those ethnic minorities were mostly Christian, or converted to Christianity. And some of them still caused a lot of problems.
I don’t think even western liberals are happy with the countries they are creating. You think you are importing reliable liberal voters. And indeed your Syrians will probably vote left for the free stuff you promise them, but how much do you think they care about climate change for example? What will it do for social equality to import yet another low-IQ ethnocentric tribe? The future of Western countries along this path is either Brazil — racially diverse, but balkanized, effectively ruled by whites, Jews, and other high-IQ groups — or crackup and formation of separate countries.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Holy Haruhi, pseudo-sciences are harder to eradicate than cockroaches… *roll*
What next? Creation-Science? The Hollow Earth Theory? The Stork Theory of Human Reproduction?
Oh wait–given Blizzy’s political proclivities, maybe he’ll bust out Horbiger’s Eternal Ice next. 😆
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
OK, why did my comment end up in moderation? Are there certain words we need to avoid using? If yes, a list of them would be nice.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Oh, and except for the Falashas from Ethiopia, Jews are white. Your Hakenkreuz is showing, Blizzy.
nihil obstet
Kudos, Ivory Bill. The Spanish Inquisition may have been a hanging curve that you hit out of the park, but “Haidters gonna haidt” is cogent summary.
Ivory Bill: Let’s teach our children that we are, in fact, not white, but simply Jewish.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Rabbi Steinlauf is using a cultural definition of “whiteness”, which in some contexts may indeed be more accurate than the purely visual definition I was using.
“In 1939 the USA was 90% white, and it hasn’t won a war since the 1965 Immigration Act.”
The US has ‘won’ a few wars:
(a) Against the Native population.
(b) Against itself…sort of.
(c) Various Central American places including Cuba for awhile.
(d) Hawai
(e) Phillipines.
Maybe a few others.
It did not win WW1, its contrbutions were financial and raw materials. It did not win WW2 it was part of a massive coalition. Arguably its biggest contributions were trucks for the USSR and Liberty ships for the Battle of the Atlantic, plus the usual raw materials, food etc.
it’s greatest military victories back then in NA/ Sicily/Italy and Europe were when it was under British control (including that hated Monty).
It was its submarines that really beat Japan, if not single troop was expended, not a single bombing raid not a single naval battle had been done…its subs still beat Japan…the rest was window dressing.
Korea was actually a disaster and was, at best, a draw.
Downhill since then….
As I told you: no matter what example I give you, you will find some reason, no matter how picayune, to show that is not sufficiently analogous to the present situation. History doesn’t repeat, it rhymes. The Roman empire was a massive colonial enterprise…but through this, it dispersed and integrated many populations across its empire.
Lo and behold, the most apparently problematic of the immigrant populations at issue…are legacies of colonial dominion, and their problems are directly traceable to those circumstances. So too are even social stratifications in former colonies like Brazil, etc. There is no need to resort to baroque theories of IQ and racial reassortment — colonial supremacism and its aftereffects remains by far the most parsimonious explanation.
But there is one difference from ancient Rome that is significant. The modern colonial powers, even as they continued to possess colonies, went through paroxysms of the newer idea of nationalism, of which variants exist in the late 19C and early 20C that make direct appeal to “nature” via what we now happily recognize as pseudo-scientific justifications for racially exclusivist politics. We continue to live, sadly, with the results of this thinking to this very day, even though its strongest proponents were defeated in a disaster of their own making in the middle of the twentieth century. If there is something that could truly hinder integration, it is precisely the legacy of that nationalism — what has been seen (the bitter utopia of racial purity) cannot be unseen, as they say.
As for the Goths, I understand the analogy that Sailer is trying to make—that the populations fleeing Syria are analogous to Gothic invader populations. But just as your attempt to *break* the analogy with Rome and the Ottoman empire resided in excessive selectivity of relevant characteristics, Sailer’s attempt to *make* this analogy is similarly flawed—extremely selective. The key characteristic of *that* history is the importation not only of refugees, who have fled in numbers regularly throughout history, but the importation of an entire military apparatus into a single area without the planning to properly disperse its members through the empire.
Fortunately, we understand integration a little better now, especially after the problems of colonial-legacy immigrant populations in Europe. The Syrian refugees, etc, are not an organized army, but consist heavily among other things of draft dodgers. And while no success can be guaranteed, proper eventual dispersion of them through various parts of European society is achievable, with forethought. So, happily, even if there were an analogy to the situation of the Goths in Rome, it can well be averted, unless you are attached to certain types of historical determinism. Which I guess you are.
On the matter of “no go zones”, it happens that even Daniel Pipes, no friend to Muslim immigration (although I still don’t know how much that counts for you as he is Jewish), admits that no such thing exists in Europe.
Instead, he notes that what exist are deliberately tolerated zones of exception — to which he is assuredly not a friend, but he recognizes that in reality, the state has neither given up its sovereignty nor jurisdiction, merely made accommodation for a limited autonomy to a minority. He considers this to be unprecedented—but about that, he is wrong. If there is a state of nature, it is actually that one. Much more common than the binding of race to state to territory.
It is impossible to control the future. What I do know is that if majorities follow your prescription and construct your utopia, and permit people like nationalist to drive out people like me at the end of their machetes, the future you will build will have no resemblance to the one that western liberals will be happy with, as opposed to might having no resemblance. How can you build a liberal future by evaluating and regulating the world illiberally?
Since you are likely to presume things about my motivations, let me ask you this about yours. Say I were to show you a complete, convincing plan of how to make multiculturalism and mass immigration “work”. Is there a condition under which you would accept that it does “work”? Or would its success be a source of sorrow to you? Are you motivated by a regretful belief that multiculturalism and mass immigration cannot work, or a fear that it can?
Yes, it’s another characteristic of white supremacists: to misinterpret more complex, nuanced uses of concepts in terms of their dictionary definitions in the hope of discovering “admissions” of the guilt that they believe everyone else must feel for ruining their hope of purity…
cesar tort journey of self discovery out of his childhood abuse lead him to alice miller. later as he mulled his observation that non-westerners treated their children more harshly than westerners, he discovered the world of white nationalists, like kevin macdonald and william l pierce. what’s he on to?
i paste a quote here that i think applies,
“Treitschke’s consternation about Jewish influence also reflected his rising distaste for modern mass culture. He, like most educated Germans, felt an abhorrence for what he perceived as the Mishckultur (mongrel-culture) that was coming to characterize the United States in these years.”
for years, i enjoyed watching nfl . until recently. its morphed into a display of a culture of violence, both on and off the field. yet another passenger in the mass media train.
“he who controls the media, controls the mind.” jim morrison.
Ken Hoop
I don’t have any problem adopting sweeping ethnic/cultural bans on immigration provided
a non-interventionist foreign policy is simultaneously adopted inclusive of curtail of all foreign aid to all parties, emphasis where it belongs, on Israel.
Naturally, the globalists, the neocons, the neolibs, the liberal interventionists, the libertarians all have a problem with this.
Thus the collapse of Empire will proceed on Destiny’s schedule.
Ken Hoop
Did Mandos at one juncture say “we” must ban nation-state citizenship ultimately?
Is this the “we” of Dugin’s (late Western capitalist globalism’s) universalism revealing its empty totalitarianism?
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
You yourself are guilty of the special pleading you accuse me of. The existence of racial stratification doesn’t count because of racism, discrimination, and cultural legacies. Nevermind that those things are endemic to multicultures — the beatings will continue until morale improves.
So, *next time* we’ll get it right, we promise. You want us to just take the risk and trust you.
I’m glad you admit they are mostly draft dodgers, but that contradicts their claim to being “refugees”, doesn’t it? If they are draft dodgers, they should stay and fight for their country; if they’re refugees, they should seek refuge in the rich neighboring Muslim Arab countries.
You want to count this as an argument against interest, but it’s not. Neocons are Zionists who turned away from communism when it started turning against Israel. They are rabidly nationalist for Israel, and rabidly anti-nationalist for Western countries. Their display of naked tribal interest is shameless, and they can only get away with it due to the powerful taboo in the west against criticizing (or even noticing, really) Jewish power.
What difference does any of this make, if you’re admitting that Muslim immigration has caused the French nation to lose sovereignty over chunks of its own territory? This reminds me of your comments on Sweden — that really it’s ever so nuanced you see — which doesn’t change the fact that massive violence follows Muslim immigration anywhere it goes.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that this is an innocent mistake. “White supremacists”, aren’t. Even your Ur-boogeyman, Hitler, didn’t think Nordics were superior. It’s a matter of taking pride in one’s own heritage, and opposing indiscriminate mixing; not superiority or inferiority; but then, liberals often like to couch their views in moral sanctimony.
What you’re arguing for is imperialism; you want to deny white people the right to sovereign self-rule in their ancestral homelands. Ken Hoop just reminded me of this, that your end goal is something like a global dictatorship, no doubt run by people very similar to yourself, who despise ordinary people and their concern for God, family, and country. I’m fundamentally opposed to all this. I’m open to changing my mind, and I have before, but these arguments are more axiomatic than factual. Logical argument can influence people to change their axioms over time, but not over the course of a single discussion.
As I don’t think a return to ethnic nation-state migrationless autarkies is possible without mass death, the inevitable conclusion is that nation-state citizenship—in the sense of a means of exclusion—while it won’t be “banned”, must somehow wither away.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Hitler and his Ratzis didn’t think Nordics were “superior”, and hence entitled to take what they wanted from “inferior” peoples?
On which parallel Earth?
I nominate Ian as a candidate for sainthood for allowing these wretches on the blog at all.
Oh, sometimes we must take these things out of their dank little boxes in the attic and gaze upon them. Especially in a time when our leaders are failing us; it is during these times that the bad utopias come out of these little boxes to play.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Oh, we have to take them out of boxes?
I had thought they crawled out from under rocks, by their own choice.
In the murky practice of historical analogy, there is no avoiding some amount of special pleading this way—on all sides. The way to judge whose pleading is better is to make the question explicit. To me, the question was: can a multicultural civilisation prosper? And the answer is: yes, of course it can; these things last for centuries, often as the most prosperous civilisations there are.
Then the next questions to ask is: what makes this time different from all the other times? That is a more complicated question to ask, why this time is exceptional. There are many possible reasons for this, it is admittedly a very complex question. But one thing we know, for the present conflicts to even exist, one must reify the concept of kinship and its relationship to territory in a manner than the Romans and the Ottomans and so on did not. The Romans surely had a notion of romanitas, but it wasn’t anywhere near congruent to some political idea of natio Romana. The thing you value is a key innovation of the last two centuries or so. You could argue that we would be happier and more prosperous were we to adopt it, but that’s a strong claim. In some sense, multiculturalism is merely the pre-nationalist order reasserting itself under present-day conditions.
By my understanding, the argument is that by the practice of racial/ethnic/whatever purity we will achieve a state of lower internecine social conflict and therefore more prosperity. I dispute some links in this chain, but that is neither here nor there. But we know that attempts in the past to achieve this resulted in great suffering, because the default state of the world—the state of nature if you will—is actually a more chaotic, interconnected, intermingled social structure, at least beyond the village/small town level, other things being equal.
So then, as you have already stated, you would argue, why make it worse? But, if we are merely talking about the material aspect, there are many counterarguments to restricting immigration out of racial motive, at least one of which are the technicalities thereof. We don’t currently live in autarkies or any approximation thereof, and more to the point, we probably can’t, not without an economic or environmental cataclysm either preceding or following.
Except we don’t know what their country is; it’s a civil war for whom, in many cases, either side is hostile. No one should want to introduce more combatants to Syria of all places. And the neighbouring Muslim Arab countries are often the authors of their misery, at least by proxy—and entangled with the very colonial conflicts that have made the modern West multicultural. These conflicts do not follow lines easy for a prior “axiomatic” preference for purity.
I may get back to your other remarks later if I have time, but this is a key point. For you the right to the reification of the corporeal race in nation-state form is a moral axiom. And therefore, I cannot and do not aspire to convince you that you are wrong in this, because you cannot be; it is clearly a deeply felt preference.
The difference is that in my reality, we can both be ourselves as we are, individually speaking. Whereas, if you were to come close to succeeding again in enacting the purification of the corporeal nation, it would be a catastrophe for me, and for many many others; but for you it would merely be the establishment of a preferred way of being.
These comments are a good indication that a piecemeal WWIII started with the Russian intervention in Syria. They also reflect that mankind evolved in tribes and is hardwired to distrust others for good reason.
The Globalist war with Iraq has hit the quarter century mark. The result is refugees and radicalized Islamists. The Jihadists are building their Islamic State. The Bicoastal Internationalists are tearing down western Westphalia States. The irony of welcoming people displaced by the very war your rulers are waging against them is lost to most. Let alone, fighting forever proxy wars to destabilize Russia and secure Israel that will never be won.
The real question is can the people regain control of their governments to make an alliance with Russia, end the Islamic State and force a Middle East peace settlement before the ongoing Holy War there blows us all up?
It was the attempt to *establish* Westphalian nation-states that is the root of the problem in the Middle East. People don’t live separately there except *maybe* in some of the Gulf kingdoms. There *is* no stable division of the pie there possible without genocide.
And if part of the world cannot be ruled that way, it is likely none of it can. Intuitive just-so stories connecting tribal behaviour to particular state forms don’t cut it.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
The justification of exclusivist nationalism on the basis of the unfortunate tribalism of primates overlooks the fact that those tribes are small things compared to the scale of a nation-state.
That tribalism evolved to fit a world of frequent scarcity, where equal sharing of resources in times of scarcity would have simply meant that everyone starved, hence the grim evolution of social inequality and warfare.
If technology can conquer scarcity, who needs tribes, or social inequality, or war any longer?
Human tribalism, to the extent that it works at all, has been shown to work only with small groups of humans living a gathering-and-hunting or agrarian existence. This suggests it might not work well with large groups of humans living a high-tech existence.
I think the simian tribalism of humans has become maladaptive to our continued survival as a species, and we must evolve beyond it.
As a united species, we would be best able to marshal the resources of the Earth to go out into the Solar System and get the far more plentiful resources out there, to establish colonies first in the Solar System, and later to expand beyond it.
Why bother with that? Because the Earth won’t last forever, even if we find ways to fix all the damage capitalist maldevelopment has done to it. The Sun won’t last forever, either.
I realize I’m taking a very long-term view, but someone needs to do that.
Yeah, we’re programmed to fear and hate The Others. But that programming now endangers our survival, and as Ruk said, “Survival must cancel programming.”
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
I may disagree with VV on tribalism, but he got something else correct: The owners of the USA need to give up their mad dreams of owning the whole planet (including the Middle East), settle for the parts they own already, and make an alliance with Russia.
Then the next questions to ask is: what makes this time different from all the other times? That is a more complicated question to ask, why this time is exceptional.
It’s not. The premise that this civilization is multicultural is false. The “war on terror” is cover for an Inquisition-style crackdown on cultural diversity, which results in violent resistance, which justifies further crackdown, ad nauseum.
It is plunging our society into penury, just as the Inquisition did.
…just as the Inquisition did to Spain.
And I’ll further point out that this goes way beyond just “the war on terror”–
The hackneyed and repetitive popular culture (a flight into a past uncontaminated by the Others), the effective destruction of the field of anthropology (in the midst of sterile haranguing over campus speech codes–shades of big business lip service to the “innovation” it despises), and the disappearance of anything resembling a real counter-culture for the first time in generations, are all extensions of the ugly new mindset.
I just don’t believe this is true. Some immigration has always existed and always will. I only have a problem at the scale where immigration brings wholesale changes to the host society (things we’ve discussed like the depression of wages, racial and cultural replacement, atomization, etc).
This from the guy who wants to eradicate nation states? Smh …
Ivory Bill,
Your point of view seems to rest on the blank slate view of humanity, that we have no intractable nature and are more or less infinitely malleable. I think you claimed to be a “real” Christian unlike those troglodyte southern bigots, didn’t you? Your blank-slatist view reveals you to be a transhumanist, or at least some kind of variant of the Enlightenment that replaced God with Man as sovereign.
The one where the allies didn’t write the textbooks. I think I asked you this before, but are you aware of who declared war on whom?
Seconded. I expected to have been booted with extreme prejudice by now. I’m going to re-lurk so as not to push my luck.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Replacing God?
[b]I SAY THEE NAY![/b]
(oops, wrong god) 😉
I am serving God, Who is Love, by supporting the universalism of the Enlightenment. It is God’s wisdom and benign will that we live in peace with one another. God calls us to evolve beyond the savage traits our primitive ancestors sometimes needed to survive in the primordial wilderness.
Blizzy’s idea of God, ironically, seems very much like the misunderstanding of God held by the Wahhabi wackos–the arbitrary and cruel Great Thunder Fairy In The Sky of atheist caricature, who plays favorites among individuals and even among nations.
The God who became flesh–and forgave the misguided wretches, just following orders, who nailed Him to the cross–is farther above and beyond the Thunder Fairy than the Whirlpool Galaxy is above and beyond the Earth.
Blizzy’s kind of believers existed in the Savior’s time on Earth, too–and on that first “Good” Friday, a mob of them could be found in Pilate’s courtyard, shouting “Crucify Him!”.
I trust God will forgive Blizzy, though–for he knows not what he does.
Inside the Whale
I know rite
In particular, the parallel earth where the Axis won and wrote the textbooks.
But seriously, do disillusioned people always have to go full-inverted-morality? Fallacy of the excluded middle, much? Bringing out The Barnes Review version of history? It’s the same when discussing other fringe subjects. Either people believe vaccination can never have horrible side-effects (it can) or they belive vaccination doesn’t even prevent disease (lol wtf). But why can’t it do both?
Yes, a lot of stuff we learn in school is lies. Yet if you’re trying to convert me to your Dark Enlightenment or whatever (is this what that is?), and I have to believe the Third Reich was more sinned against than sinful, you won’t convert me. But maybe too reality is not what Liberalism hoped it would be, maybe it is, as Avenue Q put it, “a little bit racist”.
The universe is not obligated to provide us with Right Answers to ethical and political questions.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
“Jonah”, did you catch the thread a few posts back where Blizzy said Churchill started WW2?
Churchill wasn’t even Prime Minister of the UK yet when WW2 started. 😆
@Inside the Whale,
I think the inverted morality is (hopefully) a temporary phase of angry overreaction to learning of official lies. But as far as WW2 – I mean, do you think it’s reasonable to have interpretations of history enforced by law? That should tell you something is seriously wrong. The “Nordic superiority” is a false anti-gentile trope that was already being used 100 years ago to push mass immigration. Germany had war declared on it by France and Britain, both of which jumped on a long-cherished opportunity like a neocon at a faked intelligence report.
@Ivory Bill,
Ok, you got me. I’m a product of the PC indoctrination you boomers put in place of the actual history that you found too racist and triggering for your holier-than-Jesus sensibilities. The fact remains that it was Britain that invaded Germany, popular opinion notwithstanding.
Unfortunately the comment monster ate all the comments on the previous page. I kind of wonder if it might not be better just to turn pagination off on the comments, since it seems to be broken in ths version of WordPress.
OK, they’re back now, maybe it needed a kick. Still it seems to happen a lot. However, “Newer comments” and “Older comments” are switched around in a funny way.
The link to older comments is broken again. Here’s a direct link:
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Apparently my first response didn’t post; maybe I clicked the wrong button.
Holier than Jesus?
“He don’t know me vewy well, do he?”–Bugs Bunny 😈
I do not entertain the illusion that I will ever be as holy or holier than the Savior. Fortunately, He forgives sins. 🙂
I guess Jesus–never mind His Heavenly Father–is too holy for Blizzy’s taste; Blizzy prefers some sort of wretched tribal war god.
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Oh, yeah–“Ian Welsh and the Comment Monsters” would be a great name for a rock band. 😆