The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Open Thread

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Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – September 8 2024


  1. somecomputerguy

    Movie recommendation; “Rebel Ridge,” new on Netflix. Not just a thriller.

  2. different clue

    Header: handy food survival tool

    Here is a little video of someone shelling corn kernels off a cob of corn real fast and with what looks like not that much effort. It doesn’t give the name of the corn sheller being used. If anyone here knows what brand this corn sheller is, and from where it might be gotten, that might be a useful little bit of information.

    Here is the video, titled : ” Removing corn from the cob.”

  3. Mark Level

    Well, I called it in the “Left (Not) Taking Over the Republican Party Will be Harder . . . ” thread a couple days ago–

    Dick Cheney just came out and endorsed Kamala Harris, which she welcomed!! There’s “good governance” at its finest, someone who profiteered directly from giving US soldiers dirty water & toxic “food”, laundry services etc. in a war based 100% on lies, started systematic torture of “suspects” without trial, & outed a CIA agent (usually a holy, sacrosanct group in the DemonRats’ eyes), Valerie Plame, because her husband told the truth about Cheney’s “Uranium tubes” scam, which Dems at the time called (rightly, to an extent) “treason”!!

    Oh yeah, & remember when he shot his Dem “friend” in the face with buckshot when they were shooting quail who were staked to the ground!! Gotta love someone who can slap around the Dem subordinates that way!! I know Willy will likely find this a good thing, wonder how many others on this site will? (If Tallifer is lurking, I imagine they admire Cheney, which I wouldn’t even suspect Willy of.)

    There is no LOW to which the Empire won’t go, nor the fascist Dimmie party, openly seeking the approval of and supporting fascists like Cheney & his toxic offspring Lynn, equally fascist but voted out by the R’s for insufficient loyalty to the bloated Cheetoh guy–

  4. Willy

    Submitted for your approval: a demented senile wants to promote a white nationalist plutocrat to oligarch.

    This is not a new world – it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it – it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Earth’s Twilight Zone.

    Oh, and the Longhorns kicked Wolverine ass in the Big House. Discuss.

  5. mago

    Not to flog a dead horse or pretend like I’m presenting a novel view, but the western leadership class in whatever realm—political, commercial or social are maggots masquerading as Hollywood heroes both to themselves, the circles they move in and to the public at large.
    Call bullshit on the caca and you’ll find yourself with a one way ticket to hell, assuming anyone’s paying attention, which most people aren’t.
    Ever notice how it’s often necessary to repeat information three times before being heard and even then no one is listening?
    Ok. It’s a sunny sultry smoky Saturday afternoon in my backyard. And I’m just talking.
    The suet feeder hanging above my window disappeared a few days ago, and I figured a bear did it.
    Yesterday as I sat outside on my deck cushion engaged in something resembling meditation a tumbling rock caused me to shift and look over my shoulder, and there maybe five feet away was a young brown bear. I scrambled to my feet. He put on the brakes, turned around and scrambled straight up the steep mountainside.
    That was my third close encounter with a bear this season.
    Just reporting local news.
    Enjoy what’s left of the weekend, the season and your life in general, if possible.

  6. @Mark Level
    I do not think that the Cheney’s enmity of Trump is principled but rather a reaction to Trump calling out the disaster that the Iraq invasion was in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary debate in South Carolina.
    That Harris did not spurn this ‘endorsement’ is telling. Iraq was a massive, indeed an epic foreign policy disaster. Anyone who endorsed that misguided action should have been ushered off the stage of national discourse. But they have not. No matter what their party affiliation.

  7. Willy

    It’s not that complicated. Cheney just wants his old military industrial conservatism back. Anybody who thinks Trump wants national interests to supercede his own, doesn’t understand the new breed of conservatism. And Harris needs to be continuously reminded that “feckless Dems” is why her Dems continuously worry about poll numbers. Easy.

    If only big money wasn’t so successful at confusing things.

  8. mago

    Cheney should’ve died a long time ago, or better yet, never been born. But there will always be a Cheney around to lie and obfuscate to betray and deny and to shoot buckshot into a hunting partner’s face.
    Mr Toxic endorses Ms Toxic who joyfully accepts.
    Follow your joy follow your bliss and drink your kool aid goddamn it. Then eat shit and die.
    Something like that.

  9. different clue

    @ Chuck Mire,

    Thanks. This looks like a slightly different version of the same basic tool. The WalMart tool has a metal tube-shroud partway around the drum-of-teeth whereas the one in the little video snippet does not. I wonder if that partial-surround metal shroud is a safety feature.

    Here’s a slightly different one yet.

    Much different than the big clunky thing we usually think of when we hear ” corn sheller”.

  10. Seattle Resident

    As far as Cheney’s endorsement goes, I think the Harris campaign, while not being fans of the Bush/Cheney administration, has a real politik take that it needs a big tent of voters – not just progressives, but anti-Trump republicans and conservatives (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), to win the election, because the alternative to Harris, with its’ potential persecution and arrests of political opponents, mass deportations, national ban on abortion, and drastic cuts to, if not outright destruction of, the safety net would devastating to the country. I get that she won’t deliver all goodies that progressives want, but there aren’t enough of them in the country to bank on such endorsements alone to win a national election.

  11. mago

    No SR. Just no. This is pandering not coalition building.
    As Peter Sellers dead panned in the movie Being There, now get this honkie, you tell Raphael . . .
    Oh, never mind.
    It’s too obscure a reference, and nobody’s referencing this open thread.
    All the muddled fuddling is wearing and tearing.
    To quote from some rock song or another: I grow weary/can there be no peace . . .

  12. Jorge

    @mago- thank you for reminding me of the movie ‘Being There’. I have added it to my zoom movie club list.

    It’s very appropriate, given that we have 2 Chauncey Gardiners running for President.

  13. Curt Kastens


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