(Keyboard fixed, at least for now, so let’s get on with it.)
Trump has threatened blanket tariffs on multiple nations, including most of Europe, Canada and Mexico. This is an effective threat. The Bank of Canada estimated the effect of such tariffs on Canada at six percent of GDP, and I’ve seen an estimate for Germany of about one percent of GDP, after previous losses due to anti-Russia sanction effects on energy costs.
But what this tells us is that many nations are over-dependent on trade with America. Our economies are too intertwined with America’s economy, especially Canada’s. America’s massive and persistent trade deficits also indicate that America isn’t competitive. This isn’t a surprise, the American economy is controlled by oligopolies and monopolies with middlemen taking unearned profits and the overall cost structure, from housing to medical care to everything else is high, especially with respect to asset prices, which have been deliberately inflated since about 1979.
What we should do, all of us who are being threatened, is tell the US to fuck itself, slap retaliatory tariffs on the US, add in export tariffs so the US really hurts, and reorient trade towards each other—form a trade bloc without the US.
It’s worth pointing out that many of Trump’s tariffs are essentially illegal under various trade agreements the US has signed. Yet no one doubts that Trump can impose these tariffs despite their illegality. Remember that a signed treaty has the force of law in the US.
The US is, and has been a rogue nation for a long time and the rule of law means nothing in America.
I’m going to talk primarily about Canada because I know the situation here best. We’ll start with a little history.
For most of Canadian history, we exported mostly raw and refined resources to America. Minerals, oil, fish, lumber and so on. Often it was illegal to export them without doing at least primary processing: no raw logs, fish were canned in Canada and so on.
The original sin of over-integration with the US was the US-Canada auto-pact. We got a lot of jobs and factories out of it, but it was used as leverage over us. When Canada’s world-leading aviation industry of the 50s produced a jet, the Avro Arrow, which was much better than any American jet, the US threatened to take away the auto-pact unless we ended the program. And by end, I mean we disbanded Avro and we sunk the jets in a lake. Male engineers were hired by US firms, the female engineers got to be housewives, since the US in the 50s was 100% a patriarchal society. (As an aside, this was a post-war thing, the 30s were not as patriarchal.)
This story is so flaming hot in Canada that the original classification was renewed when it was due to end. Even now Canadians are angry about the Avro Arrow, something which happened 7 decades ago.
In the 80s, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney wanted a free trade pact with the US to ensure market access. Most Canadians were against it and the 88 election was fought about the FTA. Mulroney won because the anti-FTA vote was split between the Liberal and NDP parties. He rammed thru the FTA, which was later rolled into NAFTA and is now called the USMCA.
The deal included a lot more than just trade, it had IP laws and reduced the ability of Canada to use tariffs and subsidies itself and including nasty taking laws which made it nearly impossible to regulate foreign companies in Canada. Because our nation sells so many resources, the Canadian dollar tends to fluctuate a lot. When it’s high (it was higher than the US dollar for a couple years around 2015, for example) it’s devastating to our industry.
The old policy, which started around 1880 or so was called the Canadian mixed economy. When the dollar was high because of high resource prices, we’d subsidize manufacturing. When it was low, we’d subsidize resource producers and gave generous unemployment benefits to laid off resource workers.
That policy created one of the best and most prosperous economies in world history. But the condition which allowed it was that we had strong ties to both the British Empire/Commonwealth and to the US. In the 70s, the Brits, under intense US pressure since the end of WWII had their economy basically collapse. They had to go to the IMF for help and joined the EU, which bailed them out. The result of that was that their trade became very oriented towards the EU and the Commonwealth countries were left on their own.
Without a counterweight against the US, Canada felt weak. It didn’t stop Pierre Trudeau (the current PMs father) from telling the US to suck it when necessary, he even closed the border at one point, but Mulroney didn’t have the balls and he was right that our hand had become a lot weaker.
So Mulroney rammed thru the FTA. He was repaid by the Progressive Conservative party being essentially wiped out in the next election. Canadians really didn’t want the FTA/NAFTA. But once it was in, no successor government got rid of it.
The result was that Canada lost most of its industrial base. Ironically we even lost a lot of those auto-pact jobs, as American auto companies got their pants beaten off them by Japan and South Korea.
Pre-FTA about 30% of our exports to the US were autos and auto parts, 20% were petroleum, and miscellaneous machinery was about 15%.
Fast forward to today, 30% of our exports are petroleum, 13% are automobiles (the pact), and miscellaneous machinery is about 8%.
Can you say Dutch disease? Sure you can.
We’ve become a much more one note exporter, which is why Alberta and Saskatchewan are betraying our united front. They do most of the exporting, after all.
But the larger point is general de-industrialization and over-dependence on American markets. This has become enhanced over the last 8 years as our relations with China have degraded, due to Trudeau’s stupidity and pandering to America.
If this anti-China pandering worked, if it made it so America wouldn’t pull shit like tariffs, maybe it could be justified, but all its done is hurt our relationship with a potential trade partner and counter-weight to America’s influence on our economy.
So, what to do?
To start, leave the USMCA. The US has never obeyed NAFTA or the USMCA when it didn’t want to. Back in the 00s they slapped tariffs on timber, and ignored repeated rulings against them. We should have left then, but better later than never.
Second, start rebuilding our own industrial base. We still have plenty of scientists and engineers and vibrant universities. We can still bring in more scientists and engineers if we need to. This will require tariffs and subsidies, so institute them.
Third, bribe the resource workers who will be hurt. Just straight up find a way to give them a big chunk of change.
Fourth, re-institute Canadian ownership laws which require companies to be 51% Canadian owned, including foreign subsidiaries. Have the government take an additional 10%, and promise that all dividends from that 10% will be shared with Canadian citizens as direct deposits every year. Make it clear that we are willing to trade, but that trade no longer includes the right of foreigners to buy up our economy.
Fifth, form trade deals with countries other than the US. These should be bilateral or small multilateral in most cases with tariffs and subsidies allowed on both sides for key industries. We should pick a few industry sectors to concentrate on, and trade with other countries in the other sectors: that way they get something in exchange for the deal.
Sixth, go back to the old cyclical subsidization system: industry when our currency is high, resources when it’s low. Make it so that ordinary workers (and voters) are protected from the cyclical effects of a dual economy.
Seventh, put a lot of the resource profits into a sovereign wealth fund, to reduce the cyclical effects and provide the inevitable busts and for the inevitable and ongoing movement away from petrochemicals. Like it or not, alternative energy is coming on strong and the days of the petrol economy are drawing down. We’ve still got a couple decades to go, but the role of government is to make these long term plans. The fund should prioritize investments in petroleum regions, both to get them onside and to prepare them for the drawdown.
There’s plenty more details, of course, but these are the fundamentals. We’ll talk more, soon, about how trade should actually work if it’s to be for the benefit of all countries. Needless to say, such a regime would have princicples almost directly in opposition to those that have existed under GATT and its successor, the WTO.
I like your ideas, but #7 would run aground on the constitutional allocation of natural resources to the provinces. This was one of the most serious built-in flaws in the construction of Canada, because it set the stage for races-to-the-bottom between provinces on things like royalty rates and regulatory regimes.
Ian Welsh
Sub-boreal. Good point. I wonder if it could be gotten around by something like Pierre Trudeau’s creation of Petro-Canada: just force buy the petrochem firms and control it that way.
Of course it would cause an absolute freak out in Alberta, but we might be able to get around it by bribing them directly with the profits and making sure there are profits. Make the percentage of profits given based on where you live and how much petro is there, so Albertans and whatnot get more.
Mary Bennet
Is Canada currently a member of the WTO? If so, do you think Canada should or must withdraw from that organization?
Ian Welsh
We are. We may have to, though we should get other agreements in place first. In the meantime, just ignore rulings we don’t like, other nations do.
Purple Library Guy
Oddly, a while ago the Americans sabotaged the WTO hard enough to make it pretty much a dead letter–they refused to select people to be on the “Appellate Body” that decides disputes. It doesn’t have a quorum, can’t make rulings. Still, now might be a good time to get out, before they change their mind.
I agree with the list. Incidentally, the foreign ownership thing–the Chinese did that. Worked pretty well for them, just saying.
Clonal Antibody
You might find DeepSeek’s analysis interesting
Ian Welsh
Yes, I read that analysis. Comes in about the same range as the BoC, but makes the assumptions visible.
Get up. Stand up. Stand up for your rights.
Yeah, screw the capitulation and kow towing to NAFTA and all the rest. The billionaires and zillionaires and all their toxic agendas.
Canucks unite! (Get on board Montreal.) This train’s leaving the station.
I pray for organization and solidarity among the discontent and down trodden masses.
May enlightened leadership arise to topple the capitalist titans wherever they may hold sway.
Go hosers go!
Some Guy
A good summary (I think you mean Saskatchewan, not Manitoba) and I agree with the general thrust of what you are saying.
But I think you need to go further up the chain of cause and effect before anything can really be changed in Canada. As long as our current media environment remains so toxic and so American (perhaps I repeat myself), things will get worse, not better.
Canadian ownership laws need to start with media, and must go beyond just ownership by Canadians. The ownership should also be widely held (no individual more than 5% at most) and owning multiple newspapers or TV stations or radio stations should be outlawed as well (yes, these are dying, but they still cause trouble).
With respect to social media, any site hosting political discussion needs to be Canadian owned, or at the least, must reliably identify the country of all posters and limit bots (both of these could be accomplished by charging a modest registration fee), must be decentralized/open in its design and most not use any algorithms beyond those which can be explained in brief, clear language. Any site that doesn’t meet these requirements should be banned.
The purpose of these rules is to prevent any particular individual or corporation from controlling the media/information environment or putting ‘a thumb on the scale’.
If this was done, then perhaps we could have the discussion needed to accomplish whatever needs to happen next. But without this, things will just keeping getting worse.
But who am I kidding, the owner of a social media site can give Nazi salutes in front of a global audience, insult our leaders, join in neo-Nazi rallies, promise to aid a hostile government in annexing our country, fill the site with bots and paid foreign influence ops, continually make the functionality worse and most people and institutions in this country will just keep posting away on it, like they are auditioning for a spot on the Titanic Orchestra.
Point being, your post and my response are just an intellectual exercise, we are going down hard, and nothing is going to stop it.
Mark Level
As usual, well-grounded & well-sourced data and ideas for going forward, Ian.
Trump 47 puts the Ugly Face very openly on the US Empire, no doubt. The simplest, perhaps facile take is that the biggest bully in the school (the “international community”) has just declared his single tyranny over all the smaller, aspirational bullies. If those kind of metaphors worked, it would only stand to reason that all the smaller fry would band together to kick his ass & end his supremacist dominance. (This would certainly happen in primate bands & has been observed many times.)
Sadly, though, at least in the West, the Ruling Class are all connected thru trade, inter-marriage, seats on boards, etc. and so many will not challenge the pecking order, even when their own subordinate group are being beat down relentlessly. See, e.g., the vicious and insane “Sir” Keir Starmer, sending millions of pounds to Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and making sure the UK elderly lose their winter heating subsidies so they can die off quietly. And like Genocide Joe & Kop Kamala he nominally “represents” “the Left” (Lol) in his declining, divided, shithole country. They’re only there to support the Daddy Right.
If more people had Mago’s spirit (hell, we could just call it a sense of agency, we don’t need to exalt it with metaphysics) perhaps some actual grassroots groups could emerge to push back. However, in an age of the Trump-Larry Ellison “Stargate” Mass Surveillance AI Panopticon and the Tech Giants’-MICIMAC domination of The Narrative, we will not be allowed that until something like 80% of the populace are homeless & desperate enough to Refuse & Resist.
It’d be nice to see BRICS grow and some nations leave the toxic West; it will happen, surely, but not fast enough to make much difference in the near term. “The center cannot hold,” surely– but the Looters will loot, despoil, & kill off the Lessers for the foreseeable future, outside of countries like Russia & China, Colombia (I never would’ve seen that one coming) who mostly take care of their own.
“Are we the Baddies?” It’s hard to deny the obvious except among the MICIMAC story-spinners. “Everybody Knows” as the lyric of a great Canadian artist said. Now the question is when everybody starts to do.
I think one of the worst things to ever happen to Canada was NAFTA as it quickly destroyed the skills and industry that had allowed us to make possible the best military plane, the Avro Arrow, before it was killed by the Americans. We had the manufacturing skills and farming productivity that allowed us to be independent. Now almost all our fresh fruit and veg comes From Mexico, USA and apples from China!
The overall thesis may be valid, but the Avro Arrow episode seems to be a cherished conspiracy theory that many patriotic Canadians ‘know’ to be true.
As far as I can tell its cancelation was fundamentally an internal Canadian affair. The Arrow was a good interceptor (it wasn’t a fighter jet), though probably not ‘much’ better than anything American, that had the misfortune to be developed at the end of the brief age of the interceptor. The US at the time, and sometimes even now, wasn’t actually opposed to adopting foreign developed weapons on occasion. But the age of the ICBM was clearly dawning and Canada simply didn’t have the money to try and defend against two types of nuclear threat at once, especially when the strategic bomber threat was of rapidly diminishing relevance.
Chuck Teague
As Some Guy said: Scott Moe, premier of Saskatchewan.
“Like it or not, alternative energy is coming on strong…”. I find that debatable.
“The fund should prioritize investments in petroleum regions, both to get them onside and to prepare them for the drawdown.” The Canadian taxpayer is already heavily invested in assuming the oil/gas industries’ responsibilities to clean up their pollution, other environmental damage, well decommissioning, etc. Responsibilities that the industries used to be held to, but were gradually diminished to next-to-nothing by compliant provincial politicians. The C-suite millionaires of these petrochemical companies need to be made personally responsible for these costs, otherwise they will do even less than now as their industry “draws down” due to decreased profitably (not due to lack of demand or emissions/pollution concerns).
– CT
Ian, I would love to see your program enacted but I am not at all sure that the average Canadian is willing to pay the price that the transition would entail.
Even before that, Canadian leadership seems to be mostly comprador leadership. (I know that is the case in Europe; not as sure about Canada.)
I also wonder how far the US would go if Canada tried to become independent.
In any case, I hope Canada does find a way. The world needs a Canada much more than it needs a US mini-me.
About Alberta, I think it is about more than just buying off Albertans. They would want some way to maintain the healthy blue collar economy they enjoy.
One way would be to build a pipeline through BC and sell Albertan oil on the world market*. Don’t see any way to do that without forcing on very unwilling First Nations.
*That is when we would find out if the US has the nerve to invade Canada. Or perhaps Washington would settle for just Nordstreaming the pipeline. (Repairs on land are much easier though.)
Funny how Ottawa (and Ontario) are speaking of a united front when it benefits them. They had pretty much zero concern for Alberta and Saskatchewan’s issues prior to this point.
different clue
Perhaps if such a colonialist imperialist pipeline were illegally built over sovereign First Nations lands, the affected First Nations might well bide their time till the pipeline was completed and then Nord Stream it their own selves, over and over and over again. They might well dare Canada to wage an overt Indian War against the First Nations to protect that pipeline.
Of course the anti-americanitic left would accuse the US of doing it. The First Nations might well use that as a kind of “sanctions-on-Russia” cover to keep on doing it over and over again even more.
I remember a year ago or so a self-identified First Nations member offering a comment on one of these threads to the effect that ” The First Nations are done asking Canada’s permission for things.”
the pair
trump and the rest of the states’ oligarchs – with the visual aid of the gaza holocaust – have made it crystal clear: There Is No Law. on paper? maybe. but those only count when enforced. otherwise it may as well be a spell from harry potter.
that makes it easier to simply rip up NAFTA/USMCA/NAMBLA or whatever it’s called this week. china is going to the WTO but that will probably help as much as going to the ICC helped palestine. again: the US is saying al the quiet parts out loud and the main one is: There Is No Law. NONE.
if i were to add anything to the list:
no foreign ownership of real estate. AT ALL. also to start the mass building of sustainable green houses to get us through the non-growing season of september to april. even north godd-mn korea has been doing that.
the china ties have been my main source of pessimism as far as the vassal bootlickers in ottawa actually having any spine. despite the rampant sinophobia being made from whole cloth by whatever idiots in DC hand out talking points to the fords and freelands and polyamoryfevers* it seems so ingrained at this point that it’s probably a lost cause. freeland was on CNN this morning and when zakaria asked about forming trade alliances with other countries >such as china< you could almost spot the exact moment her brain convulsed so hard she forgot algebra.
* maybe it's my dyscalculia but i just can't be arsed to spell or say his name correctly. or maybe because he's a MAGAgpt chatbot that just says "derp carbun tacks" on repeat for hours at a time.