Timing of renewal of attacks on Syrian Gov’t forces in Aleppo in interesting, coming so close after the announcement of the Israel/Hezbollah ceasefire.
Will Hezbollah send forces from Lebanon to help Syria (again)? Israel would rather have Hezbollah fighting HTS (Jihadi rebels in Syria) than rebuilding in Lebanon, of course.
One big question is Turkey’s role in this. Erdogan is something of a wild card; it looks like he’s switched sides again (backing US/Israeli plans against Syria, Russia, Iran, etc).
US Media always add a phrase like “Iran-backed” whenever they mention Syria, Hezbollah, Houthis, or Hamas, which always triggers my Propaganda Alarm. What’s the mechanism that gives the NeoCons such control over US Media???
Yeah, so far it looks really bad. Syrian army in Aleppo basically fled or surrendered w/o a fight as best I can tell. Without Russians and Hezbollah and Iranian volunteers, Syria’s army is mostly crap.
The mistake was allowing a frozen conflict, they should have finised Idlib. This is very ugly for the Resistance, they need to get reliable troops there fast.
I completely agree with Elkern (& Ian). Alexander Mercouris of the Duran had a really detailed (as usual) & solid take on Erdogan’s treachery (just in his nature, really, he can’t help himself), available here for those with time– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-EXLrRIQuw
As to Ian’s fatalistic take a few threads back about the Palestinians now being more likely to be utterly annihilated with Hezbollah’s [sic– even Mercouris noted it’s a Lebanese government decision} agreement to a cease fire with Israel, some time on MoonofAlabama gave me deeper insight: Hezbollah signed nothing and since Israel will, as it uniformly does, flagrantly violate every scrap or word of any agreement, many commenters were clear that they will continue to retaliate for attacks on Lebanon by the Zionist Entity. In fact, the Israelis have not even agreed (as of the time I write) to implement the “Cease Fire” until possibly the start of December, here soon. Hezbollah may have passively agreed to go back to the previous extant Cease Fire (which is all this agreement included), but will remain vigilant.
But the hornet’s net has been further stirred by activating IS in Syria, with direct weapons, training & support from Erdogan. AND Mercouris also mentioned despite flowery speeches against the Zionists in Turkiye, Erdogan continues to ship oil for the genocide from Azerbaijan, for the genocide.
I think at some point, as in Jordan, the worm will turn for too-flagrant Islamic collaborators with the Zionists, including quite possibly Erdogan. But of course I cannot predict when that will arrive.
The Zionists only (kinda, sorta, maybe) backed down in Lebanon as the Lebanese were winning, & they were taking extremely high casualties. (I saw a retired Israeli General excoriating Gallant for, he claimed, at least 900 casualties, early in November.)
Btw I have to correct an error in something I posted some time back. It is the Shi’a in the South who have supported Palestine, the Sunnis ally with the Christian remnants of the Crusades not to do so, to make sure their country can have no air defense against Israel since Sunnis & Christians are not (often) directly targeted. But from Rania Khalek & others I have heard the savagery of massive civilian neighborhoods leveled by the Israelis, with Sunni-Xtian support has considerably shifted opinion within Lebanon, at least at the grass roots level, if not for the time being in the Tripartite Leadership structure of the country.
Oh, also a bit of trivia* I learned recently. There are very large communities of Jews living & “registered” in Iran, something I was unaware of until recently. Respected & in no way harassed since the Revolution, they apparently have little or no fealty to the Zionist entity. Years ago I read the late Robert Fisk’s “The Great War for Civilization” after seeing him speak in Berkeley. He is one of many who covered how the Mossad led a lot of Mideast “terrorism” against surviving Jewish communities across the Mideast to force them out & to become Mizrahi warriors for Israel within the country. At some point, there is blowback from a State that consistently stirs up hate & violence. Can’t recall but I think who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind is from the Old Testament. In any case it remains true, for both the ZioNazis & their US sponsors (or subordinates, hard to tell at this point.)
* Okay, it’s not really trivial that Jewish communities have tolerance & support inside Iran, it’s important. It was just something that I was previously unaware of. Just as many Muslim governments have defended ancient Christian churches & practitioners in the region, while US religious Zionists are fine with their Christian brethren in Palestine being exterminated or driven out. Human political behavior remains at a Lizard brain level, for the most part, obviously.
Beyond killing to dominate, the details and motives elude me.
The depth of hate and depravity necessary to decapitate and exult in blood lust is beyond my comprehension.
The late Andre Vletch (sp?) often commented about war drugs, mostly amphetamine based substances with weird additives like viagra.
Then there’s generational hatred of the others.
Plus the internet and pornography. (Only partially joking.)
Put it all together with blood and money bribery, and there’s your toxic stew.
Cyclonic is a word that springs to mind.
Got potatoes on the stove, gotta go.
so yeah … coordinated attacks across the region with renewed attacks in Syria
which, sad to say, included successful attacks against the online funding for Marouf’s website/tv outlet, so I chipped in what I could
What I could hear in the linked podcast went beyond reporting on the direct armed encounters in Syria. Marouf reminded everyone how badly Hezbollah was hurt and how many millions have been/continue to be killed in countries in the area. His sense of grief and frustration was palpable.
I was just listening to what Douglas McGregor was saying about what Trump needs to do so that the Russians will take Americans seriously.
Come one McGregor at this point the only way the Russians would ever take Americans seriously is if they see that there are Americans that have the intent and the capabilty of hanging their US Generals and other puppet leaders from bridges and burning them alive.
What that means is that we there will not be peace until a peace is impossed by environmental collapse.
But one small detail that the Russians should consider is that if they destroy the countries from Poland to Portugal they are going to race an army of unarmed refugees trying to reach safety. I mean medical care and food.
But if the Russians destroy US military bases from Stuttgart to San Diego to Diego Gracias Russian Border Guards will not have to arrest millions of illegeal European immingrants seeking work and sagety in Russia.
I am interested to know which “Muslim governments have defended ancient Christian churches & practitioners in the region”. Not the KSA, which routinely bulldozes Christian archeological sites and, I understand, permits no non Moslem worship of any kind within its’ borders.
While I am no fan of the current Israeli govt., I will point out that Israel does welcome (and profit from) Christian pilgrims at Christmas and Easter and does permit excavation and visit to Christian archeological sites.
That’s because, with the possible exception of Afghanistan under the Taliban, KSA is the worst country on earth. You can be imprisoned just for saying out loud that you were thinking about building a church. You would likely have a very hard time building a new church in Israel. Also note that churchs and monasteries in Gaza have been destroyed without compunction and that various Christian communities have been harassed and their traditional rights curtailed throughout the Zionist entity. And there’s 2 or 3 Jews in the Iranian parliament.
Could UK politics become more chaotic?
Sure, in the next election the popular vote is a 4 way time between Labour, Tories, Reform, and everyone else (Liberal Democrats, Greens, and regional parties).
I guess that might be a different kind of show.
I doubt it would evolve into Bulgaria which has had 5 elections since 2021 and will have one again next year.
Don’t worry though anytime Russia’s government will collapse, Europe’s 15 years of economic stagnation will end, and the rampant social dissipation will evaporate like a polluted puddle in the 21st century sun.
Nothing to do with Middle East shit storms or other thread topics, but I wanted to riff a bit on avocados, which the PMC class consumes with gusto (we called that class preppies, then yuppies in the 80’s.)
Anyway besides the mono cultivation of that fruit called avocado in Mexico’s
province/state called Guadalajara, there’s the cultural, criminal and environmental degradation happening, all so Sean and Babs can have their avocado toast and smoothies.
Even worse is their belief that avocado oil is superior to to oils extracted from seeds such as sunflower and sesame, which some self appointed Marin county guru proclaimed toxic despite millennia of ancient and modern traditional cultures using them daily.
Nobody EVER used avocado oil for cooking, especially not the ancients.
Why am I going on about this? Because I just fried tempeh in locally grown sunflower oil, and I have a few spray bottles of avocado oil provided by well meaning preppies who I could never persuade to change their fixed indoctrinated concepts. Not gonna use that avo oil, and I’ll not eat another avocado unless it drops at my feet from a tree.
Just tired of the ignorance and ignoring all the way around.
Speaking of intolerant Muslims, did I mention that the Sunni Muslim women of Turkey have nationwide access to birth control up to and including abortion that American women can only dream of?
When I was young, avocados came from Florida and California. I haven’t studied the recent history of sourcing avocados, so I don’t know whether the sudden increase in avocados from Mexico began after NAFTA or not. It is certainly something worth studying. And the massive inflow of avocados from Mexico ( and now Peru and elsewhere too) was used to exterminate the avocado growing sector in California and Florida through underpricing.
Here in Michigan I doubt an avocado will ever drop at my feet from a tree. But if I see any avocados from Florida or California I will continue to eat them.
The abolition of NAFTA and the restoration of Protectionism would allow America to grow its own avocados again and would allow Mexico to grow its own corn again. For example.
Something Completly NEW.
I can not say for sure if the info in this report is true. But it certianly seems plausible.
I wonder how many people expected this to happen.
I logged on the write that if Russian Hypersonic missiles lack the range to threaten those that deserve to be destoyed first it would make a lot of sense for the Russians to attack Japan and South Korea. Then they will not have to deal with a swarm of refugees seeking refuge in Russia or China as they would if they attacked western Europe.
Then I was surprised to see that Marshall Law has been declared in South Korea by the President but that was recinded by the Parliment but the Parliment was recinded by the President. I would never have predicted such a thing to happen. Could South Korea now destroy istself for Turnip and the Corp Capitalist system.
A Realistic Non Complicated Good Faith European Peace Proposal.
1.) Everything east of the Dniper River becomes part of Russia
2.) The Russians get to keep up to 250,000 peace keepers in Ukraine (that means west of the Dniper River).
3.) NATO is obolished
4.) The US military is withdrawn from Europe
5.) Japan becomes part of Russia
6.) The leaders of the UK, France, and Germany get arrested by the ICC and put on Trial for conspiring to wage a war of aggression.
7.) TASS get to veto power over anything that the privatley owned legacy media in western Europe and all government owned media in western Europe wish to publish.
On Police shows they often show these flow charts. The Don is in the middle on top. Underneath him is 3 to 5 Leutenants and underneath each of them is 3 to 5 capos. And underneath each of the capos is another level of 3 to 5.
Western society could be represented by the same kind of flow chart. Pentagon in the center top. Underneath that Executive Branch, Congress and Surpream Court. Of course the State Department is underneath the Executive Branch. Then underneath the State Department would be the CIA. Underneath the CIA would be all of the major press organizations. I would be willing to bet that some college fraternities are CIA front organizations. I would also be willing to bet that some college presidents are active CIA members.
The reason that I am pointing this out is that western society is basically a giant criminal octopus. If a truely righteous person came down from the heavens that person would be justified it giving out death sentences and or long prison sentences to millions of people in NATO countries plus Japan, South Korea, and Australia, and Taiwan, and Israel.
But of course anyone who would put to death millions of westerners would be called someone worse than Stalin and Hitler combined by those living in the west. They do not recognize that their own leaders are actually the ones worse than Hitler and Stalin combined.
The combined might of the Chinese and Russians and Indians wouid not be enough to liberate the USA and last few remaining true Americans from their earthly overlords.
Thank God for AGW. AGW will bring an end to western criminality. But it will also help millöns escape justice.
Wow, this is juicy. I just saw on a Times of India youtube video that Lavorov says that Russia will not take part in any peace negotiations until Ukrainian forces leave the Kursk area. That is a pretty clear signal to me that Russia will not try hard at all to push the Fastnacht forces out of that small territory of Russia that they occupy. The Russians will then have an excuse to liberate all of Ukraine east of the Dniper or maybe even all of Ukraine east of the Danube before they even begin negotiations.
But I someone who carries more weight than me should remind the Russian leadership somethinig that a well known Lebonese Leader said during the Lebonese Civil War. He said we we are losing we do not want to negotiate becuase our position would not be advantagous. But when we are winning we do not want to negotiate either becuase there is no incentive to comprimise.
The morell of the story is that winning on the battlefield quickly cements a victory before new developments can cause the victory to unravel.
I have very little contact with anyone outside my immediate family at this point. Therefore I am not highly qualified to make this assessment. But my guess is that if the USA and its NATO allies get involved in a shooting war with Russia they will not be able to win unless they institute a military draft. And if they try to institute a draft the shit is really going to hit the fan in Europe and the USA. But that is only a guess based on how little I see young people showing enthusiasim for going to war against Russia. But, because the circumstances for the masses of people in Europe and North America are not really all that different now than they were in 1914. Two military blocs are invloved in a conflict that has no ideological component what so ever. And in 1914 when young people were called to kill young people with different last names but for really no ideological reason what so ever people answered the call to evil (or sin if you are religous).
I do not support Russia and China because they are paridigms of advanced behavior. Though they might be paridigms of advanced behavior I am not in a position to judge that. I support Russia, China. Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran because it is the western nations that are the blatant aggressors who have failed to negotiate in good faith with those that they aggress against. These western nations use negotiations simply as a means to improve their ability to destablize the nations that they target.
Unfortunately a gnat does not carry much weight on the world stage.
Timing of renewal of attacks on Syrian Gov’t forces in Aleppo in interesting, coming so close after the announcement of the Israel/Hezbollah ceasefire.
Will Hezbollah send forces from Lebanon to help Syria (again)? Israel would rather have Hezbollah fighting HTS (Jihadi rebels in Syria) than rebuilding in Lebanon, of course.
One big question is Turkey’s role in this. Erdogan is something of a wild card; it looks like he’s switched sides again (backing US/Israeli plans against Syria, Russia, Iran, etc).
US Media always add a phrase like “Iran-backed” whenever they mention Syria, Hezbollah, Houthis, or Hamas, which always triggers my Propaganda Alarm. What’s the mechanism that gives the NeoCons such control over US Media???
Ian Welsh
Yeah, so far it looks really bad. Syrian army in Aleppo basically fled or surrendered w/o a fight as best I can tell. Without Russians and Hezbollah and Iranian volunteers, Syria’s army is mostly crap.
The mistake was allowing a frozen conflict, they should have finised Idlib. This is very ugly for the Resistance, they need to get reliable troops there fast.
Mark Level
I completely agree with Elkern (& Ian). Alexander Mercouris of the Duran had a really detailed (as usual) & solid take on Erdogan’s treachery (just in his nature, really, he can’t help himself), available here for those with time– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-EXLrRIQuw
As to Ian’s fatalistic take a few threads back about the Palestinians now being more likely to be utterly annihilated with Hezbollah’s [sic– even Mercouris noted it’s a Lebanese government decision} agreement to a cease fire with Israel, some time on MoonofAlabama gave me deeper insight: Hezbollah signed nothing and since Israel will, as it uniformly does, flagrantly violate every scrap or word of any agreement, many commenters were clear that they will continue to retaliate for attacks on Lebanon by the Zionist Entity. In fact, the Israelis have not even agreed (as of the time I write) to implement the “Cease Fire” until possibly the start of December, here soon. Hezbollah may have passively agreed to go back to the previous extant Cease Fire (which is all this agreement included), but will remain vigilant.
But the hornet’s net has been further stirred by activating IS in Syria, with direct weapons, training & support from Erdogan. AND Mercouris also mentioned despite flowery speeches against the Zionists in Turkiye, Erdogan continues to ship oil for the genocide from Azerbaijan, for the genocide.
I think at some point, as in Jordan, the worm will turn for too-flagrant Islamic collaborators with the Zionists, including quite possibly Erdogan. But of course I cannot predict when that will arrive.
The Zionists only (kinda, sorta, maybe) backed down in Lebanon as the Lebanese were winning, & they were taking extremely high casualties. (I saw a retired Israeli General excoriating Gallant for, he claimed, at least 900 casualties, early in November.)
Btw I have to correct an error in something I posted some time back. It is the Shi’a in the South who have supported Palestine, the Sunnis ally with the Christian remnants of the Crusades not to do so, to make sure their country can have no air defense against Israel since Sunnis & Christians are not (often) directly targeted. But from Rania Khalek & others I have heard the savagery of massive civilian neighborhoods leveled by the Israelis, with Sunni-Xtian support has considerably shifted opinion within Lebanon, at least at the grass roots level, if not for the time being in the Tripartite Leadership structure of the country.
Oh, also a bit of trivia* I learned recently. There are very large communities of Jews living & “registered” in Iran, something I was unaware of until recently. Respected & in no way harassed since the Revolution, they apparently have little or no fealty to the Zionist entity. Years ago I read the late Robert Fisk’s “The Great War for Civilization” after seeing him speak in Berkeley. He is one of many who covered how the Mossad led a lot of Mideast “terrorism” against surviving Jewish communities across the Mideast to force them out & to become Mizrahi warriors for Israel within the country. At some point, there is blowback from a State that consistently stirs up hate & violence. Can’t recall but I think who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind is from the Old Testament. In any case it remains true, for both the ZioNazis & their US sponsors (or subordinates, hard to tell at this point.)
* Okay, it’s not really trivial that Jewish communities have tolerance & support inside Iran, it’s important. It was just something that I was previously unaware of. Just as many Muslim governments have defended ancient Christian churches & practitioners in the region, while US religious Zionists are fine with their Christian brethren in Palestine being exterminated or driven out. Human political behavior remains at a Lizard brain level, for the most part, obviously.
Beyond killing to dominate, the details and motives elude me.
The depth of hate and depravity necessary to decapitate and exult in blood lust is beyond my comprehension.
The late Andre Vletch (sp?) often commented about war drugs, mostly amphetamine based substances with weird additives like viagra.
Then there’s generational hatred of the others.
Plus the internet and pornography. (Only partially joking.)
Put it all together with blood and money bribery, and there’s your toxic stew.
Cyclonic is a word that springs to mind.
Got potatoes on the stove, gotta go.
from the Free Palestine TV website
so yeah … coordinated attacks across the region with renewed attacks in Syria
which, sad to say, included successful attacks against the online funding for Marouf’s website/tv outlet, so I chipped in what I could
What I could hear in the linked podcast went beyond reporting on the direct armed encounters in Syria. Marouf reminded everyone how badly Hezbollah was hurt and how many millions have been/continue to be killed in countries in the area. His sense of grief and frustration was palpable.
Curt Kastens
I was just listening to what Douglas McGregor was saying about what Trump needs to do so that the Russians will take Americans seriously.
Come one McGregor at this point the only way the Russians would ever take Americans seriously is if they see that there are Americans that have the intent and the capabilty of hanging their US Generals and other puppet leaders from bridges and burning them alive.
What that means is that we there will not be peace until a peace is impossed by environmental collapse.
But one small detail that the Russians should consider is that if they destroy the countries from Poland to Portugal they are going to race an army of unarmed refugees trying to reach safety. I mean medical care and food.
But if the Russians destroy US military bases from Stuttgart to San Diego to Diego Gracias Russian Border Guards will not have to arrest millions of illegeal European immingrants seeking work and sagety in Russia.
bruce wilder
A surge in net immigration to the UK has led Starmer to claim Tories had been running an open-borders experiment following Brexit.
Could UK politics become more chaotic?
Mary Bennett
I am interested to know which “Muslim governments have defended ancient Christian churches & practitioners in the region”. Not the KSA, which routinely bulldozes Christian archeological sites and, I understand, permits no non Moslem worship of any kind within its’ borders.
While I am no fan of the current Israeli govt., I will point out that Israel does welcome (and profit from) Christian pilgrims at Christmas and Easter and does permit excavation and visit to Christian archeological sites.
That’s because, with the possible exception of Afghanistan under the Taliban, KSA is the worst country on earth. You can be imprisoned just for saying out loud that you were thinking about building a church. You would likely have a very hard time building a new church in Israel. Also note that churchs and monasteries in Gaza have been destroyed without compunction and that various Christian communities have been harassed and their traditional rights curtailed throughout the Zionist entity. And there’s 2 or 3 Jews in the Iranian parliament.
Could UK politics become more chaotic?
Sure, in the next election the popular vote is a 4 way time between Labour, Tories, Reform, and everyone else (Liberal Democrats, Greens, and regional parties).
I guess that might be a different kind of show.
I doubt it would evolve into Bulgaria which has had 5 elections since 2021 and will have one again next year.
Don’t worry though anytime Russia’s government will collapse, Europe’s 15 years of economic stagnation will end, and the rampant social dissipation will evaporate like a polluted puddle in the 21st century sun.
Nothing to do with Middle East shit storms or other thread topics, but I wanted to riff a bit on avocados, which the PMC class consumes with gusto (we called that class preppies, then yuppies in the 80’s.)
Anyway besides the mono cultivation of that fruit called avocado in Mexico’s
province/state called Guadalajara, there’s the cultural, criminal and environmental degradation happening, all so Sean and Babs can have their avocado toast and smoothies.
Even worse is their belief that avocado oil is superior to to oils extracted from seeds such as sunflower and sesame, which some self appointed Marin county guru proclaimed toxic despite millennia of ancient and modern traditional cultures using them daily.
Nobody EVER used avocado oil for cooking, especially not the ancients.
Why am I going on about this? Because I just fried tempeh in locally grown sunflower oil, and I have a few spray bottles of avocado oil provided by well meaning preppies who I could never persuade to change their fixed indoctrinated concepts. Not gonna use that avo oil, and I’ll not eat another avocado unless it drops at my feet from a tree.
Just tired of the ignorance and ignoring all the way around.
Speaking of intolerant Muslims, did I mention that the Sunni Muslim women of Turkey have nationwide access to birth control up to and including abortion that American women can only dream of?
different clue
When I was young, avocados came from Florida and California. I haven’t studied the recent history of sourcing avocados, so I don’t know whether the sudden increase in avocados from Mexico began after NAFTA or not. It is certainly something worth studying. And the massive inflow of avocados from Mexico ( and now Peru and elsewhere too) was used to exterminate the avocado growing sector in California and Florida through underpricing.
Here in Michigan I doubt an avocado will ever drop at my feet from a tree. But if I see any avocados from Florida or California I will continue to eat them.
The abolition of NAFTA and the restoration of Protectionism would allow America to grow its own avocados again and would allow Mexico to grow its own corn again. For example.
Curt Kastens
Something Completly NEW.
I can not say for sure if the info in this report is true. But it certianly seems plausible.
I wonder how many people expected this to happen.
Curt Kastens
I logged on the write that if Russian Hypersonic missiles lack the range to threaten those that deserve to be destoyed first it would make a lot of sense for the Russians to attack Japan and South Korea. Then they will not have to deal with a swarm of refugees seeking refuge in Russia or China as they would if they attacked western Europe.
Then I was surprised to see that Marshall Law has been declared in South Korea by the President but that was recinded by the Parliment but the Parliment was recinded by the President. I would never have predicted such a thing to happen. Could South Korea now destroy istself for Turnip and the Corp Capitalist system.
Curt Kastens
A Realistic Non Complicated Good Faith European Peace Proposal.
1.) Everything east of the Dniper River becomes part of Russia
2.) The Russians get to keep up to 250,000 peace keepers in Ukraine (that means west of the Dniper River).
3.) NATO is obolished
4.) The US military is withdrawn from Europe
5.) Japan becomes part of Russia
6.) The leaders of the UK, France, and Germany get arrested by the ICC and put on Trial for conspiring to wage a war of aggression.
7.) TASS get to veto power over anything that the privatley owned legacy media in western Europe and all government owned media in western Europe wish to publish.
Curt Kastens
On Police shows they often show these flow charts. The Don is in the middle on top. Underneath him is 3 to 5 Leutenants and underneath each of them is 3 to 5 capos. And underneath each of the capos is another level of 3 to 5.
Western society could be represented by the same kind of flow chart. Pentagon in the center top. Underneath that Executive Branch, Congress and Surpream Court. Of course the State Department is underneath the Executive Branch. Then underneath the State Department would be the CIA. Underneath the CIA would be all of the major press organizations. I would be willing to bet that some college fraternities are CIA front organizations. I would also be willing to bet that some college presidents are active CIA members.
The reason that I am pointing this out is that western society is basically a giant criminal octopus. If a truely righteous person came down from the heavens that person would be justified it giving out death sentences and or long prison sentences to millions of people in NATO countries plus Japan, South Korea, and Australia, and Taiwan, and Israel.
But of course anyone who would put to death millions of westerners would be called someone worse than Stalin and Hitler combined by those living in the west. They do not recognize that their own leaders are actually the ones worse than Hitler and Stalin combined.
The combined might of the Chinese and Russians and Indians wouid not be enough to liberate the USA and last few remaining true Americans from their earthly overlords.
Thank God for AGW. AGW will bring an end to western criminality. But it will also help millöns escape justice.
Curt Kastens
Wow, this is juicy. I just saw on a Times of India youtube video that Lavorov says that Russia will not take part in any peace negotiations until Ukrainian forces leave the Kursk area. That is a pretty clear signal to me that Russia will not try hard at all to push the Fastnacht forces out of that small territory of Russia that they occupy. The Russians will then have an excuse to liberate all of Ukraine east of the Dniper or maybe even all of Ukraine east of the Danube before they even begin negotiations.
But I someone who carries more weight than me should remind the Russian leadership somethinig that a well known Lebonese Leader said during the Lebonese Civil War. He said we we are losing we do not want to negotiate becuase our position would not be advantagous. But when we are winning we do not want to negotiate either becuase there is no incentive to comprimise.
The morell of the story is that winning on the battlefield quickly cements a victory before new developments can cause the victory to unravel.
I have very little contact with anyone outside my immediate family at this point. Therefore I am not highly qualified to make this assessment. But my guess is that if the USA and its NATO allies get involved in a shooting war with Russia they will not be able to win unless they institute a military draft. And if they try to institute a draft the shit is really going to hit the fan in Europe and the USA. But that is only a guess based on how little I see young people showing enthusiasim for going to war against Russia. But, because the circumstances for the masses of people in Europe and North America are not really all that different now than they were in 1914. Two military blocs are invloved in a conflict that has no ideological component what so ever. And in 1914 when young people were called to kill young people with different last names but for really no ideological reason what so ever people answered the call to evil (or sin if you are religous).
I do not support Russia and China because they are paridigms of advanced behavior. Though they might be paridigms of advanced behavior I am not in a position to judge that. I support Russia, China. Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran because it is the western nations that are the blatant aggressors who have failed to negotiate in good faith with those that they aggress against. These western nations use negotiations simply as a means to improve their ability to destablize the nations that they target.
Unfortunately a gnat does not carry much weight on the world stage.
Curt Kastens
Here is another bombshell in a week of bombshellls. This time in Romania.