The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Look, Israeli Ground Forces Suck & Their Country Is Postage Stamp Sized

Any time Iran wants, they can over-saturate Israeli missile defenses, turn off the power and destroy the military bases. That was proven this week.

Israel’s ground forces are incompetent and cowardly. They had grave trouble fighting Hamas. Hezbollah whipped them back in 2006 when they dared attack on the ground. Hezbollah’s troops are seasoned war vetrans, and extremely motivated.

What Israel has is airpower, good intelligence, and the USA.

And nukes.

Airpower’s nice, but it doesn’t win wars. And if all your airbases are destroyed or under constant attack, a lot of it goes away. Neighbouring countries have said they won’t base Israeli airplanes.

(I’m running my annual fundraiser. If you value my writing and want more of it, please consider donating. Your donations really do keep this place running.)

The reason that Israel spends most of its time assassinating leaders and mass-murdering civilians is that it knows it can’t actually win on the ground. It can “clear” areas of Gaza, but it can’t hold them, and Hamas has only a shadow of Hezbollah’s strength.

Without nukes, in a conventional war, Hezbollah might win against Israel: by which I mean that invade and conquer the country. It too has tons of missiles and has been holding back. If Iran went all-in, Israel’s defeat in a conventional war would be certain.

The two things stopping this from happening are America and that Israel has nukes and everyone thinks they’ll use them.

The time of elite Israeli ground forces is gone. It was gone by 1990 or so.

And military technology has changed. In the old days if you didn’t have an air force, that was it: but drones and new missile tech has changed that.

These aren’t your grandfather’s Israelis, and these aren’t  your grandfather’s Muslims.


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  1. Jan Wiklund

    Let’s not forget that the hard core of the Israeli government are religious fanatics. They may actually think that being annihilated in a generalized nuclear war is better than give up their dream of an Greater Israel between the Euphrates and the sea.

    The question is, I think, how does one crowd out these people little by little. I doubt the Israeli public in general would support them if that meant annihilation.

  2. Dan Kelly

    “The two things stopping this from happening are America and that Israel has nukes and everyone thinks they’ll use them.”

    I’m getting really tired of this.

    First, though I’m by no means required to say this, I am anything but a hard nationalist. I have the same feelings for the currently not so United States of America that I imagine many Russians have for Russia and many Chinese [人 – rén] have for China. I use those two countries as examples. It applies to every country.

    I say ‘many’ because populations within a given area all have different ideas and different strengths of feeling about the countries or areas or groups they are a part of.

    Now, that said, the statement:

    ‘The two things stopping this from happening are America and that Israel has nukes and everyone thinks they’ll use them’

    should be:

    ‘The thing stopping this from happening is Israel, its nuke threat, and its stranglehold over America. Israel controls the American political structure, its domestic policing institutions, including most notably the FBI, and its military/intel apparatus.’

    Media ownership is also still largely in the hands of Zionists or is heavily Zionist-leaning in order to maintain access to the Israel-occupied levels of power.

    Ray McGovern has recently (finally) admitted that there must be at least some penetration into intel. That is very hard for an intel guy to admit, at least one who wants to maintain some semblance of ‘access’ and I believe Ray does.

    I don’t think even Phil Giraldi has admitted to subversion of intel. He largely blames the political side.

    JFK was aware. He was using a man named John McCone in an attempt to get around the thoroughly Zionized Jesus-Angleton. He was aware of the subversion, though I don’t think he knew how deep it was.

    For the record, I am not a Kennedy cultist.

    Simply consider that RFK Jr will destroy his own country’s intelligence agency but he’ll bend over backward to defend Israel.

    Now, this is not a defense of the CIA. But you do realize that if you were to go after the Mossad or Shin Bet or 8200 or anything Israeli-related whatsoever that RFK Jr will immediately defend Israel to the point of getting angry at you.

    When JFK said he was going to ‘smash the CIA into a million pieces’ or something similar – and yes, he did say that – he meant that he was going to arrange it so that it couldn’t be so comparmentalized and secretive.

    He wasn’t going to entirely abolish the country’s military-political intelligence.

    So why doesn’t RFK Jr tell us this? He could just read from Seymour Hersh’s Samson Option for chrissake:

    ‘In other words, America’s “best Ally” lied to them. Ben-Gurion resigned in May 1963. Following JFK’s murder, Israel resumed testing and faking all through the Johnson and Nixon years. Is is any wonder when the world asks why other countries must adhere to rules ignored by Israel?’

    There is ample evidence pointing to Israel as JFK’s killer. Why doesn’t someone in US leadership say this? They will denigrate their own country but not Israel?

    ‘In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.’

    -Charles de Gaulle

    Again, I am not talking about blindly supporting the US or its political-military intelligence, particularly the way it’s currently structured. I believe Tom Paine’s advice about criticizing a country to make it better.

    But that is not what this criticism is about. It is not about making America better, it’s about blindly supporting Israel.

    Our entire political-military class can criticize its own apparatus but not Israel’s.

    So who has the power here?

    Israel and the ‘Jewish issue’ always supersede everything else you’re working on as a nation.

    The United States of America is completely occupied in the most important areas of control by Israel and its operatives and sayanim.


    From Seinfeld, the most Jewish show in America: ‘We’ve always got a man there. He may not be our best man…’

    Seinfeld was full of inside Jewish jokes that were portrayed through other groups.

    JFK was screwing Marilyn Monroe for a time. Monroe’s history is one of complete Zionist control, from her agent to her psychologist. It’s disgusting what they did to her. Her Olmwood Estate – which was originally owned by a Zionist Jew and featured Tony Curtis and Sonny and Cher (and Greg Allman) as owners over the years, among others – this place was bugged just like the more recent Diddy’s place. And so so many others.


    Much of the extraordinary cinema in the US can be traced to a Russian man named Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski. His ‘method acting’ inspired Lee Strasberg who was one of the founders of the New York Actors Studio.

    ‘The studio is best known for its work refining and teaching method acting. It was founded in 1947 by Elia Kazan, Cheryl Crawford, and Robert Lewis, and later directed by Lee Strasberg, all former members of the Group Theatre, an early pioneer of the acting techniques of Constantin Stanislavsky that would become known as method acting.

    Notable actors and playwrights who have shared their work at the studio include Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando (who joined the studio in its first year), Lorraine Hansberry and James Baldwin.’

    Elia Kazan isn’s so beloved in hard commie circles. He named names!

    Monroe’s agent was John Kahn’s father:

    The entire album, produced by Kahn, is brilliant.


  3. Ian Welsh

    Sure. Zionist power and money has a death grip on American elites.

    The only time I was ever told not to write something (other than one idiot who was offended by my use of “you”) was during Cast Lead. Big Jewish donors who gave to the site I wrote for at the time were upset. Seems the other writers didn’t get under their skin: I did. People doing so much evil rarely like being shown a mirror. (Though there are those who glory in it.)

    But that grip is a choice. Bush Sr. told the Israelis to bugger themselves and so once did Reagan. Both made Israel back down. Neither of them were “good” men, but they had lines.

    Whatever the case, it doesn’t matter. The fact is that the US does stand behind Israel and that’s what makes them viable, plus their nukes.

    And that’s the hand that the Resistance is playing against.

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