The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Open Thread

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Apparently Covid Didn’t Get The Notice That’s It’s Cancelled


Hard To Care About the Attempted Assassination Of Trump


  1. “Most deadly errors arise from obsolete assumptions.” –Dune

    “If I want to understand something, I must observe, I must not criticize, I must not condemn, I must not pursue it as pleasure or avoid it as non-pleasure. There must merely be the silent observation of a fact.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

    “Reason is the first victim of strong emotion,” –Dune

    “Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients with Antidepressants: A Meta-Analysis”

    “The overall pooled RR of dementia was 1.75 (95% CI: 1.033–2.964) for SSRIs whereas the overall pooled RR of dementia was 2.131 (95% CI: 1.427–3.184) for tricyclic use”
    “use of antidepressants increased the risk of developing dementia”
    Possible biological mechanisms discussed include:

    “use of antidepressants might prompt the imbalance of various neurobiological pathways. Therefore, it could elevate oxidative and nitrosamine stress as well as inflammation. Additionally, it might promote mitochondrial dysfunction, increased apoptosis, and finally diminished neurotrophic support”
    “antidepressants increase subclinical cerebrovascular disease risk and promote cognitive decline by elevating potential oxidative stress”

    Here is a second meta-analysis done by authors working in psychiatry departments:

    “Use of antidepressant drugs was associated with a significant twofold increase in the odds of some form of cognitive impairment or dementia (OR = 2.17)”

    This meta-analysis reported on several biases favoring the drugs in the studies used.

    All studies were unblinded. All but 1 study had another recorded bias. That study -with the least recorded biases- showed that antidepressants increase dementia by 3.25 times.
    The higher the quality of the study the more it showed antidepressants increased the chance of developing dementia.
    This study was performed on those 60+ in age. It was done and funded by people and mental health facilities that prescribe these drugs in mass.

    “there was a significant difference in the risk for incident dementia for the group exposed to antidepressants compared with those who were not (adjusted HR, 3.43;) Notably, this result was replicated in all sensitivity analyses. The study validated results from prior observational studies”
    The absolute risk was 9%. To put another way 9% of elderly people will develop dementia from these drugs within 5 years.
    Biological mechanisms for how these drugs cause dementia and other brain diseases have been shown in experiments:

    “(antidepressants) detrimentally influence cell survival in HT22 cells. The addition of these drugs to HT22 cells led to an increase in intracellular peroxides”

    “antidepressant drugs may cause both oxidative stress and changes in the antioxidative capacity, resulting in altered NF-κB activity and, ultimately, (brain) cell death.”
    “(Antidepressants) induce cell death
    neuronal cell death induced by antidepressants.”

    “data suggest that antidepressants increase turnover (death) of hippocampal neurons”
    “fluoxetine strongly reduced expression of the mature granule cell marker calbindin. The fluoxetine treatment induced active somatic membrane properties resembling immature granule cells”

    “Fluoxetine, sibutramine and sertraline treatment produced morphological abnormalities (in the brain)”


    “intelligence does enable you to deny facts you dislike. But your denial doesn’t matter.” ― Octavia E. Butler

    “The problem really is not that we do not know the truth, but that we do not want to know it.” —Nils Melzer

    “People do blame you for the things they do.”― Octavia E. Butler

  2. mago

    My id made me cov(et) the last piece of cheesecake and attachments run my life with aversion fueled aggression making me feel alive. I’m a caveman killer. A Jimmy Dean sausage man slinging messages to the masses saying believe in me. Get down on your knees and pray brothers and sisters and pass your $$ to me. Salvation’s in the giving. And I’m taking for the benefit of all you pea soup minds, so give your all to me because can’t you see I’m no good without you. You need me and I need you, so send your money in a prepaid envelope—cash only—to POB 999, Clarion Square Station, Craters of the Moon, Idaho. 80302. Your reward will be found in heaven. God bless.

    If I possessed any sense I wouldn’t post this, but it’s two beers late on a steamy Saturday night, and nobody cares. Well, not true. Everybody cares about something—usually one’s own (nonexistent) self.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. bruce wilder

    Historian David Kaiser: “. . . it’s the final collapse of the establishment, represented by the Democrats, and all it stands for. Biden has become Buchanan–appropriately enough, generationally! Either the re-election of Trump, or the selection of a new candidate (other than Harris) by the Democrats and their election will be a revolutionary event.”

    This (above) — and maybe Mike Benz’s melodramatic 11 minute rant on Ukraine and the origins of the Censorship Industrial Complex — are among the best summaries I have seen of the significance of the present crisis. Absolutely, it isn’t Biden’s competence in isolation that has been called into question, but the competence of “the establishment” including most definitely not just the Democratic Party elite, but the Media establishment that is trying to gaslight us into thinking “everyone” was “surprised” by Biden’s debate performance. Even now, most reports use Biden’s “age” as the term for the “issue” rather than simply admit that Biden suffers from a progressive neurodegenerative disease.

    As a data reference, I went back to the February 28 letter from Biden’s primary care doctor, where his last physical was discussed in purported detail. A very elaborate “explanation” for Biden’s Parkinson’s Disease symptoms was weaved thru the whole thing. So I suppose the Media has plausible deniability, in that “primary source material” like the doctor’s letter supported denial. The NY Times ran a story on the regular visits of a PD specialist to the White House without establishing any reason to think that doctor saw Biden (except at the time of Biden’s annual physical). The AP, I think it was, then ran a fact check against the “unfounded” speculation that flowed from The NY Times story (or rather The NY Times headline attached to their non-story story, which had never proven any connection to Biden). And, so the propaganda sausage is made, right out in the open.

    The disabling of minds is the aim. Biden gave a speech to the NATO summit advocating WWIII and all anyone could talk about were his gaffes, as when he introduced Z as P.

    And today an assassination attempt! Yikes!

  4. different clue

    Those who live by the double-cross perisheth thereby.

    Obama arranged a DemParty doublecross against Sanders to engineer and broomsweep Biden into position. Biden was Obama’s choice for DemParty curling stone, and the Obamacrats broomswept the ice ahead of Biden all the way.

    And now Biden “doublecrosses” the Obamacrats who put him into office to begin with by fighting-to-the-death to stay in office against Obama’s ( and the Obamacrats’) present wishes. Biden won’t be a good little curling stone.

    ( I am not familiar with the sport of Curling. I hope I got it right enough to use it for meaningful figures of speech. ” Who put the horse’s head in Bernie Sanders’ bed? And whose curling stone was Obama himself to begin with?” etc. )

  5. different clue

    Here is a video about making a heavy industrial gear the hard way.

    If America is to give up on dreams of world leadership and begin a process of seclusionist survivalist revival, I wonder if such industry as we can re-create here will look like this.

  6. different clue

    On a different note, here is a video that someone has called ” Troll Dad bringing his A-game.” The video itself is called ” Why operating procedures are important.”
    This could be an example of something I have read about called ” coyote teaching”.

  7. Curt Kastens

    Are all regular commentators accounted for?? 😉

  8. Curt Kastens

    Michael Mulligan of St. Scholasticdict reccommends Green Bay over Duluth as the place to bug out to if you can not leave the USA. But I myself find that option tainted. Well either of them. Both of them are to far off the beaten path. But one if not both options are better than nothing. Which is every where else in the USA outside of Minnesota or Wisconsin. Or the Michigan part of connected to Wisconsin. Or NE Iowa, or NW Illinois. Or eastern South or North Dakota. Or Columbia Missouri. Or Spokane Washjington.
    If Mulligan gets it right he would reccomend Red Wing, St. Cloud, Winona, Madison, and Appleton.

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